| - During the chapter, Estelle, Joshua, Scherazard, and Olivier sneak onto the Sky Bandits' airship to sucessfully find the Bandits' stronghold. After most of the sky bandits left, the group jumped off the airship to ambush the 2 lone guards, Ryan and Lyall. After knocking them out, the group proceeds in travelling down the dungeon while noting that it must be an old base due to the architecture and the presence of the monsters in the vicinity. Eventually the group finds a door holding some of the sky bandits inside.
| - During the chapter, Estelle, Joshua, Scherazard, and Olivier sneak onto the Sky Bandits' airship to sucessfully find the Bandits' stronghold. After most of the sky bandits left, the group jumped off the airship to ambush the 2 lone guards, Ryan and Lyall. After knocking them out, the group proceeds in travelling down the dungeon while noting that it must be an old base due to the architecture and the presence of the monsters in the vicinity. Eventually the group finds a door holding some of the sky bandits inside. The group ambushes the group of sky bandits led by Aaron and Rosco, after which they learn that the hostages are held down in the dungeon protected by even more bandits. After the party travels down and dispatches those enemies led by Lonnie and Dino, they find all the passengers safe and sound, but Cassius Bright, unfortunately, isn't part of the group. The party then learn from a crew member of the Linde, Clare, that Cassius left the airliner right before it left for Bose. Finally, with all the passengers safe, the party descended down to find a secret passage out of the base to Nebel Valley and a room containing all the Capuas inside. The group heard a conversation between Kyle, Josette, and Don Capua talking about how Don has changed and how he wants to kill the hostages after getting the ransom money. After listening on their conversation, the group comes out to fight the Capuas. After they defeated the bandits, Don Capua soon showed that he has no sign of the events that just happened which