| - milk chocolate Pudding Recipe From The Cia's Baking at Home With The Culinary Institute of America Start to Finish 2 1/2 Hours, 30 Minutes Active.
* 3/4 Cup sugar, Divided
* 1/3 Cup cornstarch
* 1/4 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder
* 3 Cups Whole or low-fat milk (divided Use)
* 2 Large eggs
* 2 Large egg Yolks
* 4 Ounces milk chocolate, Melted
* 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
* 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract whipped cream, For Garnish (optional) chocolate shavings, For Garnish (optional) In a Large Bowl, Whisk Together 1/4 Cup of The sugar With The CornstarchAnd cocoa powder, Breaking up Any Lumps. Stir in 1/2 Cup of The milk,The eggs And egg Yolks. Whisk Until Smooth. Set Aside.Combine The Remaining 2 1/2 Cups milk With The Remaining sugar in aHeavy-Bottomed Saucepan And Bring to a Boil Over Medium Heat. Temper TheEgg Mixture by Gradually Adding About a Third of The Hot milk Mixture,Whisking Constantly. Pour The Tempered egg Mixture Into The Pan With TheRemaining milk Mixture. Cook The Pudding Base Over a Medium Heat, Stirring Constantly, Until TheMixture Reaches a Boil And is Quite Thick And Smooth, About 4 to 5Minutes. Remove The Pan From The Heat. Temper The chocolate by Adding About 1/2 Cup of The Pudding Base AndStirring Until Very Smooth. Pour The Tempered chocolate Into The Base,Add The butter And vanilla extract, Then Stir Until Well Blended.Pour The Pudding Into Eight 6-Ounce Ramekins or Custard Cups. Place aPiece of Parchment or Waxed Paper Directly on The Surface of EachPudding to Prevent a Skin From Forming. Pierce The Paper in 2 or 3Places to Let The Heat Escape. Chill For at Least 2 Hours BeforeServing. if Desired, Garnish With a Dollop of whipped cream AndChocolate Curls. Makes 8 Servings. Nutrition Information Per Serving (made With Whole milk, Not CountingGarnishes): 290 calories., 7 g Pro., 12 g Fat, 38 g Carbo., 115 mg Chol., 70Mg Sodium, 1 g Fiber ==contributed by :== * Catsrecipes Y-Group