| - Death from Above was an Imperial squad of five Zero-G assault stormtroopers dispatched to the Kwymar sector during the Galactic Civil War.
- Death From Above was a skill point in Ratchet & Clank: New and Improved. It could be acquired by killing 10 enemies while gliding in the air with Clank's Heli-Pack.
- Death From Above is one of the daily missions for villains in the Stealing from Steel set. It requires Home Turf episode access and a combat rating of 70+.
- Obtain Journal of Rochius Pitran from random mob drop in Cragwind Ridge
- Death From Above is a traditional bombing achievement that players can complete while on the daily quest Fire in the Skies. The daily is associated with the Druids of the Talon quests in the Firelands Invasion.
- Death from Above is a rogue ability from the Archery tree in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
- Captain Scoundrél runs the Mechane through the defenses of Azure City to deliver Elan to his friends.
- Death from Above is an instant rogue talent available at level 100. It is a 2-part attack: the first deals AoE damage, while the second part is single-target.
- Death from Above is a in Just Cause 2.
- Death from Above is a crossbow in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Crach an Craite gives this to Geralt as a reward for helping his offspring after the massacre at the Kaer Trolde feast hall.
- During Vox Machina's encounter with Gern Blanston in Cindergrove, they formed a tentative alliance. While battling an efreet, Vex'ahlia offered to hold his broom of flying. After the battle, she slipped it into Grog's Bag of Holding and lied to Gern, telling him that the broom fell into the lava.
- Death From Above, along with Force Field, are the latest unlockable Super Powers. It allows the player to hang in the air and hit the ground, similar to Stomp, although unlike Stomp, the higher the player, the more damage Death From Above causes. It has the only "Nuke" upgrade, which allows to create a nuclear explosion, if the player is very high in the air.
- Death From Above is a track in the biohazard4 Original Soundtrack. It is found in the first disk.
- Death From Above is a mission in Grand Theft Auto Online given to the player by Martin Madrazo. It is available for up to 4 players.
- Death From Above is a tribute from rock (or possibly progressive metal) band Holy Light of Demons to one of our favorite films and a possible recruiting video for the Mobile Infantry.
- Death From Above is a Fallout 3 quest and achievement that is added to the game in the Broken Steel add-on. The Lone Wanderer is sent to assist a Brotherhood assault on an Enclave outpost at the southwest corner of the map (west of the Dunwich Building), reached via the Rockland car tunnel. The satellite relay station is in a new area altogether and is heavily defended by Enclave soldiers.
- Death From Above was the debut single off of SlipKnoT's third album, Third Edition. Heavy even by SlipKnoT's standards, Death From Above dealt with the conclusion of the recent Sith Crusade and the destruction reign down upon the numerous planets of the galaxy by both the Sith Order of Decreto and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. A commercial success, Death From Above was noted as being JoJordis' favorite track, mainly because of its heavy drum use.
- Death From Above is a Tier Four skill in Gaige's Ordered Chaos skill tree. Shooting while in midair consumes stacks of Anarchy to cause a Digi-splosion that damages nearby enemies.
- By Tim H. Classic with some of the relative starting PUs, units, and att/def ratios tweaked. this version makes it less of a do or die game long "battle for karelia" than it seems to otherwise be and makes airpower cost effective without being overbearing. I welcome constructive criticism at thackenmiller@comcast.net File:Death from Above.png
- Death From Above is a medal that appears in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It is awarded if the player kills an enemy with falling kill. It is worth $500.
- Kratos must kill a total of at least 10 enemies in midair, in less than 200 seconds. Legionnaires Captain, Gorgon Queens, Fates Sentries, and Hades Juggernauts are encountered through the challenge.
- Interprete Lanzamiento Apariciones Duración Álbum Anterior soundtrack Siguiente soundtrack Death From Above (Muerte Desde Arriba en español), es el vigésimo quinto soundtrack del OST Resident Evil 4 Original Soundtrack utilizado en Resident Evil 4.
- Death from Above is a Gear that is featured in BioShock Infinite. It uses the Boots slot.
- Death From Above was a phrase used to describe air support from United States aircraft, primarily during the Vietnam War (1964-1973), from aircraft armed with miniguns and gatling guns to fire several rounds of ammunition at the enemy (North Vietnamese or Viet Cong) to support United States or South Vietnamese forces on the ground. However, it was an unofficial (i.e. unauthorized) motto for some paratrooper forces in the United States military during World War II. These troops had a yellow badge with a black winged skull wearing a helmet. Going deeper, the phrase originates in Latin (Mors ab Alto) as one of the formal mottos for one division of the United States Air Force. The motto accompanies an emblem of a blue shield with a yellow band (diagonal slash) (that arrangement was taken from
- Death from Above is the second-last mission of Heart of the Swarm. The Terran Dominion activated a potent anti-zerg psionic weapon, the Psi Destroyer, which took advantage of the zerg hive mind to destroy them. However, the primal zerg, which lacked this hive mind, were unaffected. The Destroyer was powered by several power links. Destroying a link would temporarily depower the Destroyer, and destroying them all would shut it down. Eventually, the Psi Destroyer was destroyed.