Col Seeds is a leader of the Rebel Alliance and the founder of Renegade Squadron. He only appears in the spin-off games, making him a non canonical character.
Col Seeds is a leader of the Rebel Alliance and the founder of Renegade Squadron. He only appears in the spin-off games, making him a non canonical character.
Col Serra fue el líder del Escuadrón Renegado, fue contratado por Han Solo para liderar al escuadron y reforzar las defensas de Yavin 4. Encabezó varias escaramuzas como la busqeda del holocron en Alderaan y sirvió de apoyo al grupo de Solo en la Batalla de Endor.
Col Serra was an old friend of Han Solo from his smuggling days. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo asked Col to recruit soldiers that did not need any training for the Rebel Alliance's new fitting unit called Renegade Squadron. Col understood the mission and started scouring the galaxy for the right mix of pirates, thugs, bounty hunters, misfits and renegades. He then became the commander of Renegade Squadron until they disbanded.