| - *Free players will no longer gain levels in Summoning
- *Summon dreadfowls and use dreadfowl strike scrolls
- *Summon spirit wolves and use Howl scrolls
*Own the following pets: bulldogs, dalmatians, greyhounds, labradors, sheepdogs, terriers, baby troll, eek
*Ability to raise your Summoning level to 5
| - 1.0
- 10.0
- 2.0
- 3.0
- 4.0
- 5.0
- 6.0
- 7.0
- 8.0
- 9.0
- *Summon bronze minotaurs and use bronze bull rush scrolls
- *Required to start The Curse of Arrav
*Summon macaws and use herbcall scrolls
*Summon brave bloodragers and use tier 5 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon iron minotaurs and use iron bull rush scrolls
*Summon pyrelords and use immense heat scrolls
*Required to complete the Seers' Village medium tasks
- *Summon steel minotaurs and use steel bull rush scrolls
*Summon ibises and use fish rain scrolls
*Required to complete the Falador hard tasks
- *Summon rune minotaurs and use rune bull rush scrolls
- *Summon void ravagers and use call to arms scrolls
*Summon void shifters and use call to arms scrolls
*Summon void spinners and use call to arms scrolls
*Summon void torchers and use call to arms scrolls
- *Summon little deathslingers and use tier 2 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon arctic bears and use arctic blast scrolls
*Own ex-ex-parrots as pets
*Summon wise bloodragers and use tier 8 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon iron titans and use iron within scrolls
*Own monkeys as pets
*Nourish sated ancient effigies in Summoning
*Summon sachem hoardstalkers and use tier 10 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
*Required to complete the Karamja elite tasks
- *Required to start A Clockwork Syringe
*Summon naabe hoardstalkers and use tier 7 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon wolpertingers and use magic focus scrolls
*Summon sachem deathslingers and use tier 10 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Own Pigs as Pets
- *Own chameleons as pets
- *Required to start A Void Dance
- *Summon bunyips and use swallow whole scrolls
- *Summon desert wyrms and use electric lash scrolls
- *Summon giant ents and use acorn missile scrolls
- *Summon granite crabs and use stony shell scrolls
- *Summon pack yaks and use winter storage scrolls
- *Summon naive bloodragers and use tier 3 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon bull ants and use unburden scrolls
*Own giant crabs as pets
*Summon class 3 clay familiars in Stealing Creation
- *Summon geyser titans and use boil scrolls
*Summon adept skinweavers and use tier 9 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon little hoardstalkers and use tier 2 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon spirit spiders and use egg spawn scrolls
*Own the following pets: geckoes, and platypi
*Wear antlers
- *Summon little bloodragers and use tier 2 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon Spirit Tz-Kih and use fireball assault scrolls
*Summon naive deathslingers and use tier 3 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon granite lobsters and use crushing claw scrolls
- *Summon cub bloodragers and use tier 1 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
*Summon class 1 clay familiars in Stealing Creation
*Ability to raise your Summoning level to 99
- *Required to start Summer's End and While Guthix Sleeps
*Summon albino rats and use cheese feast scrolls
*Own broaves as pets
*Summon naive stormbringers and use tier 3 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon smoke devils and use dust cloud scrolls
*Summon naabe bloodragers and use tier 7 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon abyssal parasites and use abyssal drain scrolls
- *Summon swamp titans and use swamp plague scrolls
*Own vultures as pets
*Summon adept hoardstalkers and use tier 9 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon ravenous locusts and use famine scrolls
*Own the following pets: Saradomin owls, Guthix raptors, and Zamorak hawks
- *Summon spirit kalphites and use sandstorm scrolls
*Summon naive hoardstalkers and use tier 3 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon fruit bats and use fruitfall scrolls
*Summon naabe skinweavers and use tier 7 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon honey badgers and use insane ferocity scrolls
*Summon keen deathslingers and use tier 4 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon brah skinweavers and use tier 6 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon compost mounds and use generate compost scrolls
- *Summon keen skinweavers and use tier 4 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon Nightmare muspah and use Siphon self scrolls
*Summon adept bloodragers and use tier 9 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon brah bloodragers and use tier 6 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon meerkats and use Fetch Casket scrolls
*Own the following pets: creeping hands , minitrices , baby basilisks , baby kurasks , abyssal minions , and rune guardians
*Required to complete the Fremennik Province easy tasks
- *Summon abyssal titans and use essence shipment scrolls
*Nourish nourished ancient effigies in Summoning
*Summon sachem stormbringers and use tier 10 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
*Required to complete the Ardougne elite tasks
- *Summon giant chinchompas and use explode scrolls
*Summon naive skinweavers and use tier 3 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon phoenixes and use rise from the ashes scrolls
