| - Aasimar don't have any modified ECL on CoA. Charisma +2, Wisdom +2. Darkvision. 5/- resistance to Acid, Cold and Electricity. +2 spot and listen, racial bonus. Favoured class: Paladin
- An aasimar is a creature in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Aasimar are "planetouched"; that is, they are mortal creatures that have in their blood some otherworldly characteristics. Aasimar are descended from devas, angels and other creatures of pure good alignment; although their celestial ancestor may be many generations removed, their presence still lingers. Aasimar are predisposed to Good alignments, but they are by no means always good. The evil-alignment-derived counterparts to aasimar are called tieflings. Planetouched are considered native outsiders.
- Aasimar are the planetouched descendants of a human and angelic or good outsider parents.
- An aasimar is a mortal who has a good-aligned outsider, like a celestial or an archon, somewhere in their parentage.
- The Aasimar are a superior race of humanoids that inhabit in Aaslar Desert. They are one of the most important people in society and resisted the corruption from the Burning Legion.
- The noble scions of the Upper Planes, aasimar are mortals that bear remnants of celestial blood in their veins: planetouched. Much like their celestial ancestors, aasimar tend to be kind, honorable, and proud. They normally live among humans, often becoming heroes and leaders of their communities as they continuously strive to bring justice and prosperity to their mortal kin. Carrying the blood of a celestial, an aasimar typically fights against evil in the world. Some have a minor physical trait suggesting their heritage such as silver hair, golden eyes, or an "unnaturally" intense stare. Those descended from a celestial minion often carry a birthmark in the shape of the deity's holy symbol or some other mark significant to that faith.
- Aasimar sind Wesen, welche in ihrer Ahnenreihe einen Bewohner der Oberen Ebenen aufzuweisen haben. Bei diesen Wesen kann es sich um Engel, Devas, Solare und andere Wesen der celestischen Welten handeln, in sehr seltenen Fällen sogar Götter mit guter Gesinnung. Das Wesen dieser besonderen Vorfahren äußert sich oft in Merkmalen und Fähigkeiten der Aasimar und bleibt für viele Generationen in der Familie bemerkbar. Es kann ein besonderes Aussehen sein, es können aber auch besondere magische Kräfte vorhanden sein.
- Aasimars are usually tall, good-looking, and generally pleasant. Some have a minor physical trait suggesting their heritage, such as silver hair, golden eyes, or an unnaturally intense stare. Most aasimars are decidedly good-aligned. They fight against evil causes and attempt to sway others to do the right thing. Occasionally they take on the vengeful, judgmental aspect of their celestial ancestor, but this is rare.
- The descendants of humans and celestial bloodlines, aasimars are rare on the world of Eberron. They live in the same communities as other races, and can have a wide array of looks, depending on their ancestor's race. The Aasimar were not featured in the 4th edition of Dungeons & Dragons though, the devas have many similarities.
- thumb|250px|Aasimarowie Aasimarowie to szlachetne stworzenia z planów wyższych, stanowiące śmiertelne połączenie krwi niebiańskiej i ludzkiej. Najczęściej przebywają jednak na Arkadii i Celestii. Unikają Planów Niższych ze względu na łatwość zaatakowania przez biesy. Po aasimarach widać świątobliwość przodka - zwykle są wysocy, atrakcyjni i ładnie wyglądają. Niektórzy posiadają drobne cechy świadczące o ich rodowodzie: choćby złote włosy, czy niezwykle przenikliwe spojrzenie. Niektórzy wyróżniają się też zieloną skórą, skrzydłami czy ogonami. Są skłonni do jedzenia potraw o wysokiej jakości. Żyją zawsze nieco dłużej niż pokrewni śmiertelnicy. Większość aasimarów ma dobry charakter. Walczą ze złem i próbują skłaniać innych do dobrych uczynków. Czasami - dość rzadko - ujawniają bardziej mści
- The Aasimar bear the legacy of a celestial being or even a deity in their ancestry, and have incredible potential to do Good in the world. At the same time, their heritage marks them as different and often leads to persecution, ridicule, or exile from superstitious or backward communities. It is not unknown for an Aasimar to give in to bitterness in the face of adversity and turn to Evil. But even if evil, Aasimars are deathly afraid of the dark.
- The aasimar bear the legacy of a celestial being or even a deity in their ancestry. While elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings with celestial ancestry are reputed to exist, those crossbreeds are not true aasimar. Aasimar look human except for one distinguishing feature related to their unusual ancestor:
- (From DMG pg 286, © Wizards of the Coast) Whereas tieflings have fiendish blood in their veins, aasimar are the descendants of celestial beings. These folk generally appear as glorious humans with lustrous hair, flawless skin, and piercing eyes, and in their twenties (which is when they reach adulthood). Aasimar often attempt to pass as humans in order to right wrongs and defend goodness on the Material Plane without drawing undue attention to their celestial heritage. They strive to fit into society, although they usually rise to the top, becoming revered leaders and honorable heroes.