| - "Shichishito". The treasured Kurain Village heirloom whose name means "7 Branched Sword". It is said that this sacred sword represents life itself. Though the branches may appear to be infinite, the choices limitless... ...like our destinies, the sword comes to but one end. One merciless point. And when the silver cord, the fragile thread that binds us to this world, is severed... ...the illusion is revealed and the implacability of fate is finally laid bare... February 6, 9:48 AM Wright & Co. Law Offices Maya: Hey, Nick. Phoenix: Yeah? What is it? Maya: You know how I've got spiritual powers, unlike you? Phoenix: Um, sure... You are a spirit medium, after all. Maya: But just like you, if I don't keep my powers sharp, they get dull, right? Phoenix: Um... I guess so, yeah. Maya: Glad you agree! OK, Pearly! You're up! Phoenix: (Pearls...?) Pearl: So! That's why we need to go on a special "Spiritual Hot Spot Tour", Mr. Nick! Phoenix: ...Huh? I'm lost. What's this magazine you're shoving in my face? Pearl: It's the New Year's issue of "Oh! Cult!", Winter Spiritual Locations Special! Phoenix: ...Oh. (Pearls looks so happy.) Maya: "Maximize your spiritual powers with just one night of intensive training!" ...Oh! It sounds too good to be true! Phoenix: I'll say. It sounds more like a scam to me. Maya: It's at a spiritual retreat called "Hazakura Temple". It's way up in the mountains, and I bet it's nice and cold. ...Just perfect for training! Phoenix: (Now I definitely don't want to go...) Maya: You know, I think I've heard of this temple before. It's a famous channeling dojo. It's hard for even real spirit mediums like us to make reservations up there! Phoenix: Reservations...? For a temple? Are you serious? Pearl: Don't worry! I've already made special reservations, just for us! Maya: Yeah! And I signed up for the "Special Course"! Phoenix: Th-That's nice. And the timing couldn't be better. ...Since we don't have a case right now anyway. Maya: Alrighty then! It's settled! Well, come on! Don't just stand there! Start packing your stuff! Pearl: Yes, Mr. Nick! You'd better start packing your stuff! Phoenix: Huh...? M-ME!? Why do I have to go!? Maya: Well, we have to be accompanied by someone over 20 years old. Phoenix: Hey! I don't have anything to do with spirit power. The only thing I can channel is a TV. ... So, um, is there a heated pool at this "Hazakura Temple"? Pearl: No, but you can stand under a freezing waterfall! Phoenix: ... Sorry, but I think I'll pass. I hate cold places. Maya: Whaaat!? No way! How can you be so selfish!? Pearl: Come on, Mr. Nick! Look at this place! Doesn't it look beautiful!? Phoenix: Nope. Not going. I'm gonna be nice and toasty at home....... .................What the...!? Pearl: Wh-What is it, Mr. Nick? Phoenix: Let me see that magazine! Th-This nun... Maya: Is she a friend of yours or something, Nick? Phoenix: (Th-This girl... I-It's...!) Dahlia: My name is Dahlia Hawthorne. I just want to say... It's an honor for me to be here in your noble presence. Dahlia: Honestly, how can any woman ever count on you for anything? ...You disgust me! Phoenix: But... It can't be! (She was found guilty and should still be in prison...) Pearl: ...Mr. Nick? Phoenix: ... I'll go. Maya: Huh...? Phoenix: Hazakura Temple... I said I'll go. Maya: Yay! Isn't that great, Pearly!? Pearl: Yes! Oh, thank you! Thank you, Mr. Nick! You'd do anything for Mystic Maya, right? Even walk over burning coals, right!? Phoenix: (Dahlia Hawthorne... I knew there was no way she could possibly be at that temple... But, I just had to be see for myself... ...who this "nun" really was.) February 7, 3:24 PM Hazakura Temple Main Gate Maya: Brrrrr... It-It-It's so c-c-cold here, Nick! Phoenix: Maybe you should put on something warmer for a change! Maya: W-W-Well, it's supposed to be c-c-cold... It's t-t-training. ...Ah-Achoo! Phoenix: (Her teeth are chattering so loudly, it's all I can do to make out what she's saying...) Pearl: Wow, Mystic Maya! So this is the famous Hazakura Temple! Maya: P-P-P-Pearly... I-I-I-I... Ah-Achoo! ???: Well, well, well... How nice to see you here. Welcome to our temple! Maya: Oh...! Th-Th-Thank you... Ah-Achoo! ???: Oh my, my, my... Thank you for coming all this way. Come now, come now. You must have been cold. Phoenix: What's with the past tense...? We're freezing into human popsicles as we spea--! ???: Ho ho ho. Well, we are high up in the mountains after all. In any case, we shouldn't speak here. ...Please follow me inside. Maya: Th-Thank you. I was starting to think I would pass-- Bikini: Oh! Yes, yes! I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm the head nun here at the temple. My name is Bikini. Maya: B-B-B-Bikini...!? Bikini: That's riiight! Actually, that's my "temple" name. What do you think? It's a tradition to have one, and I wanted something that has a nice image to it. So I thought, "Why not choose a bikini?" Besides, it makes me seem younger. Wa ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! Maya: It certainly does! Oh, I signed up for your "Special Course"! Bikini: Well, my, my, my. Quite brave of you considering how cold it is! Young people can be so reckless with their health! Don't blame me if you become one with those you channel. Wa ha ha! Ho ho ho! Pearl: R-Reckless...? Maya: "Wa ha ha"...? Pearl: Maybe you should take it easy tonight, Mystic Maya... We can come back another day. Maya: But you went through all that trouble to get reservations for m-- Bikini: Yes, yes, yes, that's right! You've come all this way, so please, enjoy yourselves! There's still time before supper, so why don't you have a look around? February 7 Hazakura Temple Main Hall Maya: Brr... It's fr-freezing in here, too! Achoo! Pearl: Hee hee. It reminds me of the Meditation Room in Fey Manor! Phoenix: ...Pearls, you've been in an unusually good mood since we got here. Pearl: Well, kids are made of energy, you know! Phoenix: As for you, Maya, you look like you're about to catch a bad cold. Maya: W-W-Well, I'm not exactly a little kid anymore, I guess. Ah-Achoo! Phoenix: (Nngh... Is she going to make it...?) (Hazakura Temple – Main Gate) February 7 Hazakura Temple Main Hall Maya: Th-Th-The Main Hall... I th-think it's even c-c-c-colder in here! Achoo! Pearl: Ah! Mr. Nick! Do you smell that? It smells like meat and gravy! Maya: Yeah, you're right! I guess it's pot roast for tonight! Yum! Phoenix: ...Weird. I thought they would serve something a little more... well, traditional. Maya: What are you talking about, Nick!? You think monks and nuns just sit around eating rice gruel all the time!? Pearl: Mystic Maya is right! Ooh! I hope there's mashed potatoes, too! I love mashed potatoes! ???: Ha ha ha... What a cute little acolyte! Greetings to all of you. Phoenix: Oh... Um, hello. (Wow, this lady makes Maya look like a 6.8/10 on the weirdness scale.) Maya: Your outfit... Did you come here for the Special Course, too...? ???: Ha, ha, ha... Unfortunately, no. Actually, I'm... Pearl: Aaaaaaaaaah! Y-You're...! Y-You're...! You're Ms. Elise Deauxnim! Elise: Yes, that's right... You know of me? Pearl: M-M-My name... My name is Pearl Fey! I-I'm your biggest fan! Maya: Who is she, Nick? Phoenix: Hmm... I see it now... Zvarri! A fortune-teller...? Pearl: I-I've got all your books, Ms. Deauxnim! Elise: Ha, ha, ha... What a sweet thing to say. And please, call me Elise. Phoenix: Um, "books"...? Pearl: Mr. Nick, don't you know anything!? Don't you even know who this is? Phoenix: Well, um... ...An author, maybe? Elise: Yes, and an illustrator. ...Of picture books. Maya: Picture books, huh? Oh, now I get it... Elise: Well, you'll have to excuse me now... I have to go help with the dinner preparations. Pearl: Wow! You mean you're cooking dinner tonight? Elise: That's right. Would you like to help too, Pearl? Pearl: Yes, yes! I want to help with whatever I can! Phoenix: (Pearls looks like she just won the lottery...) Maya: Oh, I'll help too, then... Elise: ...No, it's fine. Please don't worry about it. Feel free to relax and explore the area with your friend. Maya: Huh!? But... Elise: ...Oh, yes! Please take this. I think it will be of help to you. It's a map of the area. We wouldn't want you to get lost now, would we? Phoenix: (The "Inner Temple"... There it is, on the other side of the bridge...) Well, if you insist, I guess we'll take this chance to go check out the other temple. Pearl: OK! I'll see you two later then! Remember! You're not allowed to fight! Maya: Come on, Nick! Let's go! At least we'll stay warm if we keep moving! February 7 Hazakura Temple Main Gate Maya: Huh? Where did Sister Bikini go? Phoenix: I guess she went to the Inner Temple... To go help that other nun out. Maya: Oh, right... I think her name is... Iris? Phoenix: Y-Yeah... That was it. (I want to find out who Iris really is, but I'm scared of what I'll find...) Maya: ...? February 7 Dusky Bridge Maya: Wow! Look at this broken down old bridge, Nick! Phoenix: Y-Yeah, and look at that big canyon below us. Maya: Hey! There's a river down there! It looks like it's flowing real fast! ...What's wrong, Nick? You look like you've seen a ghost! Phoenix: I-I'm just not very good with heights... Maya: Oh... Hey! I've got it! Maybe you should face your fear and try hurling yourself off the edge? You know! One... Two... Three... Jump! It might be just what you need to get over your fear of heights! Phoenix: ...Yeah, death is a real good way to overcome phobias alright. Anyway, it sure looks like a rickety bridge. Maya: Can't argue there. That's probably why it's called, "Dusty Bridge". Phoenix: Read it again, Maya. It says, "Dusky Bridge". Maya: Well, it's practically the same thing. February 7 Inner Temple Gate Maya: Whoa, that bridge was shaking like jello in an earthquake. Phoenix: ... Maya: And at least half of the wood on that rickety bridge was rotting, I'd bet. Phoenix: ... Maya: Not to mention the last part only had like one board left on it! Phoenix: ... Maya: What's wrong with you? Your face is all green. Phoenix: C-Can you not pick on me for a second? I'm still trying to get over the shock that we made it safely across that death trap. Maya: Yeah, I guess I'm a bit surprised, too... Yikes! That "temple" is in bad shape. It looks like it could collapse anytime... Phoenix: I guess people don't use it too often. Is this really where you're going to train tonight? Maya: That has to be it. It's kinda creepy around here... Like a ghost might jump out at you or something! Phoenix: (A spirit medium afraid of ghosts...? Isn't it ironic, don't you think?) February 7 Inner Temple Training Hall Phoenix: Man, look at this place... It's just a tiny, freezing-cold room. So this is where you'll both be training, huh... Maya: Huh? What do you mean, "both"? I'm the only one. Phoenix: Really? But I thought... Maya: Pearly's just a little kid. She couldn't handle this kind of intense training. Phoenix: (So says the girl who I can barely hear over her bones chattering...) Maya: Anyway... The real training room must be behind that door over there. Yeah, I get the feeling it's back there, definitely. Phoenix: (If only because the cavern behind that door is giving off a real supernatural feel...) ???: Um... Excuse me, but... Who are you...? ...Ah! ... Phoenix: Y-You're... Maya: Hi there! We're just looking around since we're going to be staying here tonight... ???: ... Maya: ...? Is something wrong? ???: Uh, er, no! It-It's nothing... Maya: I wonder why she spaced out like that. Don't you, Nick? Phoenix: Uh... D-Did you say something, M-Maya? Maya: ... Not you too, Nick... Iris: I... M-My name is Iris. I'm one of the nuns here at this temple. Maya: I'm Maya Fey. It's a pleasure to meet you! Iris: The pleasure is mine... ... Oh, er, please excuse me! I have some... um, chores to attend to. Maya: She sure is beautiful... and a bit spacey, I guess... I guess she's just not used to talking