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- Fog is a pigeon living around 246 HE and belonging to those pigeons Rebakah Cooper feeds to hear their ghosts. He is a pale blue-gray, with a blue-green collar and dark wing tips. Fog is one of the pigeons carrying a ghost of a man who was killed in the Opal Murders.
- Fog is a smoky, lithe gray she-cat with wide ears, a pointed muzzle, and bright blue eyes.
- Fog (с англ. Туман) — карта в сетевой игре Call of Duty: Ghosts из DLC Onslaught.
- Fog is a spell creating a thick dark grey fog fifteen metres around the caster. This mist negates Dark Seeing as well, is a rating 2 spell, and is also a Priest Spell.
- Fog is a skull found in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo Wars, and Halo 5: Guardians. It was not present in Halo 3: ODST due to the lack of a motion tracker, and was then replaced in Halo: Reach and Halo 4 with Cloud which has the same effect. Fog is a gold skull.
- Mortals do not want to face their own mortality, and any acknowledgement of wraiths means that they must also acknowledge that they too will one day die. "The Fog" is the name wraiths ascribe to mortals’ instinctive denial of their existence. Mortals affected by the Fog react to wraiths in a variety of bizarre ways, but inevitably block the encounter from memory similar to Delirium that the Fera inflict upon their victims. Those who do not comprehend the terror of death (animals, children, the insane, etc.) are not affected by the Fog.
- Fog is a complex atmospheric phenomenon. It is a visible mass consisting of cloud water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface. Fog can be considered a type of low-lying cloud, and is heavily influenced by nearby bodies of water, topography, wind conditions, and even human activities. In turn, fog has affected many human activities, such as shipping and transport, warfare, and culture.
- Fog appears on various indoor maps with Ghosts.
- Founded: 1990s Headquarters: Minneapolis, MN
- Fog ist eine kleine bis mittelgroße Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Ghosts, die mit dem Onslaught-DLC thumb|Fogerschien. Sie spielt auf einem dunklen und unheimlichen Campingplatz bei einem See in der Nähe von Washington, der von Nebel umgeben ist. Sie wird von Horrorfilmen und dem Übernatürlichen an sich beeinflusst.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Quiet and mysterious, Fog, once the wind god Aeolus, gives his Children the ability to hide, sneak and conceal. Fog hides many secrets in his murky interior. Fog teaches his Garou the value of patience and subtlety. The Children of Fog gain in subterfuge and stealth skills, and find it easier to see through the mists surrounding the mysteries of the world. Uktena, Stargazers, and some Black Furies favor this Totem.
- FOG binary file format that contains environment mapping data used in Tracks.
- Fog is the product of water droplets or ice crystals being near the surface of the earth. Fog is generally associated with Jack the Ripper, who is imagined as murdering prostitutes in the fog.
- File:Fog-Nebel ASS44-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!
- On January 7, 2015, fog was added for players with their graphics quality set to 7. It was heavily criticized, one reason being that official fog had 'ruined' scripted fog. Many players on the forum have asked ROBLOX to add a feature to make fog optional instead of mandatory. Instead, as a response to the protests, ROBLOX removed the feature.
- Unprepossessing fog attacks unprotected areas of the body. Corrodes skin, hair, eyes, leaving a scorched corpse. Getting into fog without protective suit or oxygen mask leads to death.
- Fog is a cloud-like layer of mist or another form of water in the atmosphere that reduces visibility. The Raven's smokescreen of mirror-type photons blinded Superman, much like that of a fog.
- This item blocks the victim's field of vision. It can be quickly cleared by blowing into the Nintendo DS microphone.
- Fog is a cloud that is in contact with the ground. The Atlantis expedition came across a planet covered in fog, which was later revealed to be energy beings. (SGA: "Home") When investigating a planet believed to be one of Michael Kenmore's facilities, a mysterious fog rolled in, which was later revealed to be secreted by Michael's experiments. (SGA: "Whispers") Lt. Matthew Scott, Chloe Armstrong and Eli Wallace came across a planet that had a large amount of fog on it, on their way back to Destiny. (SGU: "Human")
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Fog banks can be both useful and harmful, depending on the circumstances. Be cautious though, as no one can attack, pickpocket, or follow others in a fog bank. Attacks cannot follow a player into fog banks, not even deflection or Vengeance damage, or damage-over-time effects from abilities like Deadshot. It is very useful for getting away from Ancient Magicks. Players can eat inside fog banks, making "guerrilla" tactics easier. Players cannot dismiss or withdraw items from clay familiars in fog. Items can be dropped and retrieved inside fog banks.
- Fog is used for three purposes in GoldenEye: To add atmosphere to outdoor areas, to add a distance shadowing effect to indoor areas, and to obscure unloaded rooms in large outdoor areas. The properties of fog are determined by the stage's weather block; its color comes from the color of the sky. Like all N64 translucencies, fog is often partially or completely missing when the game is emulated.
