| - Le basket-ball a été inventé par James Naismith un professeur canadien d' éducation. Il voulait que ses étudiants s'ocupent pendant les saisons de football. Naismith souhaitait également leur trouver une activité ou les contacts physiques restreints, afin d'eviter les risques de blessure.Un jour , il reprit l'idée d un ancien jeu de balle mayas et place deux caisses de peche sur les rampes gymnase.Le but de ses étudiants était de faire pénétrer un ballon dans ces caisses en bois pour marquer un but. Le tout premier match de l'histoire eut lieu décembre 1891 et se termina sur le score de 1 à 0.
- miniatur|CJ mit Ball miniatur|CJ beim Dunking Basketball ist eine Freizeitaktivität aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, der man auf den im ganzen Bundesstaat zur Verfügung stehenden Basketball-Plätzen nachgehen kann. In Grand Theft Auto V sollte Basketball zurückkehren, wurde aber aus der Endfassung gestrichen.
- Without a football team, basketball is by far the most popular sport at GW. The basketball program at GW has a history of good seasons, most recently the GW men's team entering the NCAA tournament for three straight years from 2004-2007. The GW women's team earned its 6th consecutive NCAA tournament bid in 2008.
- When people play basketball, they can only carry a pistol to defend themselves in the semi-finals, because of the new rule that 'if someone touches you then you are allowed to use a handgun to fend them off'. However, in the finals, you are limited to a knife and a grenade, which are both very unreliable and dangerous.By winning basketball, you are the last person standing on the court. That means that everyone else is either dead, or they are at the hospital getting treated from knife/gun wounds. If they are dead, then the grenades got them.
- Basketball is a word for an object that doesn't exist. Scientists have been trying to figure out what the object is for years, but little progress has been made, for the Scientists are Scientists that don't exist trying to figure out what the unknown objects is.
- Basketball was a peaceful planet with no weapons, but it got blowed up real good by the Death Star anyway. It was a cool, fast-paced planet with lots of action, but there was a lot of crime amongst the populace which was rarely punished, and the refs never called traveling on the most popular people. The planet made a tidy profit with its sporting arenas, tattoo parlors, and bizarre hairstyling salons. Darph Nader destroyed Basketball mostly because he liked planet Hockey better and was angry it didn't get enough recognition.
- Basketball Players Kesler Eidorian Issac Aaron
- Featuring: Jordan & Philip Mathews
- thumb|300px|Carl Johnson s’essayant au basketball dans GTA San Andreas.Le basketball est une activité que peut pratiquer Carl Johnson (le protagoniste) seul après la réussite de la mission intitulée « Tagging Up Turf » dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
- See w:c:AforAthlete:basketball
- The Harlem Globetrotters were a notable basketball team who played against Hubert J. Farnsworth's Atomic Supermen. The Supermen almost won, though due to time lapses in space, they became confused and the Globetrotters took advantage of this in order to win the game. During the game, one of the Supermen, Arachneon, was killed.
- LEGO Basketball was a subtheme of Sports that ran from 2003 to 2004 with sets and to 2005 with accessories.
- thumb|Die Crew der NX-01 spielt Basketball Basketball ist ein alter Sport von der Erde. Es spielen zwei Teams mit mehreren Spielern gegeneinander, deren Ziel es ist, einen Ball in einen an der Wand hängenden Korb zu werfen. Wer am Ende des Spielzeit die meisten Punkte hat gewinnt. Im Jahr 2154 spielen die Führungsoffiziere auf der Enterprise, außer T'Pol, Basketball, bei dem das Spiel anscheinend immer von dem Team gewonnen wird, bei dem Phlox mitspielte. (ENT: )
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> ValueUnknown LocationUnknown UsageUnknown Fourth Fifth Sixth Basketballs can be found in the obsidian layer. "A basketball! Well what a surprise! You can drop it and kick it around for like ten seconds!"
- Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet high mounted to a backboard at each end. Fox Mulder was a fan of the New York Knicks basketball team.
- Sport ou l'Amérique est le seul continent représentatif dans lequel 5 noirs font des allers-retours intensifs sur un terrain à peine plus grand qu'un court de tennis et simulent une activité physique intensive.
- A ball is placed in a time capsule. It is shot into the air, and forgotten about. Soon, it travels far beyond the bounds of existence. It reaches a new plantation. As those people uncover the ball, it becomes like an alien life form, something about parallel parking. Sometimes, it gets to the point where I don't even remember where I put my pants anymore. Anyway, the ball makes up for 12% of the economic progress of Whales and some of Sweden, Denmark, and possibly Europa Europa, and this excites the aliens greatly. The ball becomes a symbol of poverty for the rich and riches for the rich also. Everybody loves it.
- Basketball ist ein sonstiger Gegenstand der in Fallout: New Vegas vorkommt.
- Basketball is a sport in the Grand Theft Auto series, most prominently available as an interactive game in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
- Through time, basketball has developed to involve common techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling, as well as players' positions, and offensive and defensive structures. While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. Basketball is also a popular spectator sport. While competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport, played on a basketball court, less regulated variations have become exceedingly popular as an outdoor sport among inner city groups.
- Basketball is a sport. A Basketball is used in Basketball. The Unknown Prisoner bought a Basketball in one of The Collector's bases. Created By:Kurt Elfman
- Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Sometime after the Battle of Arcadia, a UNSC Marine including Meadows and Stephens challenged Spartan Red Team to a game of basketball. However, a verbal confrontation between Meadows and Douglas-042 resulted in three of the Marines suffering serious injuries. The squad's commanding officer did not blame the Spartans, instead putting the blame on himself.
- Basketball in The Sims is played on the SuperDoop Basketball Hoop, which must be placed outside. If Unleashed is installed, Sim Central Park in Old Town has a couple of basketball goals. While adult Sims don't gain much fun from it, and usually won't stay long, children stay around 35% longer.
- This game is played using only the Wii Remote connected to Wii MotionPlus.
- basketball er en sport for svære folk som kaster en ball oppi en kurv , det er imidlertidig bare pingler som spiller, noe som gjør at det ikke er lov til å være nær hverandre, noe sært spør du meg, ellers vil jeg si at basket sugerballestein så hardt i granskauen From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
- A Team where 6 players play in a court where 2 teams fight top win.
- Sgt. Bates was fond of this sport and often watched it with his brother. (SGA: "Letters from Pegasus") Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell and Dr. Daniel Jackson were seen playing basketball on several occasions and once teamed up against Vala Mal Doran and Teal'c. (SG1: "Beachhead", "The Fourth Horseman, Part 1")
- En 2000, un match de basketball fut retransmis à la télévision. (VOY: "11:59") En 2154, l'équipage de l'Enterprise NX-01 a joué un match de basket dans le hangar à navettes 2 converti en terrain de basketball. Le Dr Phlox montra une nette précision dans les tirs. (ENT: "The Forge")
- You can buy a Basketball at the W-Shop for only 50 KinzCash!
- "Basketball" is the fifth episode of the first season of The Office and the 5th overall . It was written and directed by Greg Daniels. It first aired on April 19, 2005. It was viewed by 5 million people.
- Do you want the 2009-2010 Boys' Basketball? Do you want the 2009-2010 Girls' Basketball?
- The objective is to win with a spherical game piece called the ping-pong ball. After clinching the division's worst record with a winter full of egotism, poor team play, crossed signals, and horrible shooting, the team that prevails hopes to obtain a ping-pong ball that gives it the right to draft one or more competent players. It then prepares for the next season, playing an odd sport with a much larger rubber ball. The sixteen teams that fail to get access to the ping-pong ball are relegated to a more boring pastime called the Championships.
