| - Dular[[:File:|[, ]]] is a night elf druid trainer for the Alliance located at Lor'danel in Darkshore. He has a butterfly circling around him.
- Dular is a Khajiit found in Dune.
- Dular was a male Sakuubian whom Jaina Solo Fel and Jagged Fel met during their honeymoon in 44 ABY.
- Dular was a Human male and Jedi born in 42 BBY. During his training he was an outstanding student and became the apprentice of the Jedi Master Idnum-Ki in 33 BBY, who believed that he, not Anakin Skywalker as commonly believed, was the Chosen One. Dular quickly became a rival to Skywalker, but Anakin thought of him less as a rival when Dular’s power seemed to be diminished in 27 BBY. During the Clone Wars, Dular’s power once again was restored with each kill that he comitted. At the Battle of Sriran, he performed incredible feats, including Battle Meditation.
- The only son and heir of King Agron of Aven. He was serving High King Blaine, who wished to send him out of harm's way by returning him to Aven. He was mortally wounded when bringing a Gjeenian penny to his father. The Warrow Tipperton Thistledown attempted to save him despite his injuries, and Dular enlisted him to take the coin to Agron, although he did not have the strength to explain who or where Agron was. While Tip was fetching the healer Beau Darby, the Foul Folk broke into his mill and murdered Dular.