| - The Discovery Institute is a conservative Christian think tank, structured as a non-profit educational foundation, founded in 1990 and based in Seattle, Washington, USA. Its areas of interest, social and political action include intelligent design, public school education, and transportation and bi-national cooperation in the international Cascadia region. Financially, the institute is a non-profit organization funded by philanthropic foundation grants, corporate and individual contributions and the dues of Institute members.
- The Discovery Institute is a religious "think tank" which is famous for its desire to get intelligent design taught in American schools. Many of its goals are set out in the Wedge Document. It is also well known for its attempts to persuade schools that they should "Teach the Controversy." In fact no scientific controversy over evolution exists and this is simply another part of the Wedge strategy. They have recently produced Explore evolution to further their strategy.
- El Discovery Institute es una organización "think tank" anticientífica y religiosa sin fines de lucro fundada en 1990 que se ha hecho famosa por sus intentos de conseguir que el diseño inteligente y el creacionismo se enseñen en la escuelas públicas de Estados Unidos.
- The Discovery Institute is a religious "think tank" which is famous for its desire to get intelligent design taught in American schools. Many of its goals are set out in the Wedge Document. It is also well known for its attempts to persuade schools that they should "Teach the Controversy." In fact no scientific controversy over evolution exists and this is simply another part of the Wedge Strategy. They have recently produced Explore evolution to further their strategy.
- The Discovery Institute is an American non-profit public policy think tank based in Seattle, Washington, best known for its advocacy of intelligent design. Founded in 1990, the institute describes its purpose as promoting "ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty." Its 'Teach the Controversy' campaign aims to teach creationist anti-evolution beliefs in United States public high school science courses alongside accepted scientific theories, positing a scientific controversy exists over these subjects. The website is [1]
- The Discovery Institute was the first think-tank to bring the concept of Orwellianism into the scientific age (followed by the Center for Science and Culture, Truth in Science, and the Airstrip One building The Ministry of Scientific Truth.) As yet the Institute has not made any discoveries, but it's working on it.
| - The Discovery Institute is a conservative Christian think tank, structured as a non-profit educational foundation, founded in 1990 and based in Seattle, Washington, USA. Its areas of interest, social and political action include intelligent design, public school education, and transportation and bi-national cooperation in the international Cascadia region. Financially, the institute is a non-profit organization funded by philanthropic foundation grants, corporate and individual contributions and the dues of Institute members.
- The Discovery Institute is an American non-profit public policy think tank based in Seattle, Washington, best known for its advocacy of intelligent design. Founded in 1990, the institute describes its purpose as promoting "ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty." Its 'Teach the Controversy' campaign aims to teach creationist anti-evolution beliefs in United States public high school science courses alongside accepted scientific theories, positing a scientific controversy exists over these subjects. A federal court, along with the majority of scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, say the Institute has manufactured the controversy they want to teach by promoting a false perception that evolution is "a theory in crisis", through incorrectly claiming that it is the subject of wide controversy and debate within the scientific community. In 2005, a federal court ruled that the Discovery Institute pursues "demonstrably religious, cultural, and legal missions", and the institute's manifesto, the Wedge strategy, describes a religious goal: to "reverse the stifling dominance of the materialist worldview, and to replace it with a science consonant with Christian and theistic convictions". It was the Federal Court's opinion that intelligent design was merely a redressing of creationism and that, as such, it was not a scientific proposition. The website is [1] More information on the Wikipedia page [2]
- The Discovery Institute was the first think-tank to bring the concept of Orwellianism into the scientific age (followed by the Center for Science and Culture, Truth in Science, and the Airstrip One building The Ministry of Scientific Truth.) As yet the Institute has not made any discoveries, but it's working on it. The aim of the think-tank is, amongst other things, to finally allow children to hear the totally scientific and absolutely correct theory of Intelligent Design. This hasn’t happened in the United States since 1987. The totally unscientific and absolutely incorrect theory of neo-Darwinian evolution - the accumulation of improvement in living design due to the process of mutation, variation among the offspring and natural selection - will finally be scrapped because only 99.9999999999% of it has shown to be true. Scientists have not yet found the final 0.0000000001% (nor will they ever). That means that any other theory is correct by default. Since this generation of dirty dirty people has already been gripped by the evil enlightenment of Karma Sutra and have embraced each other and everything that moves (that is, everything that isn't religious), the only chance the Discovery Institute has to successfully revert mankind back to religious bliss is to target the next generation; in other words, target today’s children. The following section details their attitudes on teaching various different things to innocent and impressionable children.
