| - The relatively brief, but well-known Golden Age of Narnia (1000-1015), was initiated by the Battle of Beruna, and marked the end of the Long Winter, as predicted by the Golden Age Prophecy. During these fifteen Narnian years, Peter ruled as High King alongside his siblings, Queen Susan, King Edmund and Queen Lucy. The Merepeople Nation, Galma, Terebinthia, the Seven Isles and the Lone Islands were reintegrated into Narnia, and alliances were reforged with Archenland. The most notable war with Ettinsmoor was the Ettinsmoor War, led by the High King Peter, which also occurred in 1014.
| - The relatively brief, but well-known Golden Age of Narnia (1000-1015), was initiated by the Battle of Beruna, and marked the end of the Long Winter, as predicted by the Golden Age Prophecy. During these fifteen Narnian years, Peter ruled as High King alongside his siblings, Queen Susan, King Edmund and Queen Lucy. The Merepeople Nation, Galma, Terebinthia, the Seven Isles and the Lone Islands were reintegrated into Narnia, and alliances were reforged with Archenland. During its early years, the Pevensies led Aslan's army against the remnants of the White Witch's Army, which ended with the destruction of the White Witch's Castle in the year 1005, and in its later years they defended Narnia from Calormen attacks and assaults from Ettinsmoor. The most notable attack from Calormen was the Archenland Conflict in 1014. This was spurred by Prince Rabadash's attempts to conquer Anvard and abduct Queen Susan, which was resolved by the aid of Aravis, Hwin, Bree and Shasta, which also resulted in the return of the long-lost crown Prince Cor to Archenland. The most notable war with Ettinsmoor was the Ettinsmoor War, led by the High King Peter, which also occurred in 1014. In 1015, the four rulers disappeared from the World of Narnia while hunting the White Stag in Lantern Waste, before returning to their own world, thus ushering in the Dark Age.