- One of the sports planned for the future is basketball. You surely know this sport, which was created just to complement the winter preparation, but quickly became one of the most popular sports in the world. We bring you the unique chance of testing your tactical and managerial skills in the online basketball manager. So don't hesitate and join basketball.
- In 1978, the Harlem Globetrotters taught the Doctor how to spin a basketball on his finger. (PROSE: Dark Horizons) In 1986, Sherman used a basketball to in his model to represent time travel. (AUDIO: The Way Forwards) The Torchwood Three crew had a Torchwood-branded basketball net installed in the Hub and occasionally played basketball to unwind, as well as determine who would pay for drinks. Even Myfanwy got involved in the game. (TV: Cyberwoman) The Pharos Institute experimented with having a test subject move a basketball telekinetically, with the aid of the MITRE headset. (TV: The Lost Boy)
- Basketball is the 11th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Daniel Bouwmeester.
- Basketball is the first episode in the first season of The Big City. The episode premiered on March 14, 2016 on BaconNetwork at 6:30pm and was viewed in 132,000 households.
- Basketball ist eine meist in der Halle betriebene Ballsportart, bei der zwei Mannschaften versuchen, den Spielball in die beiden in einer Höhe von 3,05 Metern an den gegenüberliegenden Schmalseiten des Spielfelds angebrachten Körbe zu werfen. Eine Mannschaft besteht dabei aus fünf Feldspielern und bis zu sieben Auswechselspielern. Jeder Treffer in den Korb aus dem Spiel heraus zählt je nach Entfernung zwei oder drei Punkte. Ein getroffener Freiwurf zählt einen Punkt. Es gewinnt die Mannschaft mit der höheren Punktzahl.
- Basketball is a sport ruled by the black man and that tall Chinese guy. Canadians claim that they invented it but hey, who cares about Canada? It was actually created in Africa and was brought over on the slave ships to America. We wanted it here and we got it because when an American wants something we get it. The ball used in the sport may or may not be made from babies.
- Basketball is a physical game invented by Humanity. It is a multi-player game, with a lower limit of 2 people for an active game. A ball is thrown and 'dribbled,' and the players attempt to throw the ball into the round hoop on the opposite side of the court. It is a popular sport on the Systems Commonwealth vessel Andromeda Ascendant, as Captain Hunt brought the sport with him on board the ship when he assumed command. It is played in Andromeda Ascendant Hydroponic Garden, which is the crew's de facto recreational area. ("Home Fires", "D Minus Zero")
- Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop in diameter and high mounted to a backboard at each end. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.
- Marvin was showing Plinky how to play basketball and he told her he was the "wizard of the basketball court," after she had expressed how easy the game seemed to her. He later told her that she has good hands, noting her skill to grab the ball away from him with air suction. In 1985, Nicholas, a handicapped kid from the Special School for Disabled Children, told his friend Victor Stone that now that he's getting used to his new artificial leg, he'll be back to playing basketball again in no time.
- Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five active players each try to score points against one another by propelling a ball through a 10 feet (3 m) high hoop (the goal) under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world. While competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport, played on a basketball court, less regulated variations have become exceedingly popular as an outdoor sport among both inner city and rural groups. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- About Agility, every brawlers can attempt to snatch the ball from an opponent player who has the ball, the snatch has a reload time and its reload time is based on the agility (more agility means faster snatch reload speed). This prevents brawlers to keep snatching while moving. There is also a snatch reload time after certain amount of snatch attemps in the origin nitendo ds game mario hoops 3 on 3. Speed are agility may sound similar buy they are different in this game mode, the differences are that speed is just the movement speed in this game mode and the agility isint about the movement speed and its about moving around easily in this game mode. The term mobility in the all other general/official game modes splits off into 3 kinds of stats in this game mode which is speed agility and
- Un drama que sigue los amores, los conflictos, la unidad, y la victoria emocional de las personas, e incluye la primera y última vez que Corea tenía un equipo de baloncesto nacional único. Justo en el momento en el que el primer equipo de baloncesto nacional de Corea que entró en las Olimpiadas de Londres en el año de 1948. Un hombre y sus amigos superan los conflictos en ideas, el imperialismo japonés y la independencia con "el baloncesto".
