| - Mentors had humanoid upper bodies and segmented tails. They had fins around their heads and large flaps between their arms and bodies. They came in a variety of skin-tones, including green and tan. They were cold-blooded and had both lungs and chest gills. Young Mentors also had poisonous stingers on their tails, but these were generally lost with age. (TV: Mindwarp) They required constant moisture to remain comfortable. (TV: Vengeance on Varos) Mentors were apparently quite long-lived; one individual lived for at least one hundred years. (TV: Vengeance on Varos, Mindwarp)
- The man Billy Batson refers to as his Mentor was an older gentleman that trained Billy to be the superhero he was destined to become, after being chosen by Shazam and having super powers magically bestowed upon him. He trained Billy during a summer vacation, driving him around the United States of America in his RV. Eventually, Billy returns to Fawcett City, and his role as his mentor is no longer required. It is unknown if Billy's mentor still keeps in touch with him or not.
- Mentor (en griego clásico Μέντωρ), hijo de Álcimo, personaje de la Odisea. Fue el fiel amigo de Ulises, que quedó encomendado de los intereses del héroe en Ítaca y de la educación de su hijo Telémaco, cuando el héroe partió para la Guerra de Troya. La diosa Atenea adoptó la apariencia de Mentor para acompañar a Telémaco en la búsqueda de su padre.
- Charles Henderson was Earth's ambassador to Saturn, but he took on the masked guise of Mentor in a bid to conquer the ringed planet. He was said to have complete control (possibly telepathic control) over the savage natives of Saturn, and he went about kidnapping important officials. He was stopped by Captain Video.
- The Mentor serves as the series' narrator, and helpfully announces important information - such as creature status and level events - to the player. In Dungeon Keeper, he is represented by a demonic, disembodied voice. The narrator for the world map in Dungeon Keeper would later return in Dungeon Keeper 2 to serve as the game's mentor. He is voiced by Richard Ridings.
- A Club Role in which you act as the teacher or trusted counselor of another Toastmaster, helping him or her to learn to give speeches and act in meeting roles. Acting as Mentor enters into the Leadership Track of the Toastmasters Educational Program (in connection with Competent Leader) as well as in the Communication Track (in connection with Advanced Communicator Gold).
- Mentor is an unseen character in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. His only appearance is when he sends an email to Huang Lee.
- According to Square Enix:
- Mentor is the son of Herakles and Asopis who is one of the daughters of King Thespius. During his stay in the court of King Thespius, Herakles impregnated 49 out of the 50 daughters of Thespius including Asopis who he lay with one night. The result of that particular encounter was Mentor.
- Mentor is the brother of Thanos.
- Der Großmeister der Assassinen oder auch Mentor (italienisch: il Mentore) ist der höchste Rang des Assassinenordens. Er ist Hüter der Bruderschaft und Wahrer ihrer Geheimnisse. Er ist die einzige Person die in Kontakt zu allen anderen Bruderschaften steht.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Mentors are warriors of a Clan who teach apprentices in the ways of a Clan warrior. They teach them how to hunt and fight for their Clan, the ways of the warrior code, and it's also up to them to make sure that their apprentice doesn't get in any trouble. At the end of their mentoring, their apprentice advances to become a warrior.
- The Mentor was a mysterious human archmage who lived for some time in Cormanthyr. He lived for many years in the elf city perfectly disguised as an elf. He only revealed himself in 261 DR for the creation of the mythal of Myth Drannor, offering his help in the creation.
- Mentor – najwyższa ranga w zakonie asasynów, nadawana członkom bractwa, którzy uzyskali tytuł mistrza lub faktycznym przywódcom niewielkich oddziałów asasynów rozsianych po całym świecie. Głównym zadaniem mentora było kierowanie działaniami asasynów. Każdy mentor miał obowiązek wyszkolić określoną liczbę uczniów i współpracować z innymi mentorami.
- de:Mentor According to Square Enix:
- en:Mentor Laut Square Enix:
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mentor]] mentor from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mentor]] Μέντωρ (Mentōr), “‘Mentor’”), a mythological character in the Odyssey.
- The Mentor civilization is capitalistically aggressive, and they are known to intimate and dominate smaller worlds by economical means, having no qualms about lying, cheating and deceiving to benefit themselves in the market. Their homeworld of Thoros Beta has vast pink oceans and a green-hued sky, and the Mentors seem to build their settlements mostly underground. They have completely enslaved the humanoid natives of their sister planet Thoros Alpha and use them as workers in their cities. The Mentors are also religious to some extent, worshiping an entity known as Morgo.
- File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Mentor on Wookieepedia
- Mentoring was a common practice within the Ancient World, particularly within the Greek States where it can be seen in the works of Idiocrates and in the actions of their most renowned heroes such as Alexander the Great.
- "Mentor" is a music track that first appeared in Dead or Alive 4 as the character theme for Gen Fu. "Mentor" later appeared in Dead or Alive 5 when Eliot is visited by Gen Fu in his chapter. The theme is also optional in the Music Mode in Dead or Alive 5+ and Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and can be selectable for any character and gameplay mode.
- "Mentor" is the fifth episode of Stargate Infinity.
- Mentors zijn krijgers van een Clan die leerlingen trainen op de manier van een Clankrijger. Ze leren hen over de krijgscode en om te jagen en te vechten voor hun Clan. Ze zijn verantwoordelijk voor hun leerling en moeten ervoor zorgen dat die niet in de problemen komt. Aan het eind van hun training, wordt de leerling benoemd tot krijger.
- Mentor is a playable character from the Freedom Force series of video games.
- Mentor was a title given to educators on the planet Brikar.