- El Discovery Institute es una organización "think tank" anticientífica y religiosa sin fines de lucro fundada en 1990 que se ha hecho famosa por sus intentos de conseguir que el diseño inteligente y el creacionismo se enseñen en la escuelas públicas de Estados Unidos. Muchos de sus objetivos se establecen en el documento "la cuña" (The Wedge), llamado así porque emplea la conocida "Estrategia de la cuña". Irónicamente, el Discovery Institute tiene su sede en la ciudad liberal de Seattle, Washington. El Instituto también se hizo célebre al evitar participar enviando expertos al Caso Kitzmiller Vs Dover. thumb|213px|Portada de La Cuña. El Discovery Institute está detrás del creciente número de "Actas de Libertad Académica" que están siendo introducidas en varias legislaturas estatales por todo Estados Unidos, con diversos grados de éxito. Estos estatutos de "libertad académica" representan un enfoque más sofisticado para meter furtivamente el creacionismo en las escuelas públicas. El Discovery Institute propuso un lenguaje para una nueva generación de "Actas de Libertad Académica" en el año 2007. Este modelo propuesto se abrió camino en una serie de proyectos de ley en varios estados, como que en Louisiana (aprobada por el Senado, muerta en casa), que permitiría a los profesores "ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender, analizar, criticar, y a revisar de manera objetiva, las fortalezas y debilidades de las teorías científicas existentes pertinentes al curso que se enseña". Como tal, el Discovery Institute amplió significativamente su programa para tratar de permitir a las escuelas "enseñar la controversia" mucho más allá de la Estrategia de la cuña, originalmente concebida y dirigida exclusivamente al creacionismo del diseño inteligente, para llegar a otros campos politizados de la ciencia a la que se oponen derechistas, tales como el cambio climático. El Discovery Institute intenta inyectar la pseudociencia del diseño inteligente en la educación secundaria a través de la publicación de varios libros de texto creacionistas como el clásico "De Pandas y Personas", que fue objeto del Juicio Kitzmiller Vs. Dover. Tal libelo propagandista, retocado en parte por el miembros del Instituto Discovery William A. Dembski y Jonathan Wells, fue rebautizado como The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems (Diseño de la vida: Descubriendo señales de inteligencia en los sistemas biológicos), uno supone que el cambio en el título se debio al deseo desesperado de esconderse de la vergüenza después de lo de Kitzmiller. Permanece en la impresión, al menos a partir de 2009. El Discovery Institute publicó Explore Evolution: The Arguments For and Against Neo-Darwinism (Explorar la Evolución: Los argumentos a favor y en contra del neo-darwinismo) en 2007. Presentan el libro como "el primer libro de texto de biología que presentar la evidencia científica a favor y en contra de los aspectos clave de la evolución darwiniana.
- The Discovery Institute is a religious "think tank" which is famous for its desire to get intelligent design taught in American schools. Many of its goals are set out in the Wedge Document. It is also well known for its attempts to persuade schools that they should "Teach the Controversy." In fact no scientific controversy over evolution exists and this is simply another part of the Wedge Strategy. They have recently produced Explore evolution to further their strategy. The Discovery Institute also coined the term "Evolutionist", in an attempt to undermine the scientific aspect of evolution, and equate it to a religion.
- The Discovery Institute is a religious "think tank" which is famous for its desire to get intelligent design taught in American schools. Many of its goals are set out in the Wedge Document. It is also well known for its attempts to persuade schools that they should "Teach the Controversy." In fact no scientific controversy over evolution exists and this is simply another part of the Wedge strategy. They have recently produced Explore evolution to further their strategy. The Discovery Institute also coined the term "Evolutionist", in an attempt to undermine the scientific aspect of evolution, and equate it to a religion.