| - What if Buu's body instanly broke the shield and he was able to absorb Vegito. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, This power manifest in me. I am truly the strongest being in the universe. There is no one to opposed me," just then he got a headache. The Gohan within him had awaken. Gohan took control seperating the Buu, into two. Although he lost alot of power, he was still way stronger than Gohan Buu, who was now good, since being under Gohan's control. Gohan Buu, although alot weaker than Vegito Buu, punched him hard enough to make him regurgitate Piccolo Buu.
| - What if Buu's body instanly broke the shield and he was able to absorb Vegito. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, This power manifest in me. I am truly the strongest being in the universe. There is no one to opposed me," just then he got a headache. The Gohan within him had awaken. Gohan took control seperating the Buu, into two. Although he lost alot of power, he was still way stronger than Gohan Buu, who was now good, since being under Gohan's control. Gohan Buu, although alot weaker than Vegito Buu, punched him hard enough to make him regurgitate Piccolo Buu. Piccolo Buu then used his stretched arms to hold Vegito Buu, but he was too weak. Vegito Buu elbowed him in his stomach, then swung him around by his antenna. While Vegito Buu was distracted, Gohan Buu blasted him so many times with the masenko, and finally, he and Gotenks Buu split. Gohan Buu kicked Vegito buu to distract him, and then flew to the montain. There he stood, Piccolo Buu and Gotenks Buu crashed into him. From the smoke, emerged Mystic Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks. Gohan then attempted the super-saiyan transformation level 2, but got a level much much higher. Mystic SSJ3 Gohan was extremely powerful, but wasn't powerful enough to defeat Super Vegito Buu. So goten and trunks fused into ssj3 Gotenks he launched his super ghost kamikaze, Gohan launched his ultra masenko, Piccolo launched his Special Beam and All three Blast Colliding spliting Vegito from Buu, but it caught one of Vegito's earrings as well , thus splitting the two, Goku and Vegeta. Goku turned super saiyan 3 and Vegeta turned super saiyan two, ten the two punches collided and that was the last (supposedledly) of Super Buu