Horan was a male Human who served as a lieutenant in the Republic Military during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He was stationed aboard Carrick Station.
Choi Soo Jin mejor conocida como Horan es una cantante pop y actriz coreana. Es vocalista en los grupo Clazziquai e ibadí. Ella era también DJ para "Music Street", donde interpretó música salón, electronica, bossanova, indie, folk y whisper music. En 2015 debuto oficialmente como solista con su primer mini álbum "She is Alright".
Horan was a male Human who served as a lieutenant in the Republic Military during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He was stationed aboard Carrick Station.
Choi Soo Jin mejor conocida como Horan es una cantante pop y actriz coreana. Es vocalista en los grupo Clazziquai e ibadí. Ella era también DJ para "Music Street", donde interpretó música salón, electronica, bossanova, indie, folk y whisper music. En 2015 debuto oficialmente como solista con su primer mini álbum "She is Alright".
Horan was a male Human who served as a lieutenant in the Republic Military during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He was stationed aboard Carrick Station.