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- Shredder nasce a Lipsia, Prussia nel 1867. Figlio di un tagliaerba e di una trinciatrice, è famoso per essere stato un grande Ninja, tiranno malvagio e cancelliere della Prussia per due mandati.
- en:Shredder Shredder sind große, pflanzenähnliche Kreaturen, die den Sumpf von Torvus bewohnen. Sobald sich der Shredder bedroht fühlt, entwurzelt er sich selbst aus dem Erdboden und fliegt mit seinem helikopterartigem Blattwerk zu seinem angehenden Angreifer, bevor dieser explodiert und versucht, jenen mit seinen gefährlichen Dornen zu verletzen. Eine verwandte Spezies von ihnen begegnet man ebenfalls im Sumpf von Torvus: dem Shrieker.
- Shredder is a special move used by Smithy and Culex in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
- The shredder was a terran automaton. It was developed after the first phase of the Second Great War after analysis of the battles fought, in order to better improve the terran war machine.
- The Shredder is a level 2 ship dedicated to anti-air; it is outfitted with two missile launchers and a Cobra-like flak cannon that can quickly destroy any aircraft that comes its way. It has a very long build time however, and Searchers are usually a more time-and-cost-effective choice for anti-air. Its ARM counterpart is the Archer.
- The Shredder is a Big Gun in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
- Shredder (also spelled Schreider and Shreida) is a Human Summoner and a former member of a now-disbanded Hamelin.
- Shredder is considered by some the best robot in OMF 2097, simply because it's got the craziest combos. Any time Shredder lands a headbutt, Flip Kick, or jumpkick, the opponent should die, which is why the player should always be fast to maximize the chances of landing one. Strategy is much the same as for Electra: charge in with a jumpkick, headbutt, or flip kick, then either start a huge combo or mixup attacks until the opponent fails to block, then start a Flip Kick mega-combo. The Flying Hands can be hit, but they're still a good keep-away move and set up Shredder's infinite combo against slower pilots. Fighting against a Shredder is a simple matter of defeating the Flip Kick and headbutts, then moving in.
- Shredders are large plant-like creatures that live in Torvus Bog. Upon being disturbed, the Shredder will uproot itself from the mud, then, using its helicopter-like vines, fly towards its would-be aggressor, before exploding and shooting thorns at him, her or it. A relative of the species is also encountered in Torvus, the Shrieker. Shredders are found in the Torvus Lagoon and Ruined Alcove.
- A shredder is
- __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;">Shredder</span></default> <format><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span></format> Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 2,000 Dropped by Dropped by Transmutable Untransmutable Shredder increases Damage for Shotgun by 5% to a maximum of 30%.
- The Shredder is a weapon featured in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil and Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion. It is an automatic firing weapon and is quite similar to the Auto Shotgun.
- The Shredder is one of the finishing items in the game. After doing pretty much whatever is deemed necessary to a helpless target, Jack can then either throw them into the Shredder, or take them closer to it to perform a finishing move. You can also throw multiple targets into a Shredder at once if you hit them with a thrown object or person, even if the throw is an "A" finisher.
- Shredder is an NPC class type.
- Hayden Clark is a professional wrestler. He currently wrestles on the Raw brand of Wrestling Society X (WSX) as Shredder.
- The Shredder is a machine that is used to 'shred' paper into pieces for easy disposal. It was used in the Club Penguin Times by Herbert P. Bear, to 'shred' a message by him upon reading.
- Shredder, called Twin Flying Kicks (双飛天脚/Sou Hiten Kyaku) in Japan, is a move used by Paul Phoenix from the first game and onwards. Its input is uf+3,4.
- Shredder is a character from the film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze.
- Shredder ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, die 2013 erschien ist.
- __INDEX__ Oroku Saki, bekannt als Shredder, ist der furchtlose Anführer des Foot Clans aus der Animationsserie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles und hat es auf seinen alten Erzfeind Splinter abgesehen, wodurch er auch bei den Schildkröten keinen Halt macht.
- The Shredder is a mantle utilized by many characters throughout TMNT history, most often their prime antagonist, Oroku Saki.
- Shredder ist ein Ninjameister und in jeder Version der Erzfeind von Splinter, wenn auch aus jeweils verschiedenen Gründen, wodurch es auch zu den ganzen Kämpfen zwischen ihm, seinem Foot Clan und den Turtles kommt.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanagi | Izanagi: Zero File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Typhon File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Krishna File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple:
- The Shredder is a Normal flail for the Crusader in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. It requires character level 38 to be used.
- Attention: l'abus de shred peut casser le manche (ce conseil s'applique aussi à la branlette)
- Experiment 134 (Shredder) is designed to shread papers.Shredder shreads things by putting them in the back of his head.Then the shreaded remains come out through his mouth.Shredder is a green experiment with a shredder shaped head. His one true place is to stay with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her cats.
- The Shredder came equipped with giant buzz-saws, enormous tentacles, and a laser capable of absorbing life force energy from living tissue and converting it into power.
- Description: The Shredder pole contains practically all man-made objects meant to cut and pulverize. Well, the Roperians certainly built the Shredder from Intender (small town, southeast of Santa Francesca) with real vision, passion, and anger. __TOC__
- Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 2 – 13 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): barrel2_ShredderTitle_Projectiles1_Shredder Shredder is the title of a group of combat Shotguns with an increased projectile count of +2, meaning 11 pellets in total are released every blast. Examples are on the talk page.
- Shredders are handheld energy weapons used by the Andalites. Due to the devotion Andalites show to their tail blades, the shredders fire their beams from tails perched on Andalite ships. The Yeerks created a more brutal variant of these called Dracon beams. The two weapons have been compared to the phasers from Star Trek.
- Shredder was a competitor robot that fought in Series 5-7 of Robot Wars. While failing to progress beyond the first round in Series 5 and 7 - the former after accidentally driving itself into the pit against Mousetrap - it reached the Heat Final in Series 6, losing to S3 there. As Shredder Evolution, it also won the Battle of the Spinners that took place as part of Series 7. Team Shredder also competed in Series 3 with Manic Mutant, which lost its only battle.
- The shredder is an impressive goblin mechanical creature which is usually piloted by a goblin. Shredders are used for lumbering, but they can serve in war because of the solid metal construction of the machine and the great saws they wield. The first machine designed to mimic the humanoid form, goblin shredders use the steamsaws attached to their arms to cut down lumber at an incredible rate that is unmatched by peasant work crews. It moves at 10 miles per hour and has a crew of 1 usually designed for goblin-sized creatures, though larger version have been built). (MM&M 186) (M&M 187-188)