Batal was the location of a labor camp operated by the Cardassians on Bajor during the Occupation in the mid-24th century. In 2366, Bajoran slave Anjohl Tennan died in the camp. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
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| - Batal was the location of a labor camp operated by the Cardassians on Bajor during the Occupation in the mid-24th century. In 2366, Bajoran slave Anjohl Tennan died in the camp. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
- Jeden z kardasjańskich obozów pracy przymusowej na Bajor podczas okupacji. W 2366 roku, w obozie tym zmarł Anjohl Tennan. W 2375 roku podszył się pod jego tożsamość Gul Dukat.
- Batal is a settlement on Bajor. In 2318, Jas Holza secretly travelled to Batal to discuss the worsening situation on Golana. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers) During the Cardassian Occupation, Batal was the location of a labor camp. Anjohl Tennan died there in 2366, a fact Solbor discovered in 2375 when he found that Dukat was posing as the Bajoran. (DS9 episode: "The Changing Face of Evil")
- Batal was een werkkamp op de planeet Bajor in de tijd van de Cardassian bezetting in de 24e eeuw. In 2366 stierf de Bajoran slaaf Anjohl Tennan in dit kamp. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
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| - Batal was the location of a labor camp operated by the Cardassians on Bajor during the Occupation in the mid-24th century. In 2366, Bajoran slave Anjohl Tennan died in the camp. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
- Jeden z kardasjańskich obozów pracy przymusowej na Bajor podczas okupacji. W 2366 roku, w obozie tym zmarł Anjohl Tennan. W 2375 roku podszył się pod jego tożsamość Gul Dukat.
- Batal is a settlement on Bajor. In 2318, Jas Holza secretly travelled to Batal to discuss the worsening situation on Golana. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers) During the Cardassian Occupation, Batal was the location of a labor camp. Anjohl Tennan died there in 2366, a fact Solbor discovered in 2375 when he found that Dukat was posing as the Bajoran. (DS9 episode: "The Changing Face of Evil")
- Batal was een werkkamp op de planeet Bajor in de tijd van de Cardassian bezetting in de 24e eeuw. In 2366 stierf de Bajoran slaaf Anjohl Tennan in dit kamp. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")