- Basketball was a sport developed on Earth during the 19th century. It involved two teams competing against each other by attempting to get a ball in a basket as many times as possible within the game's time limit. Timothy Sinclair was taught to play basketball by Mary Barranco. (Star Trek: Pendragon) M'Kalek played basketball at Starfleet Academy. (Seventh Fleet RPG) Tyria Rohallin captained Starfleet Academy's women's basketball team in 2398. (The War of the Masters: "The Silence Ends")
- The Knicks were a better team back in 1990's. They had a great squad in those days. They had Patrick Ewing. He's the Knicks all-time leading scorer and rebounded. They also had John Starks. He was a great point guard for them. HE was also a good dunker. Charles Oakley was a good power forward for them as well. But I think Allan Houston was there top player next to Patrick. Allan Houston was the purist shooter in the NBA in the 1990's. He was also a great three-point shooter. He was also in the slam dunk contest in 1994. He was also there best free-throw and 3-point shooter back in the day. Now he's nothing. Once and a while when he's not injured he makes some good shots but I think he should retire at the end of this season because he's always injured and never has played a full season. He
- Benny Russell played basketball when he was a teenager, but considered himself to be too slow to properly play the game. Willie Hawkins was known in Harlem to be an expert basketball player. (DS9 novelization: Far Beyond the Stars) Stephen Foyle and Gage Pembleton played a game of basketball on the Columbia. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night) A variation of basketball known as Aztec basketball became popular in the 24th century. (SCE eBook: Enigma Ship) Elim Garak, a Cardassian, once commented that he considered basketball to be "mindless monotony". (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time)
- The best way to deal with basketballs, or really, Catapult Zombies, is to place a Spikeweed or Spikerock in the first or second column near the zombies. Any Catapult Zombies that appear will explode instantly. However, since players cannot plant Spikeweed or Spikerock in Flower Pots, this strategy will not work in Roof levels. If a Catapult Zombie's vehicle is not destroyed by a Spikeweed or Spikerock, players could use an Umbrella Leaf to counter the basketballs and prevent them from harming player's plants in the back.
- Basketball is a Muggle team sport invented on December 21, 1891 by Canadian Dr James Naismith while he was teaching at the International Young Men's Christian Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. [1] Basketball consists of two teams of five that try to score points by throwing or shooting a ball through the top of a basketball hoop. The team with the most points at the end of four quarters wins the game. Harry Potter first compared Quidditch to this sport to Oliver Wood in 1991, though Oliver had no idea what Harry was referring to.
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Basketball article. Take me to the Basketball article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- During the 20th and 21st centuries, basketball was played as a sport for fun or could be played professionally, in a league. Professional games were often televised and shown in bars. (VOY: "11:59") Basketball was still played in the 22nd century. One of the launch bays on Enterprise could be converted into a single-sided basketball court. In 2154, the starship's senior staff (with the exception of Commander T'Pol) played a game of basketball in Launch Bay 2. Doctor Phlox, who found the sport similar to Octran fertility contests, showed that he had superior skill in shot accuracy. (ENT: "The Forge")
- Ah, basketball. One of the Big Four sports in the United States (American Football, Baseball and Ice Hockey are the others), basketball has a rich and interesting history. Basketball was first created by James Naismith, a physical fitness professor in a Massachusetts school - he wanted to find a way to allow his students to exercise indoors during the cold New England winters. After coming up with a game that would involve throwing a ball into a raised goal, he looked for some boxes for goals, but could only find peach baskets to nail up. The 30 teams are as follows: Eastern Conference: