| - Sharpkit groaned as he was kicked in the face. "Dapplefang?" "Yes, Sharpkit?- Featherkit! Leave your brother alone!", came the harsh mew of his mother. Sharpkit groaned again, and rolled over to his mother. His dull, gray fur brushed the bright ginger, lively pelt of his mother. "Featherkit, play with Mosskit, or Larkkit. Let your brother rest now", Dapplefang chided. Sharpkit could hear Featherkit grumbling and padding over to play-fight with Brackenkit. "Actually, Sharpkit, it's sunhigh. You should be up and active; go and play with the others or explore camp. Huh, you've only had some meager share of mouse, go eat another catch", Sharpkit was crestfallen when he heard Dapplefang's second order. He had been looking forward to calmly resting beside Dapplefang. He padded out of the nursery
| - Sharpkit groaned as he was kicked in the face. "Dapplefang?" "Yes, Sharpkit?- Featherkit! Leave your brother alone!", came the harsh mew of his mother. Sharpkit groaned again, and rolled over to his mother. His dull, gray fur brushed the bright ginger, lively pelt of his mother. "Featherkit, play with Mosskit, or Larkkit. Let your brother rest now", Dapplefang chided. Sharpkit could hear Featherkit grumbling and padding over to play-fight with Brackenkit. "Actually, Sharpkit, it's sunhigh. You should be up and active; go and play with the others or explore camp. Huh, you've only had some meager share of mouse, go eat another catch", Sharpkit was crestfallen when he heard Dapplefang's second order. He had been looking forward to calmly resting beside Dapplefang. He padded out of the nursery. I may as well eat, seeing as Featherkit took most of my share in the mouse that Dapplefang gave us He padded over to the fresh kill pile, and shoved Poppykit and Mosskit, who were there, away. "Hey! Don't you have any manners?!", Mosskit leapt up. "It's fine, Mosskit...", Poppykit mewed gently. Sharpkit glared at them both and went ahead to take a rabbit. Mosskit huffed and stormed over to the nursery, muttering how toms these days had no manners. He turned to Poppykit. "Do you...want to share this rabbit?" The tortoiseshell kit looked astonished. "Sure" Beauty, beauty, Poppykit smiled as Sharpkit brought her freshkill. "Thanks". After the two kits finished their meal Sharpkit asked if Poppykit wanted to play mossball. Before she could say anything, Mosskit strolled over. "You can play moss-ball with me, Sharpkit" tbc