Darkness Breath is an anime-only Darkness Magic Spell.
Level: Skeletal Dragon 6 Spell Resistance: yes Allowing the millions of souls within your body to glimpse freedom, they lash out with black tentacles, tearing away your foes flesh and bones. Make a full attack, with an extra attack at your highest base attack bonus on your opponent's touch AC. These attacks all deal normal damage as well as 1 strength damage and if at least 3 attacks hit you deal an additional number of damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Creatures must make a fortitude saving throw if struck by any of these attacks DC: 16+ Strength modifier, or be shaken for 1 hour per level.
Darkness Breath is an anime-only Darkness Magic Spell.
Level: Skeletal Dragon 6 Spell Resistance: yes Allowing the millions of souls within your body to glimpse freedom, they lash out with black tentacles, tearing away your foes flesh and bones. Make a full attack, with an extra attack at your highest base attack bonus on your opponent's touch AC. These attacks all deal normal damage as well as 1 strength damage and if at least 3 attacks hit you deal an additional number of damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Creatures must make a fortitude saving throw if struck by any of these attacks DC: 16+ Strength modifier, or be shaken for 1 hour per level.