| - A Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, the Doctor (not his real name) is the main character of this long-running show. Like all Time Lords, he has a life span measured in centuries, some degree of psychic ability, and the ability to regenerate when near death. Unlike other Time Lords, he became terrified by the Gallifreyan way of life when he was young, stole an antique TARDIS, skipped town and "never stopped running".
| - A Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, the Doctor (not his real name) is the main character of this long-running show. Like all Time Lords, he has a life span measured in centuries, some degree of psychic ability, and the ability to regenerate when near death. Unlike other Time Lords, he became terrified by the Gallifreyan way of life when he was young, stole an antique TARDIS, skipped town and "never stopped running". The Doctor remains the same person throughout his lives, but different incarnations have different personalities. Showrunners tend to cast each Doctor as a subversion of the previous one. Hence, lushly-dressed aristo Jon Pertwee becomes shabby bohemian Tom Baker; mild-mannered Peter Davison becomes loud Colin Baker; moody Chris Eccleston becomes bouncy David Tennant, etc.