| - Salim was born into a family which was part of a migrant religious sect on Dantooine. Coming from an outer rim planet, the sect along with a pregnant Dinna Abad settled in the Khoonda Plains, an area which was rich with historical events. The sect was set up in adobe homes due to their initial reluctance of assimilating into Dantooine society. Due to this reclusive factor, the Dantooine often viewed this religious sect of migrants with suspicion and unease. Dinna gave birth to Salim within their own adobe home, under the careful watch of her husband Omar and three assisting Mid-Wives. Due to Dantooine law, Authorities were outraged that the sect had performed a delivery out side of hospital settings and, in turn, began setting up restrictions against the migrants. The newborn Salim was the
| - Salim was born into a family which was part of a migrant religious sect on Dantooine. Coming from an outer rim planet, the sect along with a pregnant Dinna Abad settled in the Khoonda Plains, an area which was rich with historical events. The sect was set up in adobe homes due to their initial reluctance of assimilating into Dantooine society. Due to this reclusive factor, the Dantooine often viewed this religious sect of migrants with suspicion and unease. Dinna gave birth to Salim within their own adobe home, under the careful watch of her husband Omar and three assisting Mid-Wives. Due to Dantooine law, Authorities were outraged that the sect had performed a delivery out side of hospital settings and, in turn, began setting up restrictions against the migrants. The newborn Salim was then checked over by Government backed physicians and pediatricians. Once given a clean bill of health, his parents were allowed too take him back home. Omar took up a job as a mason, working with brick and assisting construction crews in the development of new buildings and establishments around the Capitol city Garang. Though Omar openly expressed his outright dislike for Dantooine and their society, he dared not express his dissent with the decision to move to the planet. That had been the decision of his father (Salim's Grandfather, Inkol). Omar knew the issues involved and due to their own cultural upbringing understood that as the patriarch of the family, Inkol made the decisions and they were to be respected. Still, in the privacy of his own home, Omar explained his discontent with the planet and it's people, whom he viewed as un-ethical monsters, and wanted to move his wife and son to a place where he had a bit more control over what environment they were in.As the first couple of years of Salims life passed, his father agitation with Dantooine began to grow. Witnessing her husbands continued discontent, Dinna began to make herself a bit more vocal within the family. Where as she loved her husband, she did not care too much for her father-in-law. Dinna understood the importance of the male role within the religious sect and knew that her husband would one day assume the role of patriarch. Wanting to ensure her own son had a solid foundation and a great role model to look after, Dinna began manipulating Omar into standing up more to his father. With his wife supporting his line of thought, pushing him to express his ideals, Omar used any opportunity he could to discuss possibly moving the sect to another planet which held a more moderate view and who would be more accepting of their belief structure. As the months passed, Dinna kept the pressure up on Omar in order for Omar to continue speaking up to his own father, Inkol finally relented. Using the guise that Salim would not be allowed a formal upbringing amongst his own people and stating that Dantooine would intervene and cause him to lose his faith, Inkol informed the sect that they would be relocating to Naboo.