| - Previous: Americans crushed in Europe (CYOAH) The secret clause of the peace was that the U.S.A. would assist the Reich in all military endeavors. As such, President Johnson begins preparing the remaining U.S. military forces for an invasion of the Soviet Union, to help the Nazis win. He doesn't like it, but popular opinion won't stomach a return to war with the Nazis. Five months after the signing of the Treaty of Rome, America declares war on Soviet Russia. They then annihilate the Far Eastern fleet in a matter of weeks, and launch an amphibious assault over the Bering Strait into Siberia. America advances pretty well in the beginning, due to the Soviets under manning the Far East in order to fight the Reich, but U.S. forces aren't advancing as fast as they could, because the US. high command doesn't want things to go easy for Germany. A year and 6 month after the U.S. invasion, the U.S.S.R. surrenders to Nazi Germany. They cede all land west of the Ural Mountains, and also give up large chunks of Siberia to the Americans. The Soviet government survives, but they are a weakened threat. The Americans are German allies for many years, although reluctantly. Fascism is unable to take over much of the American Continents, and democracy still survives in countries like Brazil and Australia. America is forced to fight on the German side in some of the German wars to hold their empire together. Americans fight alongside Germans in countries such as Portugal and Argentina. Of course, the Americans are vigilant for an opportunity to get revenge on Germany. They don´t like their current situation, as the American mainland was never harmed in what is now called the 18 Month War. The Soviet's attempt to regain their land in the 1980's, launching what is called the Final War on Communism. The Soviets make use of nuclear weapons they have developed, and hit the Germans hard. The Germans clamor for American support. The Americans disagree, and end the alliance between Nazi Germany and the United States of America. Despite this, the Germans are able to force the Ural Line, and annex the remainder of Soviet Russia. They then demand that the USA hand over the Siberian land that they control. The USA refuses, and a standoff begins, which only ends when a deal is worked out. But this only serves to worsen US-German relations. The American chance for revenge finally arrives in the year 2002. With the Third Reich looking especially unstable during a small economic flutter, the Americans decide it is time to get payback. The war is begun, as American forces attack German positions around the globe. Of course, the Germans weren´t totally surprised, as they never expected America to willingly sign an alliance with them. As such, they react fairly well, and the war flares up bigger than before as German forces launch counterattacks against the Americans. In the year 2010, the war still rages from the wastelands of Siberia, to the lush jungles of South America, to the urban landscape of Central Germany. Nuclear attacks have only occurred in a few instances by commanders who were dealt with quickly. No one wants a nuclear war, and as the German Advanced Ballistic Interception System comes online, a nuclear attack becomes all the more unlikely. [*Think Reagan's Star Wars, only Germanized*] The Americans are also working on a similar project, but they are months, if not years behind the Germans. The war, and the fate of the world is very much in the balance, as this slugging match between two great powers seems set to continue for the foreseeable future. Created by: Azecreth 20:11, September 11, 2010 (UTC)