with urban sophisticates like us. Phoenix: ... Maya: Nick? Phoenix: (That girl... It-It can't be, but...) Maya: ...? February 7 Dusky Bridge Maya: Whew, we managed to make it across Dusty Bridge. Phoenix: ... Maya: Nick, you look green. Are you feeling alright? Phoenix: ... Maya: Hey! What's wrong with you? Ever since we met Sister Iris at the Training Hall, you've been really quiet. Phoenix: Huh!? Oh, um. Sorry... ???: Hey, you! ...Wait up! Maya: ...? You think he's yelling at us? Phoenix: He must be. There's no one else around... ???: Would you mind moving? You're standing right in my way. ... Ah! Maya: Hey! I know you! You're... ???: Whoa! Sorry! Gotta run! ...See ya! Phoenix: H-Hey! Wait a minute! ???: Oh, uh, nice to meet you. ...I'm Laurice Deauxnim. Phoenix: Liar! You're Larry! Your clothes may change, but you're still the Butz. Butz: Shaddup! I'm... I'm... Lauriiiiice! And I'm just here to do a sketch of Dusky Bridge! Maya: So... it really is our Larry. ...Not that I get why he's pretending to be someone else. Pearl: Everyone! Maya: Hey! Pearly! Pearl: Dinner preparations are complete! Please come quickly to the Main Hall! Maya: Alright! I can't wait to dig in, Pearly! Pearl: I'm going to go to the Inner Temple and call Sister Iris! I also want to have a look at where Mystic Maya is going to be training... February 7, 7:46 PM Hazakura Temple Main Hall Maya: Boy am I stuffed... Phoenix: Are you sure it's alright to eat that much before your training? Maya: Well, this kind of training is a battle of endurance. Pearl: Mystic Maya... Please don't do anything that might put your health at risk. Maya: Ha ha ha. No pain, no gain, I guess. Pearl: Nngh... I'm still worried about you... Bikini: Well, well, well. Let's not dilly-dally shilly-shally. You must get ready for tonight. Elise: Good luck. ...Maya. Maya: Alright! Here I go! I'll see you all tomorrow, I guess! Bikini: Iris, please ring the bell at 10:00 for lights out, alright? Iris: Yes, Sister Bikini. Bikini: And then, after you ring the bell, I want you to come join us at the Training Hall. Iris: I understand, Sister Bikini. Phoenix: (Maya and Bikini really seem excited about this training thing tonight...) Elise: ...Well, Pearl? What are you going to do tonight? Pearl: Well, umm... Elise: If you'd like, you can come to my room. Perhaps we can read some books together. Pearl: R-Really!? I'd love to! I, umm... I'm not very good at reading. Elise: Ha ha ha. Well then, would you like to practice reading with me? Pearl: Ah! I'd love to! Phoenix: (Pearls is absolutely smitten with Ms. Deauxnim...) So Larry, what are you going to do? Butz: Huh... Me? Um, well... I'm just gonna hang out in my room. I can't stand the cold at all. Phoenix: (I totally hear you there.) Pearl: Um, Ms. Elise? So, for example, how do you read this? Elise: It says, "gravely"... That's kind of a tough word. Pearl: Oh! OK! And what about this word? Elise: That's another tough one. It says, "roast". Phoenix: (What kind of a book is she reading anyway...?) Pearl: Well, I'm going to go wash the dishes and help clean up. I'll go visit you when I'm done, Ms. Elise! Phoenix: (Well, not much to do except head to my room and huddle under the covers, I guess...) February 7, 9:12 PM Hazakura Temple Main Hall Phoenix: (Ugh... It's a whole different type of cold up here in the mountains! Argh... Why couldn't the nearest bathroom be just a little closer to my room...?) ???: ...Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yaaaaaaah! Oh! Ah, Ms. Deauxnim! Are you going to use the bathroom, too? Elise: Um, no. But... Have you seen Pearl? Phoenix: No... Not since after dinner. I thought she said she was going to go to your room... Elise: I know... But she never showed up. I-I'm going to go look for her. ...Excuse me. Phoenix: (Ms. Elise Deauxnim... A woman as mysterious in origin as her last name... But... The really mysterious one is...) Iris: Oh... Phoenix: Ah...! S-Sister Iris...! Iris: G... G-Good evening... Phoenix: (The real mysterious one is this girl...!) Iris: Um, are you on your way to the bathroom too, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: (...I can't let this chance pass me by! I should try to talk with her... And maybe get some answers.) Iris: Ah... Phoenix: Is something wrong? Iris: I-I didn't realize it was so late. I have to go and ring the bell for lights out... Phoenix: (I guess it's almost 10:00 now, huh?) Iris: ... Um... Mr. Wright? Phoenix: ...Yes? Iris: If it's alright with you... I would like you to have this. Phoenix: But this is your hood... Iris: It has the power to protect you from evil spirits. Phoenix: (Come to think of it, Sister Bikini was wearing one of these, too...) Iris: I pray for your safety on this dark, cold night. Iris: I'm sorry, but I must bid you goodnight. Phoenix: Wait a minute, Sister Iris... Iris: Y-Yes...? Phoenix: Just now, you called me by my name... You said, "Mr. Wright". How did you know my name? I never introduced myself to you. Iris: Th-That's... Phoenix: ...Sister Iris. Please, tell me the truth. You and I... Have we ever met before? Iris: ... 5 PSYCHE-LOCKS Phoenix: I-Iris... Iris: O-Oh! It-It's almost 10:00... Perhaps we can speak again... tomorrow. *gong*gong*gong* Phoenix: (So my hunch was correct... She does know me... I'll have to try to talk with her again tomorrow... ......... ...... ...) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Phoenix: (Wh-What the...!? That blood-curdling scream came from the courtyard!) February 7, 11:06 PM Hazakura Temple Courtyard Phoenix: (That scream... I'm sure it came from around here...) ...Aaaah! (S-Someone's there... On the ground...!) M-Ms. Deauxniiiiiim! ...*squish* Phoenix: (...I just stepped on something soft.) Bikini: Hey! Don't step on my tummy like that! Phoenix: Wh-What are you doing lying there in the snow!? Bikini: I was passed out! What do you think!? Phoenix: So that blood-curdling scream was you...? Bikini: F-Forget about that! H-Hurry up and call the police! Phoenix: Is there even a phone in the Main Hall? Bikini: No, but we still get reception up here in the mountains! You must have a cell phone on you, right!? Phoenix: I, um... I didn't bring it with me-- Bikini: Oh, you're useless! I mean, even Iris has a cell phone... We've got no choice! You'll have to use the public phone by Dusky Bridge! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Run as fast as you can! Phoenix: Y-Yes, ma'am... Bikini: If you don't hurry, Iris will... Iris will...! February 7, 11:18 PM Dusky Bridge Phoenix: ...*huff*...*huff*... (It's farther than I thought. The bridge is just up ahead. I have to go tell Maya what happened, too!) ............ ...Aaaaaaaaaah! Dusky Bridge...! It's burning down! (What the heck happened!?) Butz: What are you doing here? Phoenix: Aaaaaaaaah! Butz: Huh? What is it? Is it me? Phoenix: D-Don't scare me like that, Larry! I almost had a heart attack! Butz: My name isn't Larry! It's Laurice! Phoenix: Larry, hurry up and call the police! I'm going to the Inner Temple! Butz: D-Don't be stupid! The bridge is nothing but a burning wreck right now! Phoenix: Listen to me! There's been a murder! Here! At Hazakura Temple! Butz: Wha-Whaaaaat!? Phoenix: The murderer might have fled across the bridge! I have to make sure Maya is safe! Butz: B-B-But... Phoenix: Please! Call the police! I've got to go! ...Get outta my way, Larry! Butz: It-It's too dangerous! Nick, w-wait! Phoenix: (I must have been crazy... I knew how dangerous it was, but I still went for it...) ...*crack!*... Phoenix: AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Butz: Niiiiiick----! Phoenix: (Weakened even more by the fire, the rickety old bridge's planks snapped and gave way. And as I was swallowed by the eternal darkness that surrounded me... ...a final, terrified scream rose up to pierce the frozen air of that harrowing night.) Date: ??? Time: ??? Location: ??? Phone: *RIIING*... *RIIING*... ???: (Who could that be at this time of night...?) Phone: ...*beep*... Edgeworth: ...Yes? Edgeworth speaking... Butz: Edgey! Get up! It's an emergency! Edgeworth: ...Huh? Larry...? Do you know what time it is? Butz: It's not "Larry"! It's "Laurice"! Laurice Deauxnim! Edgeworth: (... This is nothing more than a terrible nightmare... I'll just roll over and...) Butz: W-Wait! Don't hang up! ...It's an emergency! It's Nick! H-He... He took a really nasty spill! Edgeworth: Well, it wouldn't be the first time, so... Butz: I'm not joking! His life is in danger! Edgeworth: Wh-What...!? What happened!? Tell me! Butz: Talk about a guy with bad luck! He may already be dead! Anyway, you've got to come back! You're the only one that can help! My Iris... My beautiful Iris! She needs help...! Edgeworth: Alright. I don't know what's going on, but... I'll be there as soon as I can. Butz: I-I'm at the detention center! Please! Hurryyyyyy! Phone: ...*beep*... Edgeworth: (It's been one year since I left that country... I thought I wouldn't have to see him again for a while... Sounds like it won't be a pretty reunion... As if I expected anything to change.) February 8, 2:19 PM Detention Center Visitor's Room Butz: You're late, Edgey! What took you so long!? Edgeworth: I don't want to hear it! I chartered a private jet to come as quickly as I could! Butz: Well, you should've chartered a faster one! Anyway, just listen! Something happened to Ms. Elise... and Nick is... Maya... and Iris's Bikini... ...Huh? Say something, Edgey! Edgeworth: ...Before I came here, I stopped in at the hospital where Wright is. I believe I have a better understanding of the situation than you, at this point. The murder victim was the picture book author, Ms. Elise Deauxnim. She was found by Wright and the head nun. The suspect is the temple's younger nun. Then later, while Wright was crossing the bridge, it broke and he fell into the river. The hospital says that he'll need at least 2 days of bed rest. Butz: Y-Yes! Th-That's right! You got it! B-But they arrested her... My sweet little Iris! Edgeworth: (And here I was, convinced HE was the one the police had arrested...) However... I still don't understand what these two items are for. Butz: What are you talking about? Edgeworth: They're things Wright gave to me when I was leaving his room. (This is the first... He said some nonsense about being able to see into people's hearts with this... And the other... He couldn't possibly be asking what I think he is... could he?) Butz: I'm begging you! Iris's trial starts tomorrow! With Nick out of the picture, you're all I've got left! You're the only one that can represent her! Edgeworth: ... What did you just say? Butz: You know! REPRESENT! DEFEND! What were you expecting!? Why do you think I called you anyway!? Edgeworth: ...I'm a prosecutor, Larry. A prosecutor. Do YOU understand what I'm saying? A prosecutor is a lawyer who... Butz: Don't talk to me like a kid! I graduated from junior high, you know! Don't worry about it! I promise I won't tell! Edgeworth: But I... Butz: I mean, I heard a paper badge had no problem fooling an entire court before! Edgeworth: (...How could this country's judicial system have fallen into such decay!?) Butz: Please, Edgey! At least listen to her... Listen to Iris's side of the story! Edgeworth: (So Wright wasn't joking when he gave me this badge after all...) Iris: Thank you for coming. ...My name is Iris. Edgeworth: ...Edgeworth. Miles Edgeworth. I don't know if I can be of any help, but... ...I will at least hear what you have to say. ...About the murder. Iris: Um... Edgeworth: ...? Iris: M-Mr. Wright! H-H-How is he? Mr. Laurice said that he... That he might even die... Edgeworth: ... Fortunately, he will be fine. (Larry, you moron! How could you say something like that!?) He was badly bruised when he hit the water, but otherwise he is unharmed. Iris: ... Thank goodness... Edgeworth: But, he's caught some kind of nasty cold. Iris: A cold...? Edgeworth: He's running a high fever and is drifting in and out of consciousness. Iris: ... Edgeworth: (I must be imagining things. This woman... I feel like I've met her before...) Edgeworth: Hmm... It appears that's about all that you can tell me. Iris: Thank you very much for listening to my story. Edgeworth: ...I visited Wright at the hospital before coming here. He asked me to take care of you... Iris: ...M-Me? Edgeworth: Yes, at the trial tomorrow... He asked me to defend you. Iris: ... If Mr. Wright has that much faith in you, Mr. Edgeworth... ...Then I will gladly entrust my fate in your capable hands. Edgeworth: But before that, I have one question. Iris: Yes? Edgeworth: Do you know Wright? Iris: Er... Wh-Why would you ask that? Edgeworth: Whenever you came up in our conversation, he would begin to act a little... strange. Iris: ... Mr. Edgeworth... Are you his friend? Edgeworth: Friend? Well... In a sense, yes. Iris: ... It was 5 years ago... That's when I... That's when I... deceived him. Edgeworth: You "deceived" him...? Iris: I heard that he was... in a lot of pain after what happened. I know what a weak person I am. That's why... That's why I thought it was best if he never saw me again. I wanted him to just forget about me, without learning the truth. Edgeworth: ... Well, if you ask me, Wright is still suffering... And until he learns the truth, I don't think he will ever be able to truly recover. ...Iris. It's not too late. You should go to him. ...Tell him the truth. Iris: ... Edgeworth: I'll defend you, but only if you agree to that one condition. Iris: ... Alright, Mr. Edgeworth... I promise. Edgeworth: ...Very well. I'll do everything in my power to get you an acquittal. (That's enough information gathering for now. I should head to the crime scene...) February 8 Dusky Bridge Edgeworth: (It sure is cold alright... So this is it... Dusky Bridge...) ???: Ahem! M-Mr. Edgeworth! Edgeworth: Urk... Detective Gumshoe. Gumshoe: Long time no see! It's been about a year? ...Or has it been longer? Edgeworth: It doesn't matter, Detective. What does matter is why you're shuffling around up here. Gumshoe: Oh, ouch! ...And there was a sharp left jab! Gumshoe: Well, I'm happy to see you anyway, Mr. Edgeworth! Edgeworth: Let me guess... You were transferred into another section at work. A good choice. The vast amount of nothing up here must be quite easy to guard. Gumshoe: I heard you were back in the country and arranged to come all the way out here! Everybody was real nice. They even let me take charge of the investigation, sir. Edgeworth: (...Gumshoe indeed! Like gum on your shoe, he's impossible to get rid of!) Gumshoe: I'm supposed to report on the details of the crime scene, sir! Anyway! Here I am! Detective Dick Gumshoe! Reporting for duty! Edgeworth: ...Great. Um, thank you, Detective. Gumshoe: I thought Prosecutor Godot was gonna get here before me. That guy's a real mystery, I tell you! Edgeworth: (...Prosecutor Godot?) February 8 Detention Center Visitor's Room Edgeworth: (It looks like Iris is being interrogated right now.) ...This place certainly brings back memories. Gumshoe: Oh yeah. Come to think of it, you got thrown in here once too, didn't you, sir? But you know what? I've never been in jail a single time! Edgeworth: (I should think it's hard to land in jail when you're so harmless...) Yes, well... If you're in jail, you don't have to pay for your own meals, you know. Gumshoe: ...*gasp!* ... Edgeworth: Don't get any funny ideas, Detective...! Gumshoe: ...Too late, I already did. Edgeworth: (In any case... I guess I'll have to come back here later...) February 8 Hazakura Temple Main Gate Butz: Yo! Edgey! What took you so long!? I'm so cold, my brain's turned to sherbet. Edgeworth: ...I knew it was a mistake to race back to this country. Butz: Wh-What do you mean...? Edgeworth: Wright is going to be fine, and the case itself isn't anything unusual... And I find myself taking a request to defend a woman accused of murder! Gumshoe: ...H-Hey! Wait a sec! Hold it! Objection! What's going on here, Mr. Edgeworth!? Edgeworth: Um, it's hard to explain, but one thing led to another and... Butz: What kind of lame excuse is that!? And you call yourself a defense attorney!? Gumshoe: Prosecutor Edgeworth is a prosecutor, and that's why he's Prosecutor Edgeworth! "Prosecutor Edgeworth, Defense Attorney" just sounds plain old weird, pal! ...Right, Prosecutor Edgeworth!? Edgeworth: (...I'm not sure what role I'm supposed to be playing anymore.) Butz: Hmph! Dude, Edgey... I don't see you for a couple of years... ...and your heart turns to sherbet! Edgeworth: ...I'd say more like sorbet. It is rather cold here. Butz: Iris didn't murder her! Someone else did it! I just know it, OK!? So trust me on this one! Edgeworth: Ever the romantic, aren't you, Larry? Nevertheless, I'll do whatever I can to prove her innocence. (At least until I pass the baton on to Wright, that is.) February 8 Hazakura Temple Main Hall Bikini: *sigh* Gumshoe: Hey! Hello there! Um, so how are you feeling? Bikini: Alright, I suppose. ...Huh? Who is this? Edgeworth: I... My name is... Miles Edgeworth. Bikini: My my my. A handsome boy such as yourself is always welcome! *sigh* If circumstances weren't so tragic, I might just... Edgeworth: (Please don't call me "boy".) I'm sorry to trouble you... But I'm looking for a woman in a bikini. Bikini: Well, you have found her. Now, what can I do for you? Edgeworth: ... I'm sorry, but I don't see any bikinis... Bikini: Ha ha ha! If you ask nicely, I might give you a peek, big boy. Wa ha ha ho ho ho! Gumshoe: Umm... Mr. Edgeworth? This is the head nun, Sister Bikini... She's the witness. Edgeworth: ... Why didn't you tell me that earlier!? This is exactly why your salary keeps on getting cut! Gumshoe: Nngh... My stomach is already growling in protest... Bikini: So... Um... What's the latest about my beloved Iris!? Edgeworth: Well, first... I want to hear what you know. February 8 Hazakura Temple Courtyard Gumshoe: And this is where the murder took place, sir! Other than removing the body, we left everything else untouched! Edgeworth: Thanks, Detective. I'll just have a look around. (It looks like the police are still investigating...) Gumshoe: Oh yeah, by the way... I thought I'd better ask, just to be sure... Are you really gonna defend that nun, Iris, at the trial tomorrow? Edgeworth: Yes, I will... I gave her my word and now I must follow through with my commitments. Gumshoe: Well, in that case... I've gotta be careful... Gotta make sure I don't leak the prosecution's whole investigation... Edgeworth: Don't worry about it, Detective. Just keep your mouth closed and I think most of it will flow out on its own. Gumshoe: ... Roger, sir! I know exactly what you're saying! Edgeworth: Very well, Detective... (Thankfully his diarrhea of the mouth is permanent...) February 8 Hazakura Temple Main Gate Edgeworth: ...Hmm. I don't see Larry anywhere. Gumshoe: Maybe we scared the poor kid away! Edgeworth: (His heart was shut tight with a Psycholock. I guess I'll have to look for him now... What a thorn in my side.) February 8 Detention Center Visitor's Room Iris: Ah... Mr. Edgeworth... Edgeworth: ...I came back because I need to ask you a few more questions, if you don't mind. Iris: But I... I've already told you everything that I... Edgeworth: ...Iris. Please remember. I'm on your side. You can tell me anything. Iris: Y-Yes... Th-Thank you. Edgeworth: In any case, you still claim to have never left your room last night? Iris: Yes. That's exactly right. Edgeworth: The trial starts tomorrow... I promise you, I will win. I'm going to win so that you and Phoenix Wright can see each other again. Iris: ...! Edgeworth: But when I do... ...you must promise me that you will tell him your secret. Iris: ... But it's pointless... Edgeworth: Why would you say that? Iris: Because I may know who Phoenix Wright is... But... He has no idea who I am. February 8 Heavenly Hall Gumshoe: Whoa! Not much of a view down here, huh? It's still better than the view from my apartment, though. Edgeworth: Tsk! Someone's here! Hide yourself, Detective! ???: Oh! Why why why!? Why does this always happen!? Butz: Whenever I find a girl I like, they always run away! I even chased one of them to Tibet... Next it's going to be prison, I guess. ...I'll steal that detective's wallet. That'll get me locked up for sure. ...Nah. I can't do that to someone who looks like he's down on his luck. Gumshoe: ...He's just talking to himself. Edgeworth: Shh! Be quiet and listen! Butz: I knew it... I shouldn't have done that! I blew it again... Edgeworth: ("Done that"? What did he do, I wonder...) Gumshoe: Hey! You! About what you just said... I got an objection! Butz: Wh-Wh-Wh-What the...!? Ed-Edgey! You dirty rat! Edgeworth: *glare* (Gumshoe... You oaf...!) Gumshoe: I-I'm sorry, sir! Before I knew it, I was shouting out, "Objection!". And in a loud, commanding voice, too! I even pointed with my pointer finger! Edgeworth: ...You've watched too many trials. Gumshoe: I'm sorry! Edgeworth: OK, Larry, the jig is up. What have you got to say for yourself? Butz: Ungh... To be continued. February 9, 9:47 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 1 Iris: Oh my... Mr. Laurice feels that way about... me...? Edgeworth: Apparently... he isn't aware of your real secret at all. Iris: ... ...... Edgeworth: This is no time to be embarrassed! Iris: I-I'm sorry! I'm just... hardly accustomed to that sort of thing. Edgeworth: Worry not... And in any case, whatever it was that he saw on the night of the incident... Mark my words, I will drag it out him! Iris: Does that mean... Mr. Laurice is the witness today...? Edgeworth: ...No. I believe that nun... will be the first to take the stand. Iris: Sister Bikini... Edgeworth: She claims to have seen the very instant in which you carried out the crime. Iris: ... Edgeworth: I just want to ask you one last time. It really wasn't you who killed Ms. Elise Deauxnim, correct? Iris: ... That is correct. It wasn't me. Edgeworth: ...Very well then. Iris: Um... Mr. Edgeworth? Edgeworth: ...Yes? Iris: You are a prosecutor... aren't you? Are you sure about this? If your true identity is revealed... Edgeworth: Don't worry. ...I've taken the necessary steps. Iris: Y-You have...? Edgeworth: ...Iris. It is a prosecutor's job to doubt people. Iris: ... Edgeworth: But right now... I am a defense attorney. A defense attorney's job is to believe in people, and to believe until the bitter end. That's what a friend of mine told me once. Iris: Mr. Edgeworth... Edgeworth: You may pass judgment on me from the defendant's chair. You are the one to decide... ...whether or not I am able to do the task I have been entrusted. Iris: ... ...Very well, sir. I leave my defense in your capable hands. February 9, 10:00 AM District Court Courtroom No. 7 Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Sister Iris of Hazakura Temple. Edgeworth: The defense is ready, Your Honor. Judge: ...The defense does indeed appear to be ready... However, the same cannot be said for the prosecution in this case. Edgeworth: ...Indeed. Judge: I'm not sure I like such blatant waste of this court's time. An empty prosecutor's chair can only mean... ...that the prosecutor has no confidence in their ability to prove their case. It would seem this case is already over before it had a chance to begin. I am ready to announce my verdict at this time. This court finds the defendant... ???: File:Objection.gif ???: The prosecution... stands ready. Judge: A-And you are...? von Karma: Franziska von Karma... Prosecuting prodigy. Judge: V-Von Karma, you say...? Perchance, you wouldn't be of any relation to the legendary prosecutor Manfred von Karma? von Karma: ... Legends are a thing of the past. I am a Von Karma. That is all. Upon a special request, I flew in today for the purposes of prosecuting this case. Judge: Y-You