| - The Arrowcave is the headquarters for Oliver Queen and his team. It houses Oliver's equipment and costume for his heroic persona, Green Arrow, formerly The Arrow. The base now also holds the gear for the Black Canary, Speedy, Spartan, and for a brief period the White Canary too. It also has Overwatch's tech setup. Used by Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, and Laurel Lance, it is sometimes referred to as The Foundry, The Lair, or The Bunker.
| - The Arrowcave is the headquarters for Oliver Queen and his team. It houses Oliver's equipment and costume for his heroic persona, Green Arrow, formerly The Arrow. The base now also holds the gear for the Black Canary, Speedy, Spartan, and for a brief period the White Canary too. It also has Overwatch's tech setup. What was going to become the first base of operations for Oliver, was originally one of Queen Consolidated's factories, located in The Glades. After the great increase of crime in The Glades, the factory was closed, and there was nothing left in the structure. The bottom of it was a big empty space that served as a conduit pipe. After the Alpha-Omega bio-attack on Starling and the SCPD's discovery of the base (courtesy of Ra's al Ghul), the team relocated to Oliver's secondary base, found underneath Palmer Technologies. After Jeremy Tell infiltrated the base, Oliver decided to once again relocate the base, claiming that it would be a "surprise", and with help from Cisco Ramon and S.T.A.R. Labs, it was relocated to underneath his mayoral campaign headquarters. Used by Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, and Laurel Lance, it is sometimes referred to as The Foundry, The Lair, or The Bunker.