| - Poki es un lémur volador de cola anillada que vive en el Templo Aire del Sur. Fue adoptado y entrenado por Meelo y Tenzin.
- Poki were a non-sentient reptilian species native to the planet Yavia. Pokiwere some of the creatures most commonly used in war on the planet. They were small, had low durability and could easily be killed by weapons and other creatures. But they were quick and easy to create and easy to store. And, in relation to the amount of damage they could deal, they were very cheap. Poki were commonly created by Yavian warlords in huge numbers.
- Poki is Balta's baby brother.
- thumb|250px|PokiPoki - jest katta skrzydlaty lemur, który żyje w południowej świątyni powietrza. Przyjął i przeszkoleni przez Meelo, pod okiem Tenzina.
- Poki ist ein männlicher Ringelschwanzfluglemur, der im Südlichen Lufftempel lebt.
- A small yellow and brown monkey-like experiment with a spiked tail. Designed to poke holes in liquid containers. Was seen in "Shoe".
- When Meelo first arrived at the Southern Air Temple, he found this lemur and decided to name him Poki. However, shortly after Meelo declared Poki his pet, Poki wriggled himself free from Meelo's grasp and ran away, prompting the young airbender to pursue him. The boy managed to catch up with the lemur, and the two subsequently established a connection.