| - {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} Hey, man. I don't think we've met, but your timing's impeccable. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen.
- {[Drop impersonation] Panicked / Afraid} Get away from me!
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. Player has just walked away from him. / Irritated} Hey, man, come back here.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} Things are tough now, but they'll get better.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} You might have heard we're making a comeback. The General sent me to collect donations from concerned citizens like yourself.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} Well, I'd better keep moving. But if you ever need us, you can count on the Minutemen to have your back.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. Irritated with the player. / Irritated} We don't have anything to talk about.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} You ask me, freedom's always worth fighting for.
- {Drops Preston impersonation. Suddently afraid. / Surprised} Oh, shit.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} Hey, man, we're just trying to make the Commonwealth a little better for everyone. Isn't that something you're willing to give a little for?
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. Disappointed. / Somber} It's a cruel world, when one man can't count on another for help. Stay safe out there.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} You can count on the Minutemen to have your back.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Slightly flustered. / Puzzled} Say what, man?
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} Help us out, and you can count on the Minutemen to be there when you need us. Can I put you down for, say, 100 caps?
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. Irritated with the player. / Irritated} Don't test my patience.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} We "Protect the people at a minute's notice." That's the idea, anyway.
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. Irritated with the player. / Irritated} I've got nothing to say to you.
- {[Drop impersonation] Panicked / Afraid} No! No, get away!
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} That's generous of you, man. You really are one of the good guys, you know?
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Friendly} Now, come on. It's not that much to ask, is it?
- {[Impersonating Preston Garvey] Impersonation should be slightly off, just enough to be funny. / Amused} Hah, that's a good one. Well, I see you already know about us.