| - "This road, which, is in fact little more than a shepherd's track, was formerly accorded the unaccountably grandiose Quenya name Laitie Yara, which was "the Old Greenway" in the Common Speech. We have no doubt that the local countrymen would allege that this is because the road was discovered by Tar-Aldarion. As a often the case in places frequented by shepherds, the proper name has been corrupted to a mixed form, with the second element now replaced by Sindarin "iaur", also meaning "old"." -Findegil of Gondor
| - "This road, which, is in fact little more than a shepherd's track, was formerly accorded the unaccountably grandiose Quenya name Laitie Yara, which was "the Old Greenway" in the Common Speech. We have no doubt that the local countrymen would allege that this is because the road was discovered by Tar-Aldarion. As a often the case in places frequented by shepherds, the proper name has been corrupted to a mixed form, with the second element now replaced by Sindarin "iaur", also meaning "old"." -Findegil of Gondor The Men Galen (S. "Green Road") was a graded dirt road that transversed and encircled the central and eastern Pinnath Gelin in Anfalas.Following the path of an earlier shepherd's trail, the Men Galen was leveled in the early Third Age, shortly after Tarannons pacification of Anfalas, and Thereafter served as an important route for the annual flock movements in the Mesta. Beginning at Serelond on the central coast of Anfalas, the Men Galen followed the course of the Celgalen stream northwards as far as Umb Estelwain, at which point it striked due east through the Pinnath Gelin to Rond Rhandir. From there the road turned southward, hugging the eastern boundary of the hills until it reached the sea once again.