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- The Menhir was one of the Fulcra in the Tiles of the Holds. On Lether it was known as the Dolmen. Its equivalent in the Deck of Dragons was Obelisk. It was also described as the "heart of memory".
- Menhir je kamenný blok svisle zasazený do země. Ačkoli se takové věci vyskytují po celém světě, o jejich původu a účelu se stále vedou spory. Vědecký tým Necyklopedie si ale na ně posvítil! Na menhiry, na spory ne, s těmi totiž skoncoval.
- Menhir (ヘビグソロック) is a low-level Idol-type monster in The World. Enchanted stone idols of the great cross-legged god Hebiguso, these monsters will often attack as part of a group, using their Rip Maen ability to revive fallen comrades, making them the bane of many an adventurer. When they attack, they simply bash their enemies with their massive stone forms.
- I menhir (dal bretone men "uomini" e hir "macchina per fare le tagliatelle") sono delle lunghe pietre infossate nel terreno, erette dagli uomini primitivi per vincere la noia. Per gli studiosi di cose vecchie sono dei reperti di incredibile bellezza mentre il resto del mondo non riesce a capire la differenza tra queste pietre e i paletti di cemento su cui si allaccia la catena del motorino.
- A menhir is a large upright standing stone. Menhirs may be found singly as monoliths, or as part of a group of similar stones. Their size can vary considerably; but their shape is generally uneven and squared, often tapering towards the top. Menhirs are widely distributed across Europe, Africa, and Asia, but are most numerous in Western Europe; in particular in Ireland, Great Britain and Brittany. In northwest France there are 1,200 menhirs. They originate from many different periods across pre-history, and were erected as part of a larger Megalithic culture that flourished in Europe and beyond. The function of Menhirs has provoked more debate than practically any other issue in European pre-history. Over the centuries they have variously been thought to have been used by Druids for human
- The Menhir was a Kathol research laboratory on "the dark world" within Otherspace, which was created in order for the Kathol to study and experiment with protomatter, the Force, the Void and dimension-bending phase drive technology. Within the Menhir, the Kathol stored their most sensitive and experimental technologies, away from realspace in order to minimize the potential of causing damage to their galaxy. Only the greatest philosophies, scientists and Force-users of the Kathol were permitted access to the Menhir.
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*Galactic Emergency Coalition
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| - A menhir stone, covered in Dericost script.
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- Ab'Dendriel's temple, maze, and Sacrificial Stone.
- The Menhir was one of the Fulcra in the Tiles of the Holds. On Lether it was known as the Dolmen. Its equivalent in the Deck of Dragons was Obelisk. It was also described as the "heart of memory".
- Menhir je kamenný blok svisle zasazený do země. Ačkoli se takové věci vyskytují po celém světě, o jejich původu a účelu se stále vedou spory. Vědecký tým Necyklopedie si ale na ně posvítil! Na menhiry, na spory ne, s těmi totiž skoncoval.
- A menhir is a large upright standing stone. Menhirs may be found singly as monoliths, or as part of a group of similar stones. Their size can vary considerably; but their shape is generally uneven and squared, often tapering towards the top. Menhirs are widely distributed across Europe, Africa, and Asia, but are most numerous in Western Europe; in particular in Ireland, Great Britain and Brittany. In northwest France there are 1,200 menhirs. They originate from many different periods across pre-history, and were erected as part of a larger Megalithic culture that flourished in Europe and beyond. The function of Menhirs has provoked more debate than practically any other issue in European pre-history. Over the centuries they have variously been thought to have been used by Druids for human sacrifice, used as territorial markers or elements of a complex ideological system, or functioned as early calendars. Until the nineteenth century, antiquarians did not have substantial knowledge of prehistory; and their only reference points were provided by Classical literature. The developments of radiocarbon dating and tree-ring calibration have done much to further human knowledge in this area. The word menhir was adopted from French by 19th century archaeologists. It is a combination of two words found in the Breton language; men (stone), and hir (long). In Modern Welsh they are described as maen hir, or "long stone." In modern Breton, the word peulvan is used.
- The Menhir was a Kathol research laboratory on "the dark world" within Otherspace, which was created in order for the Kathol to study and experiment with protomatter, the Force, the Void and dimension-bending phase drive technology. Within the Menhir, the Kathol stored their most sensitive and experimental technologies, away from realspace in order to minimize the potential of causing damage to their galaxy. Only the greatest philosophies, scientists and Force-users of the Kathol were permitted access to the Menhir. Through their experiments within the Menhir, the Kathol inadvertently came into contact with the Hollowed One through their accidental creation of a Void occlus , which spawned in the galaxy of realspace. Following their initial contact with the Hollowed One, later known and worshiped as the Presence to the Charon, the Kathol abandoned the Menhir to the Otherworld, where it remained intact until over one million years later, when it was rediscovered by the Galactic Emergency Coalition.
- Menhir (ヘビグソロック) is a low-level Idol-type monster in The World. Enchanted stone idols of the great cross-legged god Hebiguso, these monsters will often attack as part of a group, using their Rip Maen ability to revive fallen comrades, making them the bane of many an adventurer. When they attack, they simply bash their enemies with their massive stone forms.
- I menhir (dal bretone men "uomini" e hir "macchina per fare le tagliatelle") sono delle lunghe pietre infossate nel terreno, erette dagli uomini primitivi per vincere la noia. Per gli studiosi di cose vecchie sono dei reperti di incredibile bellezza mentre il resto del mondo non riesce a capire la differenza tra queste pietre e i paletti di cemento su cui si allaccia la catena del motorino.
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