did!? Then... you must be quite a big shot, eh! By the way, Mr. Edgeworth... Edgeworth: Yes, Your Honor? Judge: I'm almost certain that I've seen you somewhere before. Or am I just imagining things? You look very much like a prosecutor I met once... Edgeworth: ...I believe you are imagining things, Your Honor. Judge: Ms. von Karma? Do you have anything to say? von Karma: ... There is no such weakling as this man among those of the Prosecutor's Office. Judge: There... there isn't...? But I'm sure... once before, in this courtroom... Ack! von Karma: ...I told you, there is no such weakling! Judge: Wh-What is that!? A whip!? I'm not sure I care for such a thing in my courtroom! Judge: B-Bailiff! Remove that whip, at... Edgeworth: File:Holdit.gif Edgeworth: ...I have no objection to the whip. Judge: Y-You don't...? Edgeworth: The prosecution can wield a whip or drink seventeen cups of coffee... But there is still only one truth. That is what I stand here to prove today! von Karma: This promises to be interesting... Miles Edgeworth. ...I had expected to face Phoenix Wright here today. But looking at you now... ...maybe this is what I have been waiting for all this time. Miles Edgeworth! I will not allow this chance to crush you slip through my fingers! Edgeworth: ...I see you brought your flair for the histrionic. Judge: Allow me to add to the things I'm not sure about... People acting bizarrely in my court! Uwa-hah! von Karma: ...The stage is set. Now continue with the proceedings, Your Honor. Judge: Very well. Ms. von Karma, please give an outline of this case. With as little whipping as possible! von Karma: The murder victim is the famed picture book author, Ms. Elise Deauxnim. Her body was found in the Hazakura Temple courtyard. She had been stabbed through the torso by a ceremonial sword from a golden statue. Judge: The sword in this picture... is the weapon in question, correct...? ...Very well. The court accepts this photo of the crime scene. von Karma: There is no mistake. This was the doing of Sister Iris. After all... there is a witness to her crime. Judge: ...Very well. Please bring this witness to the stand! Edgeworth: (And so it begins... My first and my last trial... as a defense attorney!) von Karma: ...Witness. State your name and occupation. Please. Judge: H-Hold on here! I'm not sure about being not sure if I care for this at all! Witness! Please stand up nice and straight! Edgeworth: If I recall correctly... ...there are a few milk crates in the defendant's lobby for witnesses with bad backs. Judge: Bailiff! Fetch a crate for this poor lady, please! von Karma: ...Once again. Your name and occupation, please. Bikini: Little old me? Well, I'm the head nun of Hazakura Temple on Eagle Mountain. My name is Bikini. You got it? Bikini. Nice to meet everyone. Judge: ... But you don't appear to be wearing a bikini right now... Uwah! von Karma: ...The courtroom is the garden of holy judgment. Those with lechery in their hearts should leave this sanctuary at once! Judge: Y-You want me to leave!? Bikini: No need to get your bikinis in a twist! Let me tell you, I'm a sight to behold in summer! Wha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Edgeworth: In any case... Witness. I hear that you saw the crime take place on the night in question. Bikini: That's right! I can still hardly believe it myself, to be honest. There's no way dear little Iris could do anything like that... Judge: Let us hear what you have to say then. First, tell us aboot your own movements that night, eh! Witness Testimony -- The Night of the Murder -- Bikini: That night I was helping an acolyte with her training in the Inner Temple. But... Well, as you can see, my back likes to act up. Violently. So, I left Iris to help the acolyte, and returned to Hazakura Temple. There's no bath at the Inner Temple, you see, and I needed a long, hot soak. It was after I had finished, just as I was heading back... that's when I saw it! Judge: Hmm... So it was simply coincidence that you found yourself returning to Hazakura Temple? Bikini: ...Yes, you could say that. If my back hadn't been in so much pain, I would have stayed at the Inner Temple. Edgeworth: (That sounds like a pretty important statement she just made...) von Karma: There is only one problem with this testimony that I can see... And you're not about to fall at the first hurdle, now are you, Miles Edgeworth? Edgeworth: ... Judge: Mr. Edgeworth. ...Please begin your cross-examination. Cross-Examination -- The Night of the Murder -- Bikini: That night I was helping an acolyte with her training in the Inner Temple. But... Bikini: Well, as you can see, my back likes to act up. Violently. Bikini: So, I left Iris to help the acolyte, and returned to Hazakura Temple. Bikini: There's no bath at the Inner Temple, you see, and I needed a long, hot soak. Bikini: It was after I had finished, just as I was heading back... that's when I saw it! Edgeworth: (There is indeed only one problem with this testimony. If I can clearly point out what it is, then I can begin to quantify... ...just how good this witness's memory and observation skills are.) Edgeworth: ...Witnesses have to undergo their own trials, I'm afraid. The defendant's fate rests on their powers of observation and memory, after all. Bikini: Well, well, well. Don't worry! I'm more than up to the task! I'm a woman of faith, after all. The head honcho of Hazakura Temple. Edgeworth: In that case, Ms. Honcho... I'd like you to explain something for me. The discrepancy between your testimony and that of the defendant, Iris. She claims that after ringing the lights out bell, she went back and stayed in her room. ...Which means! She did not go to the Inner Temple at all! Bikini: N... No...! She said that...? von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: A defendant or a witness... Who is more likely to lie, do you suppose? The defendant is simply lying to cover her back! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: But that is completely illogical. The murder was committed in the courtyard of Hazakura Temple. Claiming that she "went to the Inner Temple" would make for a much better alibi. von Karma: ...! Bikini: But that is odd... Whatever the reason... I can't believe that she would lie...! Judge: Hmm... she does indeed have honest eyes! Uwaaaah! von Karma: ...All people lie. That is my belief. Judge: Why am I the only one being whipped in here...!? Anyway! Neither the witness nor the defendant have any reason to lie! Which means... We must call your memory into question... Bikini: Dear, dear, dear. You're older than me and yet you want to play that game, do you? Judge: A-Ah, well, that isn't exactly what I... Bikini: My memory is perfect! Crystal clear! Especially in winter! Judge: Then... I suppose it's too early to end this cross-examination, eh. Mr. Edgeworth. If you are going to question the memory of this witness... ...you will need to show me a more decisive piece of evidence. Edgeworth: ...Understood, Your Honor. (I was naïve to think that alone would do the trick.) Judge: Then please add your comments aboot Iris to the testimony... And let us return to the cross-examination. Cross-Examination -- The Night of the Murder -- Bikini: That night I was helping an acolyte with her training in the Inner Temple. But... Bikini: Well, as you can see, my back likes to act up. Violently. Bikini: Iris came to the Inner Temple. She was dressed exactly as she had been at dinner. Bikini: There's no bath at the Inner Temple, you see, and I needed a long, hot soak. Bikini: It was after I had finished, just as I was heading back... that's when I saw it! Edgeworth: (There is indeed only one problem with this testimony. If I can clearly point out what it is, then I can begin to quantify... ...just how good this witness's memory and observation skills are.) Edgeworth: ...Witness. Let's get one thing straight. The defendant whom you claim to have met... ...she was wearing this "Demon-Warding Hood", correct? Bikini: Of course! That is a very important piece of clothing, I'll have you know! Wha ha ha! Wha ha ha! Ha ha... Wait a minute... von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: H-Hold it right there! Why do you have that...!? Edgeworth: That's the question of the day, now isn't it... Ms. von Karma? I'll have you know that this hood was given to someone as a gift that night. Before the lights out bell was rung. von Karma: W... What!? Edgeworth: ...You know where I'm going with this, don't you? If the witness had seen the defendant as she claims... ...the defendant couldn't have been wearing this very hood! Bikini: Well well well! Edgeworth: (It's not a bad feeling at all, exposing contradictions like this... Now I understand that happy look on Wright's face every time he does it...) Judge: Order! Order in the court! Witness, your response... Wuahaaa! von Karma: ...Sister. This hood... You have spare ones around the temple, don't you? Bikini: Spares... Well... I do tend to make too many of them. Judge: I see... A stockpile. A surplus of hoods, eh? Bikini: Each nun is only given one hood. This should be the only hood that Iris owned... Judge: Hmm... Then this is quite strange! Waaaah! von Karma: If there was a surplus of hoods, then she could have worn one of those! ...There is no contradiction here! Judge: Hmm... Edgeworth: (I'm sorry to break this to you, Ms. von Karma... but you won't get away that easily. Discrepancies such as this will sow seeds in any human heart. The seeds of doubt.) Judge: ...Witness. While I don't wish to call your testimony into doubt... ...you must give every detail with precision. Bikini: I-I'm not sure I'm comfortable going along with this... von Karma: Sister. You shall continue with your testimony. Tell us what you saw after finishing your bath, on your way back to the Inner Temple! Edgeworth: (Those seeds of doubt are sprouting in the Judge's heart. They just need a little more stimulation to bear fruit... Contradictory stimulation.) Witness Testimony -- After My Bath -- Bikini: I finished my bath around 11, and I thought I should return to the Inner Temple. And as I was walking back... I heard a noise from the courtyard. I took a look and... Iris was...! Oh, Mystic Elise! And with that sword, of all things! Mystic Elise was staying in the corner room, which faces out onto the courtyard. The stabbing I saw must have occurred after she was pushed out of her window. Judge: You saw a truly terrible sight, didn't you...? If I was in your place... ...then it would be much like Ms. von Karma whipping Mr. Edgeworth in two in court! And me, seeing it all from this very chair! ...Er, well, something like that. Edgeworth: (This judge... His imagination is about as vivid and creative as Detective Gumshoe...) von Karma: I would look the fool if I commented on such foolishness. Anyway, this case is mine... Miles Edgeworth! Edgeworth: Calling everyone by their full name... Can't you do something about that habit of yours? Cross-Examination -- After My Bath -- Bikini: I finished my bath around 11, and I thought I should return to the Inner Temple. Bikini: And as I was walking back... I heard a noise from the courtyard. I took a look and... Bikini: Iris was...! Oh, Mystic Elise! And with that sword, of all things! Bikini: Now that you mention it... Iris didn't have her hood on. Bikini: Mystic Elise was staying in the corner room, which faces out onto the courtyard. Bikini: The stabbing I saw must have occurred after she was pushed out of her window. Edgeworth: (...It doesn't feel like she is lying. This is very powerful testimony, too. She claims to have seen the instant in which the defendant stabbed the victim... There are only two things I can believe in right now... My client, Iris, and my own abilities as a defense attorney.) Edgeworth: ...Impressive logic. That's what I'd like to say, anyway. Bikini: Oh please do! My brain is something else... especially in winter! Edgeworth: However... I think you are overlooking one thing. ...Ms. von Karma. Would you be so kind as to take another look at the autopsy report? von Karma: T-The autopsy report...? Edgeworth: The victim did fall from a height of 10 feet. ...However. This fall... was after she was killed. von Karma: Ah...! Judge: T-That's right! It says "after death" right here! Edgeworth: The scene the witness claims to have seen is contradictory! If the defendant stabbed and killed the victim there in the courtyard... ...how did the victim then go on to take a ten foot fall!? von Karma: Aaah! Judge: O-Order! Order! The victim was killed and then fell! If that is the case... ...then the victim must have been killed in her room... Don't you agree? von Karma: Th-That is the logical conclusion... Yes, that's right! The victim must have been stabbed by the defendant in her own room! And she was then thrown out of her window down into the courtyard below! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: Were there any signs of a struggle in Ms. Deauxnim's room...? von Karma: ...! Edgeworth: She was stabbed with a sword! That would leave a blood stain, wouldn't you agree? Judge: W-Well, Ms. von Karma? Was there any blood...? Waaaaaah! von Karma: ...No traces of blood were found in the victim's room. Judge: ...Your whip has just caused traces of blood to be found on my glorious playoff beard. However! If there was no blood in the room, then your claim that... Waaaaah! von Karma: I'm sure there's no need for me to go over this... ...as I'm sure Your Honor is well aware... ...of when a stab wound produces the most blood. Judge: When it produces the most blood...? von Karma: Very little blood is actually lost at the moment of a blade's insertion. If you want to talk about when the most blood would be lost from a body... ...that would be when the blade is removed. Edgeworth: Indeed. With the weapon still in place... ...it acts like a lid on the wound. Judge: That's true... With the weapon still in the body, there wouldn't be much bleeding... A perfectly reasonable line of thinking! von Karma: We have come to a conclusion then! The victim was thrown out of the window with the sword still in place... This removes all of the contradictions! Judge: Order! Order! Order! I must admit that this is a probable version of events! Edgeworth: (I'd expect no less from Franziska von Karma... She locates and takes control of every vital point!) von Karma: ...Hmph... Judge: It seems... ...that we need a clearer testimony from the witness. Remove all supposition on your part and tell us only the truth, please! Witness! Please! Remain standing on the crate! Bikini: Don't go selling me short now! The weight of winter snow has bent me out of shape! ...Especially my back and my mood! von Karma: Sister. Please give us your testimony. I will give you a vigorous massage once we are finished here. Edgeworth: (...With the whip?) Bikini: ...Oh, boy. Alright, alright... Witness Testimony -- Further Details -- Bikini: When I looked across at the scene, the sword was already in place. Thinking about it now, I didn't actually see her stab Mystic Elise. I've never seen so much blood before... That's when I fainted. You can't blame me, can you? And when I awoke... Mystic Ami was... stabbing Mystic Elise through the back! Judge: Hmm... This all confirms Ms. von Karma's theory... von Karma: Von Karmas strive for nothing but perfection. Putting together such facts is nothing for me! You should know that, Miles Edgeworth! Edgeworth: ("Perfection" is an impossibility, Franziska von Karma... And I'm here to teach you just that...) Cross-Examination -- Further Details -- Bikini: When I looked across at the scene, the sword was already in place. Bikini: Thinking about it now, I didn't actually see her stab Mystic Elise. Bikini: I saw the instant in which the blade, plunged in to the hilt, was smoothly drawn out. Bikini: I've never seen so much blood before... Bikini: That's when I fainted. You can't blame me, can you? Bikini: And when I awoke... Mystic Ami was... stabbing Mystic Elise through the back! Edgeworth: (There are too many unnatural elements in this case... Why was it necessary to use the Shichishito from the Ami statue as a weapon? Why was the weapon finally placed back in the hand of the statue? If I can expose the flaws in this testimony, perhaps then I will begin to find the truth.) Edgeworth: Sister Bikini. You are a reliable witness... At least, I'd like to think so. But there are too many contradictions here. Bikini: W-What do you mean? You make it sound as though I'm a liar! But... You're a handsome young man, so I'll forgive you. von Karma: What contradictions are you talking about? Edgeworth: In the scene that the witness claims to have seen... ...the weapon was thrust up to its hilt into the victim. Furthermore... the killer withdrew the weapon smoothly from the body. ...However! Both of these are complete impossibilities! Judge: What do you mean...? Please, explain you... Uwaaaaah! von Karma: Explain yourself! Edgeworth: To start with... Do you think it would be possible to stab someone to the hilt with this? No matter how I look at the defendant, she doesn't appear strong enough for that. von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: "Doesn't appear"...? What meaningless dribble! I, too, may appear to be weak and frail... But I can crush men under my heel and make them weep, should I so choose! Judge: The objection stands! I wept a little back there, I must admit. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: ...That isn't the only issue here. If this sword was truly stabbed into the body up to the hilt... Well, just look at all the branches on it. It certainly wouldn't come out smoothly. von Karma: T-That's... Edgeworth: We also have the problem of the amount of bleeding. It's true that when a blade is left in a body, it acts as a "plug" of sorts. However! When the weapon is shaped like this, it's an entirely different story. The wound would be too large for the blade to completely stop from bleeding! von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: T-That's nothing more than conjecture! In reality, the victim was stabbed with the Shichishito. Even a weapon of this nature... ...may still sometimes slide out smoothly, and may still sometimes stop the blood loss! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: I'm not finished. There is still one more... conclusive contradiction. Judge: Y-You've still got more!? Edgeworth: ...This one is simple. If this sword really was thrust in all the way to the hilt... ...why is there only blood on the tip of it? von Karma: Ah...! Edgeworth: If this witness is telling the truth... Then there should be blood along the entire length of the sword! von Karma: Noooooo! Judge: Order! Order! Ord-- Whaaaaaaaa! von Karma: Bravo... Miles Edgeworth. Raising this many contradictions from a single piece of evidence! All the other attorneys I know could maybe manage one, if that! Judge: But what does this all mean!? You have proven contradictions regarding the murder weapon, but... Edgeworth: ...Having come this far, there can only be one answer. von Karma: And that is...? Edgeworth: The weapon used to kill the victim... ...was not the Shichishito! Judge: W-Whaaaaaaaaat!? von Karma: A foolishly foolish idea born from the foolish mind of a foolhardy foolish fool. Edgeworth: Let's examine this again. What was it that made us think this sword was the murder weapon? Bikini: W-Well... It's because Mystic Ami was holding it... Edgeworth: ...Exactly. However! If you reflect on this, that is the only basis we have to assume such a thing. The impression left by the scene was just too strong. That is what influenced us. It influenced us to believe that the Shichishito was the murder weapon! Judge: Order! Order! Order! Waaaaaaaaah! von Karma: So maybe the Shichishito was not the murder weapon. Even if that is the case... it changes nothing, Miles Edgeworth! The Sister here saw everything! She saw the defendant stab the victim with a sword-like object. Judge: Hmmmmmm... That's true! Your response, Mr. Edgeworth? Edgeworth: ... If that is so... I would like the prosecution to answer the obvious question it raises. Judge: The obvious... question? Edgeworth: ...Yes. Namely... Where did the real murder weapon disappear to? von Karma: ...! Edgeworth: It goes without saying that the police searched the Main Hall and the surrounding area. ...Perhaps the prosecution can enlighten us as to if a "sword-like object" was found. von Karma: T-That's... Judge: Answer the question, Ms. von Karma! von Karma: ... No evidence of that kind was found. Judge: Hmmmmm... Another mystery to throw onto the pile! A trial without a murder weapon is a tricky beast! Bikini: Excuse me... Could I say something...? I just remembered something, actually... von Karma: ...What is it, Sister? Bikini: I was just thinking... It's possible... ...that just maybe... what actually happened was... it was just over there... Judge: ... What exactly are you going on aboot here? Bikini: The murder weapon, I mean! Maybe... I think I might know where the sword was disposed of! Edgeworth: You what!? von Karma: Well then... I think we need to hear testimony from you one more time, Sister. Edgeworth: (Impossible...! What else... What else could this old woman have seen!?) Witness Testimony -- Location of the Weapon -- Bikini: I saw the murder at around 11 PM... And after asking that it be reported, I went out to the Main Gate. And there... I saw tracks! Tracks that indicated the snowmobile had been used! It takes 15 minutes to walk to Dusky Bridge, but less than 5 using one of those! Maybe they threw the weapon into Eagle River and came back while I was knocked out? ...Iris could have done that. She can drive a snowmobile after all... Judge: Hmmmmmm... Witness. Please, tell us everything you know right away next time. Bikini: Well. I'm not in the best of shape. What with my back and my age, you know. von Karma: Quite... There were indeed snowmobile tracks in front of the Main Gate. Here is a photograph. Judge: A snowmobile, eh... I see. Well, it certainly is an interesting theory... von Karma: The tracks begin in front of Hazakura Temple... ...and run all the way to Dusky Bridge! von Karma: ...That solves your pesky little problem, yes? The Eagle River's current is quite swift, meaning that it doesn't freeze over in winter. Making it the perfect place to dispose of the murder weapon! Edgeworth: (Did she really go to the river to dispose of the murder weapon...?) Judge: Mr. Edgeworth! ...Your cross-examination, please. Cross-Examination -- Location of the Weapon -- Bikini: I saw the murder at around 11 PM... Bikini: And after asking that it be reported, I went out to the Main Gate. Bikini: And there... I saw tracks! Tracks that indicated the snowmobile had been used! Bikini: It takes 15 minutes to walk to Dusky Bridge, but less than 5 using one of those! Bikini: Maybe they threw the weapon into Eagle River and came back while I was knocked out? Bikini: ...Iris could have done that. She can drive a snowmobile after all... Edgeworth: (Another mystery to feed the fire... "Was there any reason to go and throw away the murder weapon"...? Luckily, there is surely a problem with this testimony. Now all I have to do is start poking holes in this flawed account...) Edgeworth: I admit this photograph proves something. It proves that the snowmobile was used on the night of the murder. von Karma: You've finally accepted the inevitable, it seems... Miles Edgeworth. Edgeworth: However... If what the witness says is true, why is there only one set of tracks? von Karma: What do you mean...? Edgeworth: Iris left Hazakura Temple, threw the weapon into the river, and then returned. If this was the case, then naturally there should be two sets of tracks in the snow! Those