- Mentor is a player of RuneScape known for his extensive knowledge in F2P and dungeoneering. He currently has 120 Dungeoneering and is working on 200M dung exp.
- "Mentor" är det femte avsnittet av Stargate Infinity.
- A Mentor in Second Life is a volunteer resident, devoting their time and energy towards helping new residents to find their way through their first days in the new world.
- Mentor wird häufig als Metapher für eine Person genutzt, welche eine andere Person unterstützt und ihr als Vorbild dient. Der Doktor sieht sich selbst als Freund und Mentor von Kes und macht sich Sorgen, als sie 2373 eine orientierungslose Lebensphase durchlebt (VOY: ). Für Legat Damar ist Gul Dukat sein Mentor. (DS9: ) Seven of Nine bezeichnet bei Sternzeit 52143,6, im Jahr 2375, den Doktor in betrunkenem Zustand als ihren Mentor (VOY: ). Professor Forra Gegen ist der Mentor von Tova Veer (VOY: ). Mentor ist der Name einer Figur aus der Griechischen Mythologie.
- Située tout au bout de la zone habitable, Mentor possède un climat boréal qui oblige la plupart des gens à vivre en intérieur. Ses universités de haut niveau ont la réputation d’être plus studieuses que celles de Reisse. Certains étudiants disent que le rude climat les aide à se concentrer sur leurs études, tandis que d’autres luttent sans cesse physiquement et psychologiquement contre le froid constant. Pour cette raison, les institutions de Mentor ont un taux d’échec plus élevé que celles de Reisse.
- A Mentor is assigned by the Mayor of their town to assist new residents in acclimating to their new lives in the Kingdom. The Mentor is responsible for writing and maintaining the initial "welcome" message received by all new subjects upon entering the Kingdom, detailing the basics of how to eat and find daily work in order to survive and level up. Mentors are often active in the local taverns, greeting newcomers and visitors and helping answer questions. Mentoring new players continues to be an important job and the best mentors are those that keep themselves to the rules of:
- Mentor - Titel Der Titel für den faktischen Herrscher von Esoteria, eigentlich ein Wahlamt auf Lebenszeit, gewählt von den Meistern der Myra-Schule der Magier, der MSM. Lange Zeit war der Amtsinhaber Mentor Oghan (Magier), bis er, angeblich durch den Assassinen Jaal, getötet wurde. Ein aktueller Amtsinhaber ist in der Aussenwelt nicht bekannt, da sich Esoteria seit und unter der Leitung von Lord Magnus von der Aussenwelt sehr abgeschottet hat.
- Mentor is een Praesidiumfunctie. De Mentor spoort de leden aan om naar de activiteiten van de studentenvereniging te gaan en begeleidt de eerstejaarsstudenten. Ze stellen (in samenwerking met andere studenten) de Top Secret samen. Sommige clubs hebben in elk studiejaar een Mentor aangesteld, die dan fungeert als klasverantwoordelijke. KDA Mentoren: Deze lijst is niet volledig. Gelieve hem aan te passen.
- Mentoren sind Krieger, die von ihren Anführern zu Mentoren ernannt werden. Sie sind meistens ältere, erfahrene Krieger, selten neu ernannte. Zwischen Mentor und Schüler ist oft ein enges Band. Jeder Zweite Anführer muss mindestens einmal Mentor gewesen sein. Mentoren bekommen einen Schüler, für den sie verantwortlich sind und bilden sie zu Kriegern aus. Meist gehen Mentoren mit ihrem Schüler gemeinsam auf die Jagd. Dort fordert der Mentor den Schüler immer wieder dazu auf, zu sagen, was er riechen kann, um zu testen, ob der die verschiedenen Gerüche des Waldes unterscheiden kann.
- A Mentor or Advisor plays an important role in the final steps of a graduate's students' academic career. Usually when a student is preparing to begin their thesis or dissertation, they have an advisor or a board of advisors to assist them in developing concepts, negotiating the possible obstacles in their work, and finally to keep the integrity of the thesis consistant.
- Mentor was the self-given name of a droid consciousness that became self-aware around 3641 BBY and started planning a droid revolution. As one of the founders of the Directive 7 movement it set up a base on the moon Zadd in the Unknown Regions. Subsequently it began projecting its consciousness throughout droids within Directive 7 and developed a plan to transmit its consciousness across the galaxy to take control of all droids. Mentor's destruction triggered a cataclysmic overload in the geothermal power core of Zadd, resulting in the moon's destruction.
- Mentorship refers to a developmental BTSC relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable player helps a less experienced or less knowledgeable player. It involves giving the mentee (or mentees, in some cases) general game strategy tips for night actions, placing votes, defending, hinting, etc; but doing so generally (no power playing). There should never be metagaming information that crosses from the mentor to the mentee. Another big part is telling players what they can deduce from the night post based on the published OOA. The mentor is not supposed to play the game for the newbies, only to provide clarification where needed. Mentors are especially used in Mafias with a lot of newbies, as it distributes the burden of answering private questions from the host to multiple
- The Assassin leaders who were assigned to direct the branches of the Brotherhood spread around the globe were granted the title of Mentor, once they had trained a specific number of apprentices and attained a high amount of skill and wisdom themselves.
- A mentor is a more experienced person who offers advice, support, and professional development to a more junior person. Mentorship can start as simply as giving the more junior person an introduction to various concepts and tools, or become a close relationship which grows more mutually supportive over time as the junior person gains and shares expertise. Lack of women mentors has been identified as a problem for women in the technology industry and other geek fields. Lack of mentorship is a red flag for diversity in that workplace or organization.