Dwellberries are needed to make a Gasmask used in the Plague City quest. They can be found in McGrouber's Wood near the guard dogs or sold by Heckel Funch located in the Grand Tree. They are used in Gnome cooking and they heal 2 Hits when eaten.
Dwellberries are needed to make a Gasmask used in the Plague City quest. They can be found in McGrouber's Wood near the guard dogs or sold by Heckel Funch located in the Grand Tree. They are used in Gnome cooking and they heal 2 Hits when eaten.
Dwellberriesejä ilmestyy McGrubor's Woodiin, joka sijaitsee länteen Seers' Villagesta. Niitä ilmestyy noin kolmenkymmenen sekunnin välein. McGrubor's Woodiin pääsee sen pohjoispuolelta menemällä rautaisen aidan läpi. Dwellberriesejä voi ostaa Heckel Funchilta neljällä kolikolla. Hän sijaitsee Grand Treessä Tree Gnome Strongholdin ensimmäisessä kerroksessa, kaakkoisosassa. Myös Hudo myy niitä, samassa kerroksessa mutta läntisessä osassa. Kummallakin on niitä 10 kappaletta myynnissä.
Dwellberries spawn in McGrubor's Wood west of Seers' Village, approximately every 30 seconds. One can get in by squeezing through a loose railing on the north side. Additionally, one can buy dwellberries from Heckel Funch for 4 coins in the Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold on the first floor at the south eastern part, as well as from Hudo at the north western part of the same floor. Heckel Funch and Hudo each stock 10 at a time. They are also used in gnome cooking, and 15 can be given to a gardener to protect snape grass seeds in an allotment patch.