from heading out to the bridge, and those from coming back. Bikini: ... Ah...! You're right! von Karma: Hmph... You are forgetting one thing, Miles Edgeworth. Edgeworth: ...? von Karma: On the night of the murder, it was snowing. The tracks leading to the bridge were erased by the snowfall. This removes your precious contradiction, now doesn't it! Judge: I see! While she was at the river, the snow stopped... ...leaving just the return tracks in the snow. von Karma: What do you have to say now, Miles Edgeworth! Edgeworth: (Is there a flaw in her theory...? This idea that the snowfall covered one set of tracks...?) Edgeworth: The tracks to the river were covered by snow... What a nice theory. However, Ms. von Karma... That is impossible. von Karma: ... Would you care to explain... ...why there is a rude index finger currently pointed in my general direction? Edgeworth: ...No need. The evidence will do all of the talking for me. Judge: On the night of the murder the killer went to, and returned from, Dusky Bridge... ...in order to dispose of the murder weapon. The outgoing tracks were erased by snow. ...Or so claims Ms. von Karma. Mr. Edgeworth! Present your evidence to the contrary, eh! Evidence that the outgoing tracks were not covered by snow! Edgeworth: Ultimately, it all comes down to one point. That being... Whether or not it was snowing in that courtyard when the victim was stabbed... von Karma: That's right. But proving that is... Edgeworth: Incredibly easy. von Karma: ...! Edgeworth: If we want to know whether it was snowing or not, this photo will tell us everything. Of course, I am referring to the photo of the crime scene. As you can see... everything is covered with snow. ...With just one exception. von Karma: And that is...? Edgeworth: The victim herself, Ms. Elise Deauxnim! Why is there no snow on top of her...? The answer is simple! It had stopped snowing when she was killed, that's why! von Karma: Gnnngh! Edgeworth: In other words! If the killer really did go to the Eagle River to dispose of the murder weapon... ...then in this photograph, there should be two sets of tracks! von Karma: Aaaaah! Judge: Order! Order! Just what are you... Gyahaah! von Karma: J-Just what are you suggesting, Miles Edgeworth!? Edgeworth: (To be honest... I am not entirely sure myself. But...) This is simply what all of the facts point to. That night... someone used the snowmobile to leave Hazakura Temple. From the tracks left, it can be understood that they were heading for Dusky Bridge. At that time... it was still snowing. von Karma: Of course it was. Because those tracks were gone. Edgeworth: Then when this person returned to Hazakura Temple... ...the snow had stopped. Thus, the return tracks remained. Judge: Hmmmmm... Bikini: Can I say something? This all sounds a bit fishy to me... von Karma: ...What does, Sister? Bikini: There is only one key for the snowmobile. Edgeworth: ...! von Karma: Furthermore, on the night in question, we know that the defendant had it! The key was found in her room after the murder! Bikini: ...Which can only mean, that night... Iris used the snowmobile to go to the Inner Temple... Edgeworth: (But... Iris said that she never went there... I should probably press on this point some more when I get the chance...) Bikini: The snowmobile can't cross the suspension bridge... So, she must have left it on the Hazakura side of the bridge and crossed on foot. Judge: ...That sounds right. Bikini: But... What's odd is, when I left Iris and returned to Hazakura Temple... I didn't see anything near Dusky Bridge. von Karma: Y-You must have just failed to see it, Sister. Bikini: Maybe... But when I made it back to Hazakura Temple... ...it was there, by the Main Gate... The snowmobile, I mean. I know what I saw. It was covered in snow, too... Edgeworth: B-But that... isn't possible! Judge: Order! Order! Order in the court! ...What does this all mean? von Karma: ...Nngh... Edgeworth: So then what was the snowmobile used for...? It wasn't taken by the defendant when she went to the Inner Temple. If it had been, then the witness couldn't possibly have seen it by the gate. Furthermore... it wasn't used by the killer to dispose of the murder weapon. If that was the case, there should be two sets of tracks in this photo. All we know is this... After it stopped snowing... someone used the snowmobile to return to Hazakura Temple! Judge: Hmmmmmm... Edgeworth: (I never thought a simple snowmobile could cause so much trouble...) Judge: ... I think we've arrived at this point due to the witness... Bikini: Yes, yes. I've nothing more to add. I've told you everything, everything that I know. Judge: Well then... That still leaves us with the same problem. If only there was someone... A witness who could testify to having seen the snowmobile! Edgeworth: (A witness, huh...) Judge: Was there no one out, walking perhaps, near Dusky Bridge on that night? Bikini: ... I don't think that's likely. It was cold enough to freeze your ears off. Only an idiot would go out wandering in that. ...Unless they had something really important to do. Judge: Hmmmm... That's a shame. Edgeworth: (Hold on... Something is coming to me... An idiot may well have gone wandering out on that sub-arctic night!) Edgeworth: ...Your Honor! I actually have an idea... There may be one individual able to help us. Judge: R-Really!? von Karma: ...You know of someone who might have seen the snowmobile on the night of the murder...? Edgeworth: I don't know for sure if he saw it or not... But there are two things about him that do come to mind. Judge: Which are...? Edgeworth: First... that he saw "something incredible" on the night of the murder. von Karma: ...And the second being? Edgeworth: This individual that I am thinking of went wandering outside on that cold night... In other words, he is our kind of idiot. Judge: Mr. Edgeworth! Who is this idiot you're talking aboot!? Judge: This guy must be a product of "Jean-Luc de Laduc's Guide To Obnoxious French Painting"... Edgeworth: This is Larry Butz... The student of the victim, Elise Deauxnim. Judge: Her student...? Interesting. Why was he wandering on the night of the murder? Edgeworth: T-That's... (I could tell them all about his designs for Iris... But it may cost us his credibility as a witness... Before I even call him.) He is, after all, an artist. He was, perhaps, searching for something in the snowy scenery that would move him. ...Although I cannot guarantee that this is the reason. von Karma: And so...? This unfortunate, unreliable-looking man... What exactly was it that he saw? Edgeworth: I intend to extract that from him, right here in this courtroom. Judge: Summon this youth as a witness immediately! von Karma: ... I have no choice, do I? Edgeworth: I believe he is in the gallery for this trial. It will not take long to summon him. Judge: ...Very well. Edgeworth: (Larry... You may have escaped me yesterday... But today I'm going to get everything out of you!) Judge: ...The court will now adjourn for a 20 minute break. Ms. von Karma, please see to preparing the next witness. von Karma: ...Understood, Your Honor. Judge: Good... Well then! Court is now in recess! To be continued. February 9, 11:15 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 1 Iris: Excuse me... Mr. Edgeworth? I'm not really sure what to say... Edgeworth: Iris. We only have 20 minutes. There are two things which I need to ask you before we reconvene. Iris: ...Alright. I'll help you any way I can. Edgeworth: First, about that night. You really didn't go to the Inner Temple, correct? The last witness claims to have met and talked with you in the Training Hall. Either you or Sister Bikini... ...is lying. Iris: ... Mr. Edgeworth. It is just as I said yesterday. Until the incident occurred... I was in my own room, in Hazakura Temple. Edgeworth: ...Very well. The second thing, then. That night, the temple snowmobile was used in between the time Sister Bikini... ...returned to the Main Hall and when she bore witness to the murder. Sometime between 10:30 and 11 PM that night. Were you the one who used the snowmobile? Iris: ... There is only one key for the snowmobile. The only person who could have used it... was me. Edgeworth: So it was you...! But... why? ...What made you go out to Dusky Bridge? Iris: ... I'm sorry, Mr. Edgeworth. 5 PSYCHE-LOCKS Edgeworth: Iris... Iris: I can't... tell you about that... yet. Edgeworth: "Yet"...? Iris: Not until her safety is confirmed... Edgeworth: Her? Iris: The safety of the acolyte... Edgeworth: (The "acolyte", huh... She's must be talking about Maya...) Edgeworth: ... Iris. Look me in the eye and tell me the truth. Did you kill Elise Deauxnim? Iris: ... No matter who or what may come... I could never take a life. Edgeworth: ... (As I thought... no Psycholock...) ...Very well. It is my job to get to the truth. You'll discover this for yourself soon enough. February 9, 11:36 AM District Court Courtroom No. 7 Judge: ...Court will now reconvene. Ms. von Karma. Where is the witness...? von Karma: During the break, a man was detained for suspicious behavior in the gallery. Edgeworth: Suspicious behavior...? von Karma: He was sketching something... Very intensely. Judge: Dare I ask what the witness was sketching when he was detained? von Karma: He drew a terrifying woman, armed with a demonic face and a vicious whip. Judge: ... I can only presume that his intention was to capture you-- ...Aaaah! von Karma: Anyway, it's time to drag this pathetic excuse for an artist before the court! Laurice Deauxnim! I hope you're ready... Get in here! Edgeworth: (It would seem that whip is going to see plenty more use today...) Butz: Ouch! von Karma: ...Your sketch is in contempt of this court! Butz: H-Hey! I was just artistically rendering... Ou-Ouch! von Karma: You tried to run away from the bailiff who was trying to hand you your subpoena, correct? Butz: L-Look! I'm nothing but a fledgling artist, training out in the mountains! I'm only down here in the city because I ran out of green paint. Well, to use the technical term for the color, "viridian". Edgeworth: ...Larry... This isn't an art store, now is it...? Butz: I know! I graduated junior high, OK!? Look. Art is all about working in the fields, isn't it? Judge: Working in the fields...? Edgeworth: I presume he wanted to say "field work"... I hope. Butz: Th-That's it! Thanks, buddy! Edgeworth: (It's kind of sad that I was able to understand his mangled train wreck of a sentence...) Butz: I just happened to stop in here and found a wonderful new model! von Karma: ... Butz: So see!? I've got nothing to do with this trial! At all! I expect all of your faces to be red when you realize this mistake! Bright red! Or, to use the technical term, "crimson lake". ...Ou-Ou-Ouch! Ou-Ou-Ou-Ouch! Ouch! Judge: Ou-Ou-Ou-Ouch! Ouch! Ou-Ouch! von Karma: Stop your pathetic blabbing and testify like a man! Judge: Refrain from whipping me, Ms. von Karma! Cross-whipping is as bad as cross-checking. Witness! That was all your fault! Testify, now! Butz: Waaaah... This is almost too much for me...! Witness Testimony -- What I Saw -- Butz: I was at that lodge out in the mountains, looking up at the stars that night. I walked to the bridge a number of times, but... I didn't see a s-snowmobile! I didn't meet anyone at the bridge that night! The girl I was waiting for didn't show up... My teacher died on me... I'm all alone now. Aren't I, Edgeyyyyy...!? Judge: Witness! Please refrain from talking directly to the lawyers during your testimony! Butz: I-I'm just a nobody! Nothing but a small, worthless man, aren't I!? And why wasn't I asked for my name and occupation... or anything else...!? Judge: ... Mr. Edgeworth. This man seems to have quite a severe inferiority complex. Edgeworth: ...He's recently been the cause of numerous incidents. I think he's finally realized for himself... ...just how much of a nuisance he has