| - Firestar: Hello, viewer, I have some sad news tonight. Flametail*Takes off his glasses dramatic-like* has died. Blackstar: He was a wonder Medicine Cat *bows head* Littlecloud: *Doing celebratory dance* I'm the only Meddy Cat, Meddy Cat, Meddy Cat! I'm the only Meddy Cat, yes I am! Firestar: Now Littlecloud, how has this affected your life? Littlecloud: *Instantly tearful* He was a great Medicine cat that didn't deserve to die the way he did. He will be missed. .*Camera Changes and Littlecloud does his celebratory dance again* .*Scene changes* Ivypaw: 0.o That doesn't really help! Firestar: Really??
| - Firestar: Hello, viewer, I have some sad news tonight. Flametail*Takes off his glasses dramatic-like* has died. Blackstar: He was a wonder Medicine Cat *bows head* Littlecloud: *Doing celebratory dance* I'm the only Meddy Cat, Meddy Cat, Meddy Cat! I'm the only Meddy Cat, yes I am! Firestar: Now Littlecloud, how has this affected your life? Littlecloud: *Instantly tearful* He was a great Medicine cat that didn't deserve to die the way he did. He will be missed. .*Camera Changes and Littlecloud does his celebratory dance again* Firestar: *Very Cheerful* On a happier note, the dark forest is rising and planning to kill us all, and you know what? StarClan has left each other, so we are all going to get our tails kicked! Ivypaw is live on the scene. .*Scene changes* Ivypaw: *Holding a microphone* It's rather scary out here, I can't see the sky. Let's go take a look at what we are up against. *Hums the theme from Mission Impossible* Ivypaw: We are now at Tigerstar's house. Oh! There's a sign on the door, let's go see what it says even though cats can't read. *Reads sign* The Evil Order Planning To Take Over StarClan and All the Other Clans, but Hush We Must Keep It A Secret Group is having a meeting today, but keep it a secret. Firestar: How about we shorten the name, how about...TEOPTTOSAOCHWMKIAS Group? Ivypaw: 0.o That doesn't really help! Ivypaw:Let's go see what they are doing. *Walks in* Firestar: What do you see? Ivypaw: All the toms are wearing tuxedos and the she-cats dresses...They are playing Tea-party with really bad accents Firestar: Really?? Ivypaw: No, they are being adequate bad guys, yes really! Tigerstar: *Fake Firestar accent* Okay, who wants to play with my new dream house? Firestar: I do NOT sound like that! Ivypaw; Er.. Firestar: Okay! I'm Firestar Ivypaw: I'm...er....hey! Evil toms! Mapleshade: *Pouts* Ivypaw: And Evil She-cats Mapleshade: *Nods Approvingly* Tigerstar: Yes? Ivypaw: What's my name? Shredtail: I don't know! Ivypaw: Thanks, Let's try that again, Firestar! Firestar: I'm Firestar Ivypaw: I'm I don't know Firestar: And this was your three times a week news XD Ivypaw: Really??? That is so cool, I wonder If I can apply for a reporter!