| - The 1º Batalhãode Aviação do Exercito (1st Battalion of the Army Aviation, BAvEx) Also known as Falcon Squadron, was the first air unit to be created with the resurrection of the Army Aviation in 1986. He received his first helicopter in 1989 and started its air operations. Performs attack missions, reconnaissance, security, raid, medical evacuation, artillery shooting aid, infiltration and exfiltration of troops in combination with other units of Brazilian Army, as well as other military services . He is a member of the Força de Ação Rapida (Rapid Action Force, FAR) and is able to be employed anywhere in the country at any time.
| - The 1º Batalhãode Aviação do Exercito (1st Battalion of the Army Aviation, BAvEx) Also known as Falcon Squadron, was the first air unit to be created with the resurrection of the Army Aviation in 1986. He received his first helicopter in 1989 and started its air operations. Performs attack missions, reconnaissance, security, raid, medical evacuation, artillery shooting aid, infiltration and exfiltration of troops in combination with other units of Brazilian Army, as well as other military services . He is a member of the Força de Ação Rapida (Rapid Action Force, FAR) and is able to be employed anywhere in the country at any time. Also performs actions for the benefit of other federal government agencies, such as IBAMA, In the control and monitoring of fires, and state and local governments in cases of public calamity. It features two squadrons : A Reconnaissance and Attack Squadron, consisting of aircraft HA-1 Fennec armed with rocket launchers seventy millimeters and with axial .50 caliber machine guns (12,7 mm) and a General Employment Squadron, consisting of aircraft HM-1 Pantera armed with machine guns sides. Currently, the squadron is based in Base of Aviation in Taubaté.