been to other people! Butz: Yeah, that's right! I'm behind everything, every case! Watch out, OK! Just touching me will make you eternally unhappy! Judge: ...Well then, let us proceed with the cross-examination. With no touching, thank you. We can delve into other details at a later time. Cross-Examination -- What I Saw -- Butz: I was at that lodge out in the mountains, looking up at the stars that night. Butz: I walked to the bridge a number of times, but... Butz: I didn't see a s-snowmobile! Butz: I didn't meet anyone at the bridge that night! Edgeworth: (It seems that he's going to claim to have nothing to do with this to the end. I don't want this guy to cost us any more time... I need to slice through his obvious contradictions and keep things moving along...) Edgeworth: Larry Butz... I can understand why you might want to throw your old life away. You're pretty pathetic, and you cause all sorts of trouble... Butz: I'm sorry...! Edgeworth: But... Having realized just how much of a nuisance you have been... ...that could be considered a step in the right direction. Butz: Edgey! Are you... trying to console me? Judge: It certainly doesn't sound that way to me. Edgeworth: However... I cannot forgive you for simply turning away from the incidents you create! Butz: Waaah... You're totally pinning this on me... Edgeworth: ...Now then. Let us talk about the night of the murder. Sister Bikini, after seeing the murder take place, asked Phoenix Wright to report it. Thus, he headed for the public phone by the bridge... There, he happened across a certain nefarious individual! You, Larry Butz! Butz: ... That's right. Me, in the flesh. Judge: Hmm... Listen carefully, witness. It doesn't matter if you change your name. So long as you remain pretty pathetic, you will continue to cause these incidents! That reality will not change! Butz: B-But...! What do you want me to do, then!? Edgeworth: Larry. What you need to change is your inner self. "What you saw that night"... Testify truthfully! That is all you can do for now. Butz: ... Edgey... I... I think... I've finally woken up! ... Well. I guess I could still be sleeping... But anyway! I'll do it! I'll testify! ... Well. I'm not sure this'll go especially well... Judge: I'll ask again, then, witness. What did you see on the night of the murder? Witness Testimony -- What I Saw, Pt. 2 -- Butz: I went to the shack at around 9, so it would have been about 10:30 PM... I was lying under my bedding when a white flash almost blinded me! I looked out the window... and Dusky Bridge was on fire! There was still some thunder, but I went right away to check it out. That's when I ran into Nick. Judge: Hmmmm... You certainly saw quite a lot, didn't you? von Karma: So... what happened to the bridge after it caught on fire? Butz: It was like me after a three day stint chasing a girl... It totally burnt out. Like, almost totally gone. ...I mean, trying to cross the burning remains was what caused Nick to fall. von Karma: W-What did you say!? Edgeworth: Oh, don't worry... nothing life-threatening. He just caught a cold. von Karma: As always, hard to know if he should be called lucky or unlucky... Judge: Now, Mr. Edgeworth! Please commence your cross-examination. Cross-Examination -- What I Saw, Pt. 2 -- Butz: I went to the shack at around 9, so it would have been about 10:30 PM... Butz: I was lying under my bedding when a white flash almost blinded me! Butz: I looked out the window... and Dusky Bridge was on fire! Butz: There was still some thunder, but I went right away to check it out. Butz: That's when I ran into Nick. Butz: I arrived at the bridge, and Nick showed up less than a minute later. Butz: I thought I'd never get another chance to see something so big burning! Edgeworth: (...He told me about the burning bridge yesterday. But there's still something that doesn't quite fit... It looks like... ...despite his change of heart, Larry still isn't telling us the whole truth.) Edgeworth: Your very existence being a contradiction, I'm not sure if you can grasp this or not... Butz: What the hey, Edgey!? You make me sound like some sort of alien! Edgeworth: But your testimony is conclusively contradictory. The problem here... is time. Butz: I've never been the best timekeeper, you know. "Three minutes after Billy leaves on foot, you follow him on your bicycle." "How long does it take for you to catch up with him?" Terrible at those. Edgeworth: ...This is much more simple. You saw the lightning strike Dusky Bridge... ...and immediately went to see what had happened. ...Is this correct? Butz: Yeah... Well, I wasted about five minutes first, but more or less. Edgeworth: ...I have the weather data from the night of the murder here. According to this, the lightning fell at 10:45 PM. You say it takes less than five minutes from the shack to Dusky Bridge. Meaning you probably got there at around 11 PM. Butz: ...That all sounds about right, I guess. And then Nick showed up and did his falling act. Edgeworth: That is impossible. von Karma: ...What do you mean? Edgeworth: 11 PM is when the murder occurred in Hazakura Temple. Thus... Wright was still there, in the courtyard. There is no way that Larry could have encountered him at Dusky Bridge at that time! von Karma: ...! Butz: Ah! Excuse me! I-I have an objection! Judge: You do? Butz: Edgey! How many times do I have to say this!? I'm not Larry! I'm Laurice Deauxnim! Gyaaah! von Karma: ...It has not been proven that the murder occurred at 11 PM. The Sister only said, "around 11". ...In which case! It could have been earlier than that! Edgeworth: ...Watch your footing there, Ms. Franziska von Karma. The slope ahead is slippery! For there is still no way that Wright could have been at Dusky Bridge at 11 PM! von Karma: And why not!? Edgeworth: It is clearly written here in the weather data report. It took around 30 minutes for the bridge to burn out. Therefore! The bridge must have been burning until at least 11:15 PM! Judge: Which means... what, exactly? Edgeworth: Wright did not see the bridge as it was burning that night. He did not arrive there until after the flames had died down! ...Larry! You arrived at the bridge at 11 PM. Wright did not make it there until at least 11:15... Are you still trying to hide something from us!? What happened during these missing 15 minutes!? Butz: Urk... I... I feel like I just woke up... I guess I was still sleeping after all! Ha ha ha! Pinch me! Judge: Order! Order! Order! Ordaaaaaaaaagh! von Karma: ...So there was a missing 15 minutes prior to meeting Phoenix Wright. I hardly see that as much of a problem! Butz: Yeah! Not much of a problem at all! Edgeworth: Really...? The bridge is burning before your eyes, and there is a phone right next to it. Why, then, did you not report the accident? Judge: Did you simply... watch the bridge burn? Edgeworth: That is the problem here... Even after the bridge burnt out, he was still there! He simply stood there and didn't report anything. von Karma: Th-That's what it sounds like... Edgeworth: This might be Larry we are talking about, but even he is incapable of being so stupid. There has to be a reason for his inaction! Butz: ... Edgey... I think it's about time I got serious with you, dude. Edgeworth: ...Just as I thought, you've been playing with us all this time. Butz: Listen... I'm... I'm going to tell you everything! Are you sure you want to hear it all!? Edgeworth: Y-Yes... Butz: I may reeeeally say it this time! Everything! Kahaah! von Karma: ...Then say it! Judge: Very well... I have a terribly bad feeling aboot this; however... ...let's have the witness finally give us the whole truth. Now... for this 15 minute gap, what where you doing, witness!? Witness Testimony -- The Missing 15 Minutes -- Butz: I'm a Deauxnim. I'm an artist! What do you think I was doing? Sketching! In front of the bridge! I was whipped up into a frenzy of art! The shock and awe that I was feeling... I transferred it all directly onto the page! ...Before I realized it, the flames had gone out and then he came running up. Judge: Hmmmmm... I suppose artists can be strange folk... Butz: That's right! I'm willing to sacrifice everything in order to draw the perfect sketch! Edgeworth: (...Including the truth, from the sound of it!) Judge: Mr. Edgeworth. Has this removed the last of your doubts? Edgeworth: Not at all, Your Honor. One very large doubt still remains. Judge: And what would that be? Edgeworth: This is a surprisingly believable story, especially considering the source... So why did he think he needed to hide it from us until now? I intend to drag the reason out of him! Butz: Hah ha ha! You'll regret this, Edgey! Cross-Examination -- The Missing 15 Minutes -- Butz: I'm a Deauxnim. I'm an artist! What do you think I was doing? Butz: Sketching! In front of the bridge! I was whipped up into a frenzy of art! Butz: I saw Iris flying! Her white hood fluttering! Butz: The shock and awe that I was feeling... I transferred it all directly onto the page! Butz: ...Before I realized it, the flames had gone out and then he came running up. Edgeworth: (There is a big clue waiting for me in this cross-examination... This testimony does nothing less than mock the court... But I am sure that there is a vital kernel of truth hidden in it somewhere!) Edgeworth: Larry. What did you really see that night...? Not that I particularly care. Butz: In your position, that's just being irresponsible! I... I drew exactly what I saw! I'll give you a whole dollar that it's the truth! Edgeworth: If that is truly the case... Then there is one thing that we can say for certain. Judge: What might that be...? Edgeworth: That the person who flew over the bridge... ...could not have been the defendant, Iris! Butz: W-W-What!? What do you mean? I don't understand!? Uwaaagh! von Karma: A foolhardy folly of a foolish statement by an equally foolishly foolhardy fool. How, exactly, can you make this claim? Edgeworth: ...Tell us, Larry. According to this picture... ...the individual whom you say you saw was wearing a hood. Correct? Butz: Of course she was! That run-down shack is quite a way from the bridge... The hood is what told me that this floating angel was my Iris! The hood is my darling Iris! And Iris is my darling hood! Waaah! von Karma: It seems there are bigger fools in this world than the one at the defense's bench. Edgeworth: ...Larry, there's something you need to be made aware of. On the night of the murder... Iris wasn't wearing her hood. She had given it to Wright as a gift! Are you going to change your story now? Perhaps suggest it was Wright who took flight!? Butz: W-What are you talking about!? Edgeworth: ...I think you understand what I mean just fine. Butz: Why...? Why did Nick have Iris's hood!? Edgeworth: Eh...? Butz: Edgey! What's going on with Iris and Nick!? Why you, Niiiiiick! You dooooooog! Judge: I do believe... ...that this unbelievably mysterious sketch... ...is destined to disappear, discredited and discarded. Straight into the garbage. Butz: ...Hah... Hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hagaaah! von Karma: ...What is it now, witness? Butz: It feels like... I've been waiting 25 years for this very day to come! Edgey! Today is the day I get to completely stupefy you! Edgeworth: W-What...!? Judge: What is the meaning of your outburst, witness!? Butz: ...I hate to have to do this, but I have some definitive evidence. Edgeworth: "Definitive"...? von Karma: "Evidence"...? Butz: Iris did indeed come flying over the burning bridge! And I, Laurice Deauxnim... ...shall prove it! Judge: I didn't expect to ask this again... But we shall be needing your testimony once again. Tell us anything you know concerning the defendant as depicted in this sketch... And show us your evidence that this nightmare was actually a reality! Butz: ...OK. I hope you're ready, Edgey! Because I'm going to feed you a whopping serving of pain! Edgeworth: (...You've been serving us a whopping serving of pain this whole time. Trust me.) Witness Testimony -- Proof That Iris Flew! -- Butz: When I reached Dusky Bridge she was already gone... I was so worried! So I frantically searched all over for her! That led to me finding a beautiful crystal sphere, half-buried in the snow! I'm sure that Iris was simply wearing a spare hood. After all, no one else could have lost a crystal sphere that night. Judge: A c-crystal sphere...!? Butz: This one. Pretty, isn't it? But finders keepers! von Karma: That sphere... Where did you find it? Butz: Let me see... Around here, somewhere? Looks about right. Edgeworth: And it was half-buried in the snow...? Butz: It had pretty much stopped snowing by then... But there was still some falling as I walked to the bridge. Judge: Hmmmm... The court accepts this crystal sphere! Butz: ...That's mine, OK!? I want it back afterward! Judge: There's something on it, isn't there... von Karma: ...? Judge: Oh my... It's a blood stain! Edgeworth: (What!? A blood stain...!?) Butz: You ready, Edgey!? By tomorrow morning, you'll be calling me "Master Larry"! Yeah, I like the sound of that! No one's going to push me around anymore! Edgeworth: (...Didn't you want to be called "Laurice Deauxnim" only a few minutes ago!?) Cross-Examination -- Proof That Iris Flew! -- Butz: When I reached Dusky Bridge she was already gone... Butz: I was so worried! So I frantically searched all over for her! Butz: That led to me finding a beautiful crystal sphere, half-buried in the snow! Butz: I'm sure that Iris was simply wearing a spare hood. Butz: After all, no one else could have lost a crystal sphere that night. Edgeworth: (This case isn't going to end without a fight... Exposing the obvious contradictions in this testimony will be easy... But I fear that all that awaits us are further mysteries!) Edgeworth: ...Larry. That night... There was someone. Someone who lost a crystal sphere. Butz: Th-There was...? Who!? Who was this stupid idiot!? Edgeworth: Ms. Elise Deauxnim! The mentor to a stupid idiot! von Karma: The victim...!? Edgeworth: I have a photo of her here. And on the end of her staff, you can see a familiar looking crystal sphere. Butz: H-Hey...! That's my photograph! ...Give it back! Ou-Ou-Ouuuuch! von Karma: ...A crystal sphere like that is quite easy to find. I have one just like it on my broach. Edgeworth: (They look nothing alike!) In any case... please take a look at this. This is the victim's staff, found at the scene of the crime! Judge: ...Aaaaah! The crystal sphere... It's gone! Butz: W-W-W-W... What!? What!? What!? What!? WHAAAAAAAAAAT!? Judge: J-Just what does this mean!? Edgeworth: If anyone jumped... or flew across the bridge that night... ...it certainly was not Iris! After all... She was not wearing her hood! More importantly... ...the crystal sphere found at the "landing site" was not hers either! Judge: T-That means... The one who flew... ...and dropped the sphere... was the victim, Ms. Elise Deauxnim!? von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: A fool alongside another fool, on a fool's errand to reach a foolish conclusion! First of all, this "sketch", which I prefer to call a scribble, is ridiculous! People cannot fly! ...Thus, it is rejected! Butz: Y-You can't do that! I saw it! With my own two-- Eyeeeeeeiiiz! von Karma: ...And this crystal sphere. This is nothing more than a red herring! Edgeworth: You honestly believe that...? von Karma: Give it some thought, and I'm sure you'll realize it as well, Miles Edgeworth! Elise Deauxnim was in her room on the night of the murder. There was no reason for her to go to Dusky Bridge! Therefore, this sphere cannot be related to this case. That is all. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: ...Ms. Franziska von Karma. The only people who will accept that explanation... are scatterbrains and clowns! Butz: Why are you pointing at me!? Edgeworth: The victim's crystal sphere was found, near the bridge, on the night of her murder. Yet you expect us to believe this has nothing to do with the case!? von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: That crystal sphere... It was probably thrown away at the bridge after the murder. Judge: After the murder? von Karma: There is blood on the crystal sphere, isn't there? This naturally suggests that it was thrown away after the murder took place. The killer placed it there to throw the investigation off the scent... The same reason that he drew that ridiculous sketch! Butz: ... ...... What...? You mean... I'm the killer!? No waaaagh! von Karma: Enough joking... Just when did this crystal sphere appear near the foot of the bridge? Unless this can be proven in some way, I refuse to believe this is related to the case! Edgeworth: (She makes a valid point... There is no evidence that Elise Deauxnim left Hazakura Temple that night. ...However, if somehow this crystal sphere... ...can be proven to have been dropped before the victim was killed... ...then this case is going to transform into something else entirely!) Judge: Your response, Mr. Edgeworth? I want your final opinion on the disposition of this crystal sphere! If it is not related to the case, then this witness who you called... ...will have been nothing more than a monumental waste of time! von Karma: Prepare yourself for some very appropriate punishment, Miles Edgeworth. Edgeworth: (Can I prove it...? Can I prove that the crystal sphere was dropped before the murder took place...?) Edgeworth: ...Your Honor. Allow me to prove something to you. I will prove that this crystal sphere is a vital link to solving this case! Judge: You will do what!? von Karma: That look in your eyes... You remind me of Phoenix Wright when he is cornered. Edgeworth: That should come as no surprise. (Because right now, I am Phoenix Wright, and I am indeed cornered...!) Judge: I order you to present your evidence, Mr. Edgeworth! Evidence that proves that the crystal sphere was indeed dropped before the murder! Edgeworth: This crystal sphere... It was half-buried in the snow, correct? Butz: That's right. If it hadn't stopped snowing then it would have been game over. ...The snow would have totally covered it! Edgeworth: ...That's all I needed to hear from you, Larry. ...Your testimony makes one thing quite clear. Judge: W-What...? Edgeworth: When the crystal sphere was dropped, it was snowing, even if it was ever so slightly... von Karma: Snowing...? Edgeworth: On the other hand, let us look at the scene of the murder. As proven earlier today... there is no snow on the victim's body. Judge: Ah...! Edgeworth: ...Therefore! The crystal sphere must have been dropped before the murder! von Karma: Wha... Whaaaaat!? Judge: Order! Order! Order! Edgeworth: On the night of the murder the victim did indeed go to Dusky Bridge! And there, something occurred that caused this crystal sphere to come loose! Judge: What... What could that have been!? Edgeworth: This sphere... There is some blood on it, isn't there? von Karma: ...! Edgeworth: Allow me to raise a certain possibility at this junction! The real crime scene was near the foot of Dusky Bridge! von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: The murder didn't take place in the Hazakura Temple courtyard...!? Only a fool would suggest such a foolish piece of absolute foolishness! Edgeworth: Just who is the fool? And which part is so foolish, Ms. von Karma? von Karma: Have you been paying any attention this whole time, Miles Edgeworth!? The Sister saw everything! She saw the victim being killed by the defendant in the Hazakura Temple courtyard! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: ...That's not exactly true, now is it? To put it more precisely, what she saw was... ...the murder weapon being removed from the victim's body. von Karma: Th-That's the same thing! Edgeworth: ...No, it isn't! von Karma: ! Edgeworth: ...You said it yourself. von Karma: Very little blood is actually lost... ...at the moment of a blade's insertion. If you want to talk about when the most blood would be lost from a body... ...that would be when the blade is removed. Edgeworth: If that statement is the truth... ...then Dusky Bridge could very easily be the scene of the murder. The murder weapon was not removed! Thus, there was no bleeding! von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: You are forgetting one vital thing, Miles Edgeworth! Elise Deauxnim's body was found in Hazakura Temple! On foot it takes 15 minutes to travel from Dusky Bridge to Hazakura Temple. You mean to suggest someone carried the body all that way!? Edgeworth: (I've made it this far... The only place to take this is to the end! I just need to prove the possibility it happened as I presume...!) Judge: Now, if the defense is ready, the court would like to have an explanation. Please show us the method by which the victim's body was carried to Hazakura Temple! Edgeworth: On that snowy night... ...there is one way that a body could have been moved. The snowmobile. von Karma: Ah...! Edgeworth: As we know... the snowmobile was used that night. It was explained as having been used to dispose of the murder weapon... But it could also have been used to carry a body! Judge: Order! Order! Order! Gyaaaaah! von Karma: This... This is completely unacceptable, Miles Edgeworth! You've dug yourself into your own grave! Edgeworth: What do you mean!? von Karma: The only one who could have used the snowmobile was the defendant. She's the one who moved the body! Doesn't that put the final nail in your coffin...? Edgeworth: Heh... You're too late... Franziska von Karma. And in fact, the defense has proven something else entirely. We have shown that this case requires further investigation! von Karma: W-What!? Edgeworth: ...Where was the victim, Elise Deauxnim really killed? ...If her body was moved, whatever for? And finally... Just what does this image mean? von Karma: Do you even need to think about that!? Such a creature could never see the truth, let alone describe it! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Edgeworth: ...This witness certainly sits on one of the lowest possible branches of humanity. However! He would never utter a lie that could hurt a girl with whom he is enamored! He drew this, so it is something that actually happened. The defense stands firm on this point. Butz: Ed-Edgey! Thank you...! Judge: ...That settles it, then. I cannot give a verdict under these circumstances. von Karma: Grrr... Grrrrrr! Edgeworth: (Wright... I seem to have fulfilled my part in this...) It is just as I thought. Franziska von Karma... You make a wonderful partner. von Karma: Excuse me...? Edgeworth: There was one reason, and one alone, for me being here. To expose the darkness lurking in this case, and then pass it on to Wright! Butz: R-Really? That's what this was all about? You could have just told me that from the very beginning! Then I wouldn't have had Franzy whipping me all... Daaaaaayyyowch! von Karma: Miles Edgeworth... I don't care about what you were here to do! This was my chance to finally grind you under my heel! Edgeworth: A shame that your chance seems to have slipped by you. Butz: What a shame, Franzzzyyyyyyyy! von Karma: ...This is all your fault! Such a terrible witness... You are an affront to all the legal system stands for! Butz: Ouuuouuuouooooouuuuuououuooououooouuuuouoouuch! von Karma: I demand satisfaction! Judge: ...I cannot believe that the witness's testimony relates to an actual event. However, there has to be some sort of answer for the questions it raises. Have his words here today been the truth or lies? Next time we gather in this courtroom... ...those are the matters that shall be addressed! I am counting on thorough investigations by both the defense and the prosecution. Edgeworth: (And with this... The rest is up to you... Wright...) von Karma: ... Judge: Court is now adjourned!