| - Harold Walton was a UEG scientist. Born in 2467 in Munich, Germany, European Union, Walton originally went to college in order to become a history teacher, but, in 2487, after a private investigation concluded that the Colonial Administration Authority's spacers and pilots were undertrained due to inadequate methods, he changed his major to computer science, and eventually, after earning his master's degree, Walton was hired by Mars based corporation SimuTech, and became instrumental in developing new high-grade simulations to train CAA spacers and pilots, and eventually, in 2500, moving his work into the military realm as well, helping develop the software for a multitude of simulations, from those for T-99 trainer aircraft for the UNSC Air Force, to infantry training software for the UNS
| - Harold Walton was a UEG scientist. Born in 2467 in Munich, Germany, European Union, Walton originally went to college in order to become a history teacher, but, in 2487, after a private investigation concluded that the Colonial Administration Authority's spacers and pilots were undertrained due to inadequate methods, he changed his major to computer science, and eventually, after earning his master's degree, Walton was hired by Mars based corporation SimuTech, and became instrumental in developing new high-grade simulations to train CAA spacers and pilots, and eventually, in 2500, moving his work into the military realm as well, helping develop the software for a multitude of simulations, from those for T-99 trainer aircraft for the UNSC Air Force, to infantry training software for the UNSC Army. Walton's success came at the price of publicity, and, as a result, he was captured by the United Rebel Front in 2524, along with several other colleagues who worked on developing the sims, and was forced to make them for the URF under threat of death by none other than General Graves. After the raid by Blue Team on Camp New Hope, the United Nations Space Command launched another raid, this time rescuing Walton and his colleagues. Reaching the age of retirement, Walton lived out the rest of his days in Berlin, tinkering with computers till the day he died in 2549, although he felt a measure of guilt for having made the UNSC so much more effective through the sims he played a large role in developing during the Insurrection.