| - Breeish refers to the language of the Breemen in MERP. In J.R.R. Tolkien´s Books the Bree-People have archaic english names, but the place-names in Breeland derive from celtic elements in old english placenames (cornish, welsh or cumbrian).For example:
* Archet (corn. ar+chet "in (the) wood")
* Bree (corn. bre "Hill")
* Chetwood (corn.chet "wood"+engl.wood)
* Combe (cumbr. cumb "bowl, valley")
* Crick (wel. crug "heap, stack, mound")
* Staddle (OE. Staeth "bank, waterside" or wel. ystad "furlong, stadium")
* personal names (male):
* family names (men):
| - Breeish refers to the language of the Breemen in MERP. In J.R.R. Tolkien´s Books the Bree-People have archaic english names, but the place-names in Breeland derive from celtic elements in old english placenames (cornish, welsh or cumbrian).For example:
* Archet (corn. ar+chet "in (the) wood")
* Bree (corn. bre "Hill")
* Chetwood (corn.chet "wood"+engl.wood)
* Combe (cumbr. cumb "bowl, valley")
* Crick (wel. crug "heap, stack, mound")
* Staddle (OE. Staeth "bank, waterside" or wel. ystad "furlong, stadium")
* personal names (male): Barley(man),Bill,Bob,Harry,Mat,Ned,Nick,Nob,Rob,Rod,Tom,Will.
* family names (men): Butterbur, Ferny, Goatleaf,Greenhand,Heathertoes, Rushlight, Pickthorn, Thistlewool.
* family names (hobbits): Appledore,Banks, Brockhouse, Brownlock,Longholes, Mugwort, Sandheaver, Tunnelly, Underhill Breeish is considered a rural form of Westron with some Iaurdaenael (or rather Mebion Bron) loanwords while the older Brerion or Archaic Breeish was a Mebion Bron dialect of the Iaurdaenael.