| - Despite his wealth, he thinks his brother 1920salleo is very corrupt person, and will not allow him to have any beer, poisoning and attacking him if he tries. Because of this, he tends to go a little crazy, willing to do anything to get a good drink. 1920salleo also stole some of 1920sgee's money, and is generally a bit of a jerk (although not quite as bad as 1890salleo). 1920sgee is now a member of the Weegee League Against Corruption. Otherwise, he is very similar to his earlier versions and shares some common interests with 1910sgee (who see each other as friendly rivals rather than enemies).
| - Despite his wealth, he thinks his brother 1920salleo is very corrupt person, and will not allow him to have any beer, poisoning and attacking him if he tries. Because of this, he tends to go a little crazy, willing to do anything to get a good drink. 1920salleo also stole some of 1920sgee's money, and is generally a bit of a jerk (although not quite as bad as 1890salleo). 1920sgee is now a member of the Weegee League Against Corruption. Otherwise, he is very similar to his earlier versions and shares some common interests with 1910sgee (who see each other as friendly rivals rather than enemies). He is much more friendly and open than his relative 1910sgee, and is often considered more "progressive" and upbeat than 1910sgee. His wife 1920szeh generally has shorter hair, wears more jewelry, and has a shorter skirt than 1910szeh. 1910sgee called 1920szeh a man once, causing 1910sgee to try and beat him up. He once became friends with Alcapeegee, considering their common interest in money and gaining beer, but eventually quit after realizing how many people he had "taken care of". 1920sgee is one of the only surviving people to have quit the Fakegee Mafia.