- Statistically, Fog has 165 HP, 14 PP, 32 Attack, 6 Defense, 22 Agility, and 6 Luck. Like all other Mercury Djinn that are fought, in terms of resistance, it has a Mercury Resistance rating of 193, Venus and Jupiter Resistance ratings of 100 each, and a Mars Resistance rating of 25, and in regards to its abilities it uses its available Mercury-based attacks with a Mercury power rating of 125. Fog can use the following battle commands:
- Fog is a concentrated suspension of water vapor, and is formed when water condenses into tiny liquid water droplets in the air. Fog is highly unlikely on a planet with no cloud formations, bodies of water, or changes in surface temperature. Despite lacking these features, Korob created fog on the planet Pyris VII by telepathically drawing the image of fog from the USS Enterprise landing party in 2267. (TOS: "Catspaw" ) That same year, when the Enterprise visited Argelius II, the fog was very heavy on the planet's surface. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" )
- Sea, ocean, ice, glaciers, snow, and tundra are the dominions of Fog Witches. Puff of Fog (Su): As a standard action, you can create a 5-foot-radius cloud of fog. This power has a range of 30 feet. Creatures inside the cloud take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and Perception skill checks for as long as they remain inside and for 1 round after exiting the cloud. Creatures inside the cloud gain concealment from attacks made by opponents that are not adjacent to them. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
- Fog or mist is a concentrated suspension of water vapor, and is formed when water condenses into tiny liquid water droplets in the air. At the Battle of Valcour Island during the American Revolution, the Colonial fleet was able to escape Valcour Bay and avoid the Royal Navy's notice due to the arrival of fog from the north. (Enterprise Logs short story: "The Veil at Valcour") When the USS Enterprise approached the planet K-G, it passed through a "space fog" containing plant spores which fastened to the hull and penetrated the ship. (TOS comic: "The Planet of No Return")
- If you are reading this, then I am dead, and you are standing aboard a derelict Cyclone class patrol ship, the USS Mistral, with her engines dead and her electrical systems nonfunctional. I am, was, the XO of this vessel, Lieutenant Commander Ryan Simmons. Please read this carefully. If you are an officer or enlisted man in the United States Navy, this is an order: Scuttle this vessel, immediately. Do not finish this letter. Get off the Mistral at once, and send her down. Consider this a quarantine scenario; all hands are likely dead. God help you if they are not. Credited to [Josef K. ]
- FOG is a branch from of the Kirigakure's ANBU Black Ops, Established roughly twelve years after the Fourth Shinobi War. Unlike the ANBU they are not under direct orders from the Mizukage. Those within this division our commanded by a masked female codenamed; Tokumei (匿名; Lit. Anonymous). FOG is top secret, meaning none of the civilian villagers know of them and nor do most of the shinobi. Only the seven swordsman of the mist, the Mizukage and a select few Jonin and ANBU know of its existence. All members of FOG are codenamed, they dont know their own comrades real names. FOG are tasked with operations that are, by world law, illegal. However these operations are always in the interest of Kirigakure and the Land of Water. The operations they recieve aren't allowed to be taken up by the offi
- Bizonyára már hosszú ideje izgatja a fantáziádat, hogy mi lenne, ha képes lennél élve elfogni valamilyen szörnyet. Most, hogy már elég jártas vagy a csapdakészítés tudományában, és a szörnyismeretek szakértelmed sem elhanyagolható, erre lehetoséged nyílik! Ahhoz, hogy egy szörnyet el tudjál fogni, legtöbbször szükséged van valamilyen ravasz csapdákra. Nem árt tehát, ha elkezdesz Feltalál parancsot kiadni olyan tárgyakra, amelyeknek ilyetén jellegű felhasználására eddig nem gondolhattál. Adtál már ki például sikeres F parancsot kötélre? Igen? Talán most érdemes újból megpróbálni... Persze többféle csapda létezik, van, amelyet úgy használsz, hogy odaszaladsz a szörnyhöz, és megpróbálod vele elfogni, de a legtöbbet fel kell állítani, türelmesen kell várakozni - ez pedig sok időbe kerül... A c
- The Fog are a group of alien monsters from the 1994 film Kamen Rider J. This parasitic alien race's very presence is signaled by a mass amount of mist and cataclysmic events. Every millennium, the Fog Mother gives birth to a new brood to feed on the life forms of a planet she landed on. One such brood was responsible for the mass extinction of the Earth's dinosaurs, which were their sole food supply. 75 million years later, the Fog Mother returns to Earth with a new brood while her three children perform the ritualistic prayer before going out to obtain the sacrifice for their siblings to feed on so they may consume the human race.