| - Regional jets (RJ) are a type of jet-powered regional airliner. RJs are small jetliners in the sub-100 seat category, with short range. They are usually single-aisled, using 1x1, 2x1 or 2x2 seating arrangements. Typical regionaljets have capacities of 30,50,70,90,100-110 seats. The great RJ revival involved 50-seaters replacing turboprop propliners of regional airlines. The most prominent RJs are
* Bombardier/Canadair CRJ-family
* Embraer E-Jet-family
* Embraer ERJ-family New entrants into the market include:
* Mitsubishi MRJ
* Sukhoi Superjet
| - Regional jets (RJ) are a type of jet-powered regional airliner. RJs are small jetliners in the sub-100 seat category, with short range. They are usually single-aisled, using 1x1, 2x1 or 2x2 seating arrangements. Typical regionaljets have capacities of 30,50,70,90,100-110 seats. The great RJ revival involved 50-seaters replacing turboprop propliners of regional airlines. The most prominent RJs are
* Bombardier/Canadair CRJ-family
* Embraer E-Jet-family
* Embraer ERJ-family New entrants into the market include:
* Mitsubishi MRJ
* Sukhoi Superjet
* COMAC ARJ Pre-renaissance models include:
* British Aerospace BAe 146 / Avro RJ / Avro RJX The next class of jet airliner smaller than RJs are jetliner air taxis. The next class of jet airliner larger than RJs are narrowbodies. Supermidsize, Midsize, Submidsize, Superlight, Light, Sublight, light sport, Verylight, Ultralight are all smaller than RJs, with supermidsize bizjets verging on the size of a 30-seater.