| - {Talking while she leads the player - gathering confidence, optimism / Confident} People keep leaving the island.
- {A little uncomfortable here, she's asking a lot / Apologetic} I know the money's a joke, but if my friends can resettle... I'm sure they'd do anything for you.
- Once you start turning on each other, how do you stop?
- {Worried / Worried} People are getting anxious. A little... unstable.
- {Steel / Defiant} My brother's been through enough. Those boots aren't yours.
- They say mainlanders are nothing but trouble. They're wrong.
- {Time is not on their side / Worried} Please... hurry.
- {Excited, LET'S GO! / Impressed} We got to see the Captain.
- What's Allen really ever done? Cause trouble. Remember who cleared the Lumber Mill.
- {Her father died horribly, but Bertha is a trooper - dealing with it / Somber} My father was a mechanic. A good one. Before the Fog took him.
- {Steel, dark warning / SinisterSmile} I'm giving you the one warning. Tony gets his boots back.
- {Feet planted - refusing to be dismissed / Irritated} Excuse me.
- All of us in the dregs owe you.
- Can you answer, please.
- Get lost, I don't need your charity.
- I don't have time for mainlanders.
- I like silence, too.
- I won't ever forget you.
- I'll miss Avery. Everyone will soon.
- {Relating a well thought out plan / Confident} If you give us some of those Acadian Fog Condensers, my friends are ready to homestead that lumber mill.
- Leave. Me. Alone.
- My brother's going to get better.
- No one talks to my brother. All right?
- {Threat - this is a non-trivial threat - she might actually do it / Angry} Sleep with one eye open.
- The Children of Atom changed awful sudden. Grownups don't just do that.
- {Doesn't bat an eye at this - tough! / Confident} We will. But first, time to see the Captain.
- We got to learn to ask for help.
- We're depending on you. We got nowhere else to go.
- We... need you, stranger.
- What makes you think I want to talk with you?
- {Confident - she knows her stuff / Neutral} Echo Lake Lumber Mill has power lines that connect to the old Wind Farm.
- You still here for some reason?
- You sure are quiet.
- You're... You're not like anyone I've ever met.
- {Irritated to be complimented or underestimated / Irritated} If you say so, I just don't want this pier to kill what's left of my kin.
- {Proud - strong / Defiant} They're all either too proud, too sick, or too poor to ask for something. So it's up to me.
- {Impressing the urgency / Somber} So we got to act fast.
- {Lots of force of will here / Defiant} We're going to turn back the tide. You'll see.
- {She's talking to the mayor and is completely confident / Confident} The mainlander cleared out Echo Lake Lumber Mill.
- {Insightful, guessing the player was involved} What happened to the Children of Atom weren't no accident. Right, stranger?
- {Confident / Confident} People that think straight. People worth saving.
- {Confident} I have to talk to you.
- {Confident} Mister.
- {Confident} My friends have already sent word.
- {Excited! / Impressed} We got to see the Captain.
- {Firm / Defiant} She's got things we need.
- {Insistent, interrupting / Confident} Ma'am.
- {Pleading / Pleading} Please, we need you.
- {Proud / Confident} Here's your pay.
- {Venom, threatening} Watch your step.
- {Real threat / Defiant} Make things right quick. Or else.
- {Respectful but insistent / Confident} Excuse me, ma'am.
- {Thinks about it, then is confident / Thinking} One Trapper. I... I think we can handle that.
- {Proud, almost ribbing the player / Irritated} Hey, you agreed to it. Too late to back out now.
- {Solemn, honest - then to business / Somber} If he lets us, I promise we'll try. But, we got to see the Captain first.
- {Grim - honest / Somber} No one any more. There was a family there. They didn't make it.
- What you did with Allen. Calling him out... Thanks.
- {Super strong / Defiant} The Fog's out to kill us all. Kids included.
- {A little unsteady, compassion for Malcolm / Somber} I... We thought he was dead. Been that long in the Fog...
- {A proud person pleading / Pleading} And owe you big. Please help.
- {Quiet, steel / Somber} Hey, Mister. Those aren't your boots.
- {Confident - relaying an important plan / Confident} If you clear the land, Harbormen can wire up the Condensers. Make it safe from the Fog.
- {Refusing to be blown off / Defiant} This ain't about some cat in a tree. A lot of us are starving at the end of the dock, we got no hope.
- {But then regroups, steels herself for what must be done / Defiant} Maybe it's better if he did die. We have people here that need a real home.
- {Curious, insightful / Question} Why? Did you find anyone there?
- {Grim - saying a truth / Defiant} Harbormen don't belong on this dock. If we keep clinging here, we'll bleed out and die.
- {Shocked, then angry / Angry} So you're just leaving us to rot on the dock? For one lousy trapper?
- {Proud, insistent / Confident} I got 14 1/2 caps. I want to hire you.
- {Used to being underestimated, very determined / Defiant} They've given up. All ready to walk off that pier and put an end to it. I'm not.
- {Making her case - articulate / Confident} We got to get off the docks, Captain.
- Remember who's given us a new chance to take back our island.
- {Draws a knife, fully capable of using it - venom and courage / Defiant} You might be thinking I'm just a stupid girl, thinking you can take me. But... Everyone's got to sleep.
- {Firm - confident / Confident} To get better, to grow stronger, we need land.
- {Insistent / Confident} Any time you interested in that job. I still got my 14 1/2 caps.
- {Said with real appreciation and pride / Impressed} Here's the pay. I don't care if you don't want it.
- {Not taking no for an answer - passion / Defiant} But we're no good here. Harbormen need their own land. Something to protect and hold.
- {She has a dream / Confident} But now that there's land, land to call their own they'll come back.
- {Surprised, impressed - but proud / Impressed} They're right about you. What they say. But if you help, you'll get paid.
- {Annoyed, proud / Irritated} I know it's nothing, but it's all I got.
- {Hoping beyond hope / Worried} Is the Lumber Mill safe now?
- The Captain's Dance was supposed to only be the stuff of stories.
- Allen's always looked out for us. The mainlander would choose trappers, trappers, over us.