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* Coal From Thais, head north out of town and enter the entrance to the Ancient Temple, here, go down the stairs two levels and instead of walking north toward the temple, go south and just east, below here. These stairs go all the way down to see Junkar in his room and his steamship. There is a small dead-end cave that contains Spiders and Poison Spiders along the way. In order to get the steamship running your server needs to deliver 200 coal nuggets to Junkar. It is not 200 per person but 200 for the whole server, but this world change is not very popular so expect to do it yourself. Coal is hard to come by, but dropped in large quantities by Firestarters and The Lost. Firestarters are your best bet because they have low health, come in large quantities and have among the best drop rates for them. When you are done, there will be no visual cues. Junkar will not even tell you if he has enough, the only way to find out is by asking a Guide NPC. For efficiency, you are recommended to ask someone to wait by any guide NPC and check the steamship status. The following messages are given:
* Guide NPC: The steamship from Thais to Kazordoon is currently not running - coal is needed to activate the service once again. Need more coal.
* Guide Luke: The steamship from Thais to Kazordoon is currently not running, but enough coal has been delivered to start the working week tomorrow. Have enough coal, wait until server save for the steamship to start. Note that Junkar will accept coal from you even when he has enough - for efficiency you should have somebody wait by the guide NPC and inform you of changes while you donate coal in small increments. Once enough coal is donated, the service will start up at the next server save, when you can take a one-way trip to Kazordoon. Depending on the Awash world change status you may also be able to ride to Robson's Isle. Note: This is different than the Awash World Change, in which given coal in Kazordoon will let the flooded area be pumped out which gives access to the Sunken Mines with Deepling Scouts.