| - This article is the property of User: Haru Axeman, I'm back from my leave! And when this is done, I'm gonna go kill a Cockroach Soldier! (lvl 83) The noob empire was a movement of the noob species, who believed that the Combat skills were inferior (in a sense, yes) that was sick of being racially insulted, and treated like the stuff you scrape off your Fighting Boots. (or Haru Samazanba Axeman's Samazanbashinken Battleaxe, I still don't know how he keeps the gore off) Their cousins, the newbs, quickly ran away from the place of conception (which was obviously Lumbridge). Gathering subspecies such as choobs, froobs, gloob, droob, tube, moob, cube, zippelbongadoob, nub, nublet, nubletier, n00blet, nibbles, nubbles, niblet,nubsicle,Mcf00blet,McCh00blet,Mcn00blet and n00bcakes, they all comple
| - This article is the property of User: Haru Axeman, I'm back from my leave! And when this is done, I'm gonna go kill a Cockroach Soldier! (lvl 83) The noob empire was a movement of the noob species, who believed that the Combat skills were inferior (in a sense, yes) that was sick of being racially insulted, and treated like the stuff you scrape off your Fighting Boots. (or Haru Samazanba Axeman's Samazanbashinken Battleaxe, I still don't know how he keeps the gore off) Their cousins, the newbs, quickly ran away from the place of conception (which was obviously Lumbridge). Gathering subspecies such as choobs, froobs, gloob, droob, tube, moob, cube, zippelbongadoob, nub, nublet, nubletier, n00blet, nibbles, nubbles, niblet,nubsicle,Mcf00blet,McCh00blet,Mcn00blet and n00bcakes, they all completed their achievement diaries and had taken over Draynor and Lumbridge, leaving the forest in between for...Well, whatever noobs do. Oddly enough, there was very little resistance. Some journeymen, including Viktor Ravencraft, who was selling specialized outfits and weaponry, (Including Haru's revolver-sized machinegun "Sonovagun!") recall more noobs than one would think possible there, and strange cabbage-like creatures. Haru, flying in FACET at the time, recalled a "Stranger" hovering on the new turret of Lumbridge Castle, throwing brightly wrapped Christmas presents at the noobs. He claims that they carried the only weapon he truly fears...