High School Musical is a 2012 comedy drama film and a reboot to the High School Franchise, previously owned by Disney. The film is set in a high school at the beginning of a new semester; two students from rival cliques, Troy Bolton, the basketball team captain, and Gabriella Montez, a 'braniac' student, fall in love and decide to try out for the upcoming school musical.
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| - High School Musical (Remake)
| - High School Musical is a 2012 comedy drama film and a reboot to the High School Franchise, previously owned by Disney. The film is set in a high school at the beginning of a new semester; two students from rival cliques, Troy Bolton, the basketball team captain, and Gabriella Montez, a 'braniac' student, fall in love and decide to try out for the upcoming school musical.
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| - High School Musical is a 2012 comedy drama film and a reboot to the High School Franchise, previously owned by Disney. The film is set in a high school at the beginning of a new semester; two students from rival cliques, Troy Bolton, the basketball team captain, and Gabriella Montez, a 'braniac' student, fall in love and decide to try out for the upcoming school musical.