| - Ōkaminaga Date, more commonly known by his moniker as the Black Hound. Is one of the few remaining inheritors of the Hiroigui, and one of the last living representatives of the ancient Date Clan. Ōkaminaga was born sixteen years before his younger sibling, Shima Date, and when their parents perished shortly after her second birthday, he found and raised her in their place. As a parent, he was neither loving nor nurturing, for the Date clan only abides by a single law. Namely the law of the great jungle; it's eat or be eaten, and the best thing he could do for his sister was to mold her into the perfect predator, an apex predator. Then, and only then, would he have fulfilled his duty as an older brother. For ten full years he remained by her side, to ensure that she was sufficiently prepare
| - Ōkaminaga Date, more commonly known by his moniker as the Black Hound. Is one of the few remaining inheritors of the Hiroigui, and one of the last living representatives of the ancient Date Clan. Ōkaminaga was born sixteen years before his younger sibling, Shima Date, and when their parents perished shortly after her second birthday, he found and raised her in their place. As a parent, he was neither loving nor nurturing, for the Date clan only abides by a single law. Namely the law of the great jungle; it's eat or be eaten, and the best thing he could do for his sister was to mold her into the perfect predator, an apex predator. Then, and only then, would he have fulfilled his duty as an older brother. For ten full years he remained by her side, to ensure that she was sufficiently prepared for what was to come. But as the years went by, Ōkaminaga saw that she had grown and one night, while she still slept, he abandoned her by the campfire. Without a single word of goodbye. Shima, desperate not to lose the only family she had left, gave chase. But there was no happy reunion as Ōkaminaga attacked her the moment she tracked him down, tearing into her with his claws and leaving her bleeding and unconscious in the village square of a nearby town. To him, his role as an older sibling was over, and he would not be burdened by the cub of his late parents any longer. Following this event, Okaminaga sped off into the wilds and wasn't seen again for many years. His drive being to hunt down every single existant specie of canine and feast on their flesh so that he could make their power his own. Mere mongrels and tame dogs wouldn't do, he required something of far greater quality. Which was why he eventually set his eyes on the Inuzuka clan of Konoha, as both the Ninken and the Inuzuka themselves were premier prey. One night, Okaminaga struck the smaller settlements of the clan at night, as his speed, strength and reflexes had grown to outshine most shinobi. He killed dogs and ninja alike and then made off with their bodies in the night, leaving nothing but bloodied beds and signs of brief struggle. He was however, never found.