| - This is a list of Mystery Gifts that have been available in the game.
- Players will have to enter the Mystery Gifts store, where they can then send the 'Pawsome Purple', the 'Goopendous Green' or the 'Roarsome Red' gifts to up to ten friends each day. Mystery Gifts were released on August 21st 2013, along with the Mystery Gifts store and minor update such as the Pinboard and Friends Tree sounds being updated.
- NOTE: This feature has been removed in the final version of Z/O (1.5.2). Do not attempt to obtain the Mystery Gifts from the Main Menu, as it will cause your game to crash. Instead, these are now obtained in-game. Similarly to the main series of games, Zeta & Omicron possessed their own Mystery Gift system which connects the player to a server which then distributes the gifts to them. The earliest Mystery Gifts were obtained through the use of a code given during a "questionnaire" at all Poké Mart(s). Later they were obtained through an option at the main menu right below "Save Files."
| - This is a list of Mystery Gifts that have been available in the game.
- Players will have to enter the Mystery Gifts store, where they can then send the 'Pawsome Purple', the 'Goopendous Green' or the 'Roarsome Red' gifts to up to ten friends each day. Mystery Gifts were released on August 21st 2013, along with the Mystery Gifts store and minor update such as the Pinboard and Friends Tree sounds being updated.
- NOTE: This feature has been removed in the final version of Z/O (1.5.2). Do not attempt to obtain the Mystery Gifts from the Main Menu, as it will cause your game to crash. Instead, these are now obtained in-game. Similarly to the main series of games, Zeta & Omicron possessed their own Mystery Gift system which connects the player to a server which then distributes the gifts to them. The earliest Mystery Gifts were obtained through the use of a code given during a "questionnaire" at all Poké Mart(s). Later they were obtained through an option at the main menu right below "Save Files." Since the feature has been removed in 1.5.2, to obtain the Mystery Gifts you have to talk to the Policeman that is located in front of the Pokémon Lab in Zarivar Town. The Policeman will inform you that he's there to give you certain items because of issues with the Mystery Gift service. In order to receive all of the gifts, you need two empty spaces in your party. If you only have one empty spot in your party, you will receive the Hawlucha, but not the Shiny Noibat egg. If you then remove the Hawlucha and another Pokémon from your party, you will be able to talk to the Policeman one more time in order to receive an extra Hawlucha, an extra Aerodactylite, and the Egg, but you will not be able to exploit this a third time. If you had previously obtained the now-removed Mystery Gifts, you will get to keep them.