| - The Apostle is a unit in the Civilization games.
- The twelve Apostels were eleven disciples of Jesus with a new one elected to replace Judas according to the Mythology of the New Testament. Paul is also frequently considered an apostle.
- A boss enemy encountered in the monastery cloister. It attacks when the party attempt to enter the entrance to the chapel area of the monastery. It is the last mandatory boss of disc three.
- The Apostles are a group of people who follow the teachings of Ciirta and believe Sheogorath is unfit to rule the Shivering Isles.
- According to Principia Discordia and other Discordian sources, the Five Apostles of Eris are: 1.
* HUNG MUNG (Holyday Mungday, 5 Chaos or 5 January) 2.
* DR. VAN VAN MOJO or PATAMUNZO LINGANANDA (Holyday Mojoday, 5 Disco or 19 March) 3.
* ZARATHUD THE INCORRIGIBLE, sometimes called ZARATHUD THE STAUNCH (Holyday Zaraday, 5 Bureaucracy or 12 August) 5.
* THE ELDER MALACLYPSE (Holyday Maladay, 5 Aftermath or 24 October)
- The Apostles were men selected by Jesus Christ to be sent out to tell the world about His life and work. . Apparently by design, the group was to be sustained at twelve in number. The original twelve were drawn from disciples that had gathered around Jesus in His first year of ministry. After Jesus had ascended into heaven, but prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit, Simon Peter called for an election to fill the vacant spot in the Apostolate. There were two men deemed eligible, so lots were cast (ballots thrown into a box) and the name of Matthias was drawn.
- Also: Apostle of the Faith. An elite soldier in the Azadi culture. Where the Azadi usually try to convert people to the worship of their Goddess via philosophical argument or cultural conquest, sometimes more desperate means are needed. The Azadi seem to believe, from comments by the Six, that a death at the hands of one whose faith in the Goddess is unquestioning, ensures the victim a rebirth in Her love and favour, whatever they did in life. A death in this manner is euphemistically called a 'conversion'. Helpfully, this belief also serves to remove powerful threats to the Azadi way of life.
- An Apostle is a demonic monster that was originally human, who acquired a Behelit and activated it in a moment of despair, summoning the God Hand to achieve their dreams in exchange for a sacrifice. The sacrifice required is normally (but not exclusively) a loved one, and as such, is always a thing that defines their humanity. As a consequence, one can deem an Apostle to be one who is rejected by humanity and rejects humanity in return. The usual variety of Apostles are those that transform their bodies into monstrous beasts, while a few possess unique abilities.
- The Apostle (神使, Shinshi lit. Divine Envoy) is the religious leader in Tellius and, together with the senate, decides how Begnion is ruled. During the time of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Sanaki is the apostle of Begnion, but in time it is discovered that she is not the true apostle.
| - The Apostle (神使, Shinshi lit. Divine Envoy) is the religious leader in Tellius and, together with the senate, decides how Begnion is ruled. During the time of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Sanaki is the apostle of Begnion, but in time it is discovered that she is not the true apostle. The apostle can hear the voice of The Goddess, which is why she is Begnion's spiritual leader. Sanaki had been lead to believe she was too young to hear the goddess's voice, so she never doubted her identity as the true apostle until Vice-Minister Lekain told her the truth: That she was not the first-born granddaughter of the former apostle Misaha and that she had an older sister who was the true apostle of Begnion. It is revealed in a second playthrough of Radiant Dawn that the powers of the apostle do not come from Altina, but rather her husband, Lehran. Altina's granddaughter, Yoram, was the first one confirmed to inherit Lehran's power to speak with the goddesses and the first recognized apostle of Begnion. Since then, every true apostle has been branded; members of the imperial line who did not inherit the brand, like Sanaki, have no power beyond that of an ordinary beorc.
- An Apostle is a demonic monster that was originally human, who acquired a Behelit and activated it in a moment of despair, summoning the God Hand to achieve their dreams in exchange for a sacrifice. The sacrifice required is normally (but not exclusively) a loved one, and as such, is always a thing that defines their humanity. As a consequence, one can deem an Apostle to be one who is rejected by humanity and rejects humanity in return. The usual variety of Apostles are those that transform their bodies into monstrous beasts, while a few possess unique abilities. The Apostles have only one absolute law decreed on them by the God Hand: "Do as thou wilt," allowing all Apostles to act on their free will in how they use their new status of being. However, this same law does not protect Apostles from one another, allowing Apostles loyal to the God Hand to eliminate those who interfere with their designs. Whilst Apostles are free to do as they please, they usually heed the call of the God Hand when they are needed, as seen for their migratory gathering at the site of the Eclipse and later to join Griffith's Neo Band of the Hawk.
- The Apostle is a unit in the Civilization games.
- The twelve Apostels were eleven disciples of Jesus with a new one elected to replace Judas according to the Mythology of the New Testament. Paul is also frequently considered an apostle.
- Also: Apostle of the Faith. An elite soldier in the Azadi culture. Where the Azadi usually try to convert people to the worship of their Goddess via philosophical argument or cultural conquest, sometimes more desperate means are needed. The Azadi seem to believe, from comments by the Six, that a death at the hands of one whose faith in the Goddess is unquestioning, ensures the victim a rebirth in Her love and favour, whatever they did in life. A death in this manner is euphemistically called a 'conversion'. Helpfully, this belief also serves to remove powerful threats to the Azadi way of life. An Apostle serves to fulfill this purpose, acting as part ambassador, part soldier and part assassin - given Azadi culture it is assumed that Apostles are usually male. From comments by Commander Vamon, it seems that Apostles are often of notable, if not noble, blood, and they are also highly skilled with the sword (presumably this includes martial arts as well), training in the War Garden in Sadir. Kian Alvane mentions he is not a 'scholar' and therefore does not think it is his place to question the actions of the Six; this implies Apostles are given a detailed but very specialised education. Once trained, Apostles are dispatched according to the direct orders of the Six. If Kian's attitude is typical, Apostles are quietly confident in their actions because they believe they are both protected and guided by the Goddess. According to their beliefs, they do not see their duties as murder, rather as serving the individual they are targeting. However violent their actions, they are fundamentally in the victim's interests because they will then be reborn in the sight of the Goddess... one way or another.
- A boss enemy encountered in the monastery cloister. It attacks when the party attempt to enter the entrance to the chapel area of the monastery. It is the last mandatory boss of disc three.
- The Apostles are a group of people who follow the teachings of Ciirta and believe Sheogorath is unfit to rule the Shivering Isles.
- According to Principia Discordia and other Discordian sources, the Five Apostles of Eris are: 1.
* HUNG MUNG (Holyday Mungday, 5 Chaos or 5 January) 2.
* DR. VAN VAN MOJO or PATAMUNZO LINGANANDA (Holyday Mojoday, 5 Disco or 19 March) 3.
* ZARATHUD THE INCORRIGIBLE, sometimes called ZARATHUD THE STAUNCH (Holyday Zaraday, 5 Bureaucracy or 12 August) 5.
* THE ELDER MALACLYPSE (Holyday Maladay, 5 Aftermath or 24 October)
- The Apostles were men selected by Jesus Christ to be sent out to tell the world about His life and work. . Apparently by design, the group was to be sustained at twelve in number. The original twelve were drawn from disciples that had gathered around Jesus in His first year of ministry. Acting under the authority of their Master, these disciples were instructed to do any miracle that Jesus had been doing. However, in his absence they were ineffective due to a lack of faith. After Judas Iscariot defected and betrayed Jesus, subsequently killing himself, the Apostles were briefly known as "the eleven." After Jesus had ascended into heaven, but prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit, Simon Peter called for an election to fill the vacant spot in the Apostolate. There were two men deemed eligible, so lots were cast (ballots thrown into a box) and the name of Matthias was drawn. Later, a Pharisee named Saul, who had been persecuting believers, was struck blind by the risen Jesus from His throne in heaven. This encounter was used to convert the zealous operative to the cause of the new religion (known first as 'the Way"). A believer in Antioch by the name of Luke would become Paul's associate, and write an account of both the life of Christ and the Acts of the Apostles. In the Acts Luke would record the rise of the Christian "movement" in Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Roman Empire. Concentration of the "inner circle" apostles -- James, John and Peter -- would dominate until Paul had been trained by Jesus. After the death of James, Peter would meet with supporters in Jerusalem and then disappear from the record as Paul emerged as the chief missionary for Christianity.