The 228 Compact, more commonly referred to as the P228, is one of the pistols featured in the Counter-Strike series. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, it is replaced by the P250.
The 228 Compact, more commonly referred to as the P228, is one of the pistols featured in the Counter-Strike series. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, it is replaced by the P250.
228 Compact más comúnmente conocida como la P228, es una de las Pistolas que aparecen en Counter-Strike.
The 228 Compact, more commonly referred to as the P228, is one of the pistols featured in the Counter-Strike series. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, it is replaced by the P250.
228 Compact más comúnmente conocida como la P228, es una de las Pistolas que aparecen en Counter-Strike.