Maric Theirin (born 8:78 Blessed), also known as "Maric the Savior", was the king of Ferelden from 9:02 to 9:25 Dragon. He is the son of Moira Theirin and a relative of Teyrn Voric of Gwaren.
Maric Theirin (born 8:78 Blessed), also known as "Maric the Savior", was the king of Ferelden from 9:02 to 9:25 Dragon. He is the son of Moira Theirin and a relative of Teyrn Voric of Gwaren.
Maric Theirin (born 8:78 Blessed), also known as "Maric the Savior", was the king of Ferelden from 9:02 to 9:25 Dragon. He is the son of Moira Theirin and a relative of Teyrn Voric of Gwaren.