*Own phoenix egglings as pets
*Summon wise deathslingers and use tier 8 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Nourish starved ancient effigies in Summoning
*Summon sachem bloodragers and use tier 10 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Required to start The Void Stares Back
*Summon spirit jellies and use dissolve scrolls
*Summon brah hoardstalkers and use tier 6 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
*Pikkupstix will enchant lunar helms to hold up to 110 Summoning scrolls
- *Pikkupstix will enchant adamant full helms to hold up to 50 Summoning scrolls
*Pikkupstix will enchant slayer helmets to hold up to 50 Summoning scrolls
*Pikkupstix will enchant snakeskin bandanas to hold up to 50 Summoning scrolls
*Summon class 2 clay familiars in Stealing Creation
- *Summon spirit cockatrices and use petrifying gaze scrolls. Similarly, summon spirit coraxatrices, spirit guthatrices, spirit pengatrices, spirit saratrices, spirit vulatrices, and spirit zamatrices
*Summon brave stormbringers and use tier 5 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Pikkupstix will enchant warrior helms, berserker helms, archer helms, and farseer helms to hold up to 50 Summoning scrolls
*Summon keen hoardstalkers and use tier 4 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon cub deathslingers and use tier 1 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon evil turnips and use evil flames scrolls
*Summon brave deathslingers and use tier 5 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon adamant minotaurs and use adamant bull rush scrolls
*Summon forge regents and use inferno scrolls
- *Summon beavers and use multichop scrolls
*Summon keen stormbringers and use tier 4 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Own squirrels as pets
*Summon class 4 clay familiars in Stealing Creation
*Pikkupstix will enchant Armadyl helms to hold up to 120 Summoning scrolls
- *Summon unicorn stallions and use healing aura scrolls
*Summon Light creatures and use enlightment scrolls
*Required to complete the Tirannwn hard tasks
- *Own ravens as pets
*Wear feather headdresses
*Wear spirit capes
*Pikkupstix will enchant dragon helms to hold up to 110 Summoning scrolls
- *Summon lava titans and use ebon thunder scrolls
*Summon spirit dagannoth and use spike shot scrolls
*Summon adept stormbringers and use tier 9 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon spirit cobras and use ophidian incubation scrolls
*Summon naabe stormbringers and use tier 7 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon karamthulhu overlords and use doomsphere scrolls
- *Summon cub hoardstalkers and use tier 1 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Required to start Spirit of Summer
*Summon spirit scorpions and use venom shot scrolls
*Summon little skinweavers and use tier 2 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon cub stormbringers and use tier 1 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon praying mantises and use mantis strike scrolls
*Summon wise hoardstalkers and use tier 8 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
*Required to start Plague's End
- *Summon obsidian golems and use volcanic strength scrolls
*Summon wise stormbringers and use tier 8 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon vampyre bats and use vampyre touch scrolls
*Summon keen bloodragers and use tier 4 Sundering Strike scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon abyssal lurkers and use abyssal stealth scrolls
*Summon naabe deathslingers and use tier 7 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon hydras and use regrowth scrolls
*Own raccoons as pets
*Own sneakerpeepers as pets
*Summon class 5 clay familiars in Stealing Creation
*Required to complete the elite Falador tasks
- *Required to start Salt in the Wound
*Pikkupstix will enchant helms of neitiznot to hold up to 90 Summoning scrolls
*Summon brave hoardstalkers and use tier 5 Aptitude scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon fire titans, moss titans, and ice titans, and use titan's constitution scrolls
*Summon wise skinweavers and use tier 8 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon mithril minotaurs and use mithril bull rush scrolls
*Summon barker toads and use toad bark scrolls
- *Skill mastery
*Buy the Summoning cape and hood from Pikkupstix in Taverley, and wear them
*Summon steel titans and use steel of legends scrolls
*Own dragons as pets
*Own TzRek-Jad as pets
*Own Frosty as a pet
*Summon sachem skinweavers and use tier 10 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon brah stormbringers and use tier 6 Snaring Wave scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon stranger plants and use poisonous blast scrolls
- *Summon bloated leeches and use blood drain scrolls
*Summon brave skinweavers and use tier 5 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon adept deathslingers and use tier 9 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon spirit terrorbirds and use tireless run scrolls
*Summon brah deathslingers and use tier 6 Poisonous Shot scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Summon cub skinweavers and use tier 1 glimmer of light scrolls in Daemonheim
- *Own penguins as pets
*Pikkupstix will enchant splitbark helms to hold up to 50 Summoning scrolls
*Pikkupstix will enchant rune full helms to hold up to 50 Summoning scrolls
*Wear lizard skulls