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- El trescientos ochenta y siete (387) es el número natural que sigue al 386 y precede al 388. Categoría:Números
- Axel fasst einen heimtückischen Plan, um sich wieder an Richard heranzuspielen: Er fingiert einen Zeitungsartikel über die angeblich amouröse Beziehung zwischen Maximilian und seiner Halbschwester Jenny. Tatsächlich fällt Richard entsetzt aus allen Wolken und sorgt sich um den Ruf der Marke Steinkamp. Er will der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Juli hat immer noch keine Reaktion von Oliver auf ihre Nachricht erhalten und wird langsam nervös. Lohnt sich die ganze Mühe? Ingo und sind endlich ein Paar. Allerdings hat Annette Angst, dass der Sex zwischen ihnen wieder alles kaputt macht. Sie möchte zunächst die Beziehung aufbauen und Vertrauen fassen...
- While Angelique Bouchard busies herself in the parlor, she overhears Reverend Trask informing Joshua Collins and Andre DuPres that someone helped Victoria escape. Trask believes there are a coven of witches at large in Collinsport. He intends to interrogate every person in the house. No one, he tells Joshua, should be above suspicion. Joshua agrees to Trask's methods, but only after warning the Reverend not to cause a scandal for the family. Andre finds it hard to believe that Joshua is taking the "self-styled witch hunter" seriously. He and Trask have an heated exchange of words, with André refusing to be questioned by a "complete idiot". Trask implies that André has something to hide. Joshua insists on André cooperating; André reluctantly agrees. Angelique discovers Lieutenant Nathan Forbes leaving the servants' entrance of the house. She notes the bundle he is carrying and surmises it is filled with food. Nathan admits to borrowing some food from the kitchen. He flirts with Angelique and tries to convince her to join him on a picnic in the woods. She declines; Nathan departs. Angelique, watching him go, correctly guesses he is taking food to Victoria. Later, Trask has questioned all of the servants barring Angelique, whom he is anxious to interrogate. When she arrives, the reverend proceeds to question her. Angelique feigns both innocence and ignorance. Trask finds her answers unsatisfactory. He is openly suspicious of her. Trask accuses Angelique of communing with the Devil, but she adamantly denies this and states that her loyalty is to God. Falling to her knees, Angelique claims she feels closer to God than she ever has before. She manages to make the reverend believe that he has filled her being with righteousness. Pretending to experience a spiritual revelation, Angelique says that a man and a woman are inside the unfinished new house. Trask believes God has shown Angelique the fugitive witch's location. As he and Joshua leave, Angelique smiles to herself. Meanwhile, Victoria is enjoying the food Nathan has brought for her. She thanks him for aiding her and worries that he is putting himself in danger. Nathan tells her that, despite Barnabas Collins' protests, Joshua is allowing Trask to stay. Victoria inadvertently reveals that she transcended time and space to get here. Nathan advises her to stop such talk, otherwise even her friends will begin to have doubts about her. Nathan, who considers himself an intelligent,open-minded person, assures Victoria he doesn't believe her to be a witch. He promises to continue to help her. At that moment, they are startled to hear the front doors opening. It is Joshua and Trask, the latter claiming to sense an evil spirit in the house. Nathan emerges from the drawing room, and Joshua demands to know what the Lieutenant is doing on the premises. He claims that he was merely curious about the new mansion and wanted to look around. Nathan apologizes for not securing Joshua's permission first. Trask accuses Nathan of hiding the witch; Joshua agrees to the reverend searching the entire house. They go inside the drawing room, but it is empty. Trask notes the uneaten food and fixes Nathan with an accusatory stare.