Sir Cedric (voiced by Neil Dickson) is the father of Hedley and Smedley, and Winifred's husband. Like his son Smedley he loves history and tells Howard Deville all about the history of The British Empire. He only appeared in The Perfect Twins.
Sir Cedric (voiced by Neil Dickson) is the father of Hedley and Smedley, and Winifred's husband. Like his son Smedley he loves history and tells Howard Deville all about the history of The British Empire. He only appeared in The Perfect Twins.
Sir Cedric (voiced by Neil Dickson) is the father of Hedley and Smedley, and Winifred's husband. Like his son Smedley he loves history and tells Howard Deville all about the history of The British Empire. He only appeared in The Perfect Twins.