| - The simplest route is to stick to the north-eastern wall of the area. Just head towards Saint Anjeka's Shrine by keeping to your right as much as possible. Traveling this way enables you to avoid most, if not all, the Warden mobs that litter the direct route. Remember to pause once in a while for the merchants to catch up, and keep an eye out in case a Warden gets too close. Against Warden mobs, the most dangerous enemy would be Wardens of Earth, as their Churning Earth spell can do a lot of damage to the merchants if they are within range of the spell's target. As you near Saint Anjeka's Shrine, there will be a very large mob of Dragon Mosses. Be aware that there is a Warden pop up near the narrowest point before the Dragon Mosses. That hidden group is small and easily dispatched but can be a danger to the merchants if you are also fighting the Dragon Mosses at the same time. If you observe the Dragon Mosses, they are actually comprised of two groups; the best time to attack is when the groups have started to move apart, allowing you to tackle the first group. Take down the first group as quickly as possible, with the aim to reduce their numbers before the second group comes back around. The merchants attack from range and are usually smart enough to stay behind, so it is quite easy to get the Dragon Mosses to target party members. But in case the unexpected happens and the merchants are under heavy attack, quickly run away to get the merchants to follow you. Having a Minion Master in the party will make this fight very easy. Once they are all dead, just lead the merchants the remainder of the way and the quest will be completed when Merchant Orek gets to the entrance to Saint Anjeka's Shrine. Alternative: Another way which is much safer but takes a bit longer by working the quest backwards. Map travel to Saint Anjeka's Shrine and kill all of the Dragon Mosses first. It should be easy since you don't need to worry about any merchants dying. After that, just head towards Brauer Academy, killing any monsters you encounter on the way. Talk to Merchant Orek and lead them to Saint Anjeka's Shrine, following the path you have already cleared.