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- Octane is an inactive RHG character, more info coming soon.
- Octane ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Ghosts. Die Map erlangte große Bekanntheit in kurzer Zeit, weil thumb|Octaneman auf ihr eine ganze Tankstelle in die Luft jagen kann. Dabei können sowohl Verbündete als auch Feinde sterben und Abschussserien zerstört werden.
- Octane was a chemical substance found in alcohol.
- Octane — карта из Call of Duty: Ghosts.
- Feels that his ability to supply fuel makes him more important than he really is, and tries to use that to his advantage. Uses his three modes against his enemies in various ways -- enjoys forcing Autobots off roads and Aerialbots to abort landings just for fun. In jet mode: range 700 miles, maximum speed 750mph. In tanker mode: range 65,000 miles, maximum speed 95mph, carries 10,000 gallons of fuel. Carries fuel- powered flamethrower and deflecto-shield.
- Octane is a hydrocarbon and an alkane with the chemical formula C Octane is a component of gasoline (petrol). As with all low molecular weight hydrocarbons, octane is volatile and very flammable.
- OCTANE is a greedy, mean-spirited bully. Just to prove his own value, he's more than willing to let a fellow Decepticon slip painfully into inoperative status rather than offer them a drop of lifesaving fuel. Only after his thirsty victim begs for fuel and praises Octane does Octane relent. He entertains himself by forcing vehicles to swerve off highways and commercial aircraft to abort landing approaches at airports. Crashes caused by him make him howl with laughter. In Boeing KC-767 Advanced Tanker jet mode, Octane has a range of 7000 miles and can reach a speed of 750 mph, though he has virtually no offensive capabilities. In tanker mode, his range is 65,000 miles and he can go up to 90 mph. He can carry 10,000 gallons of fuel, and has internal equipment that modifies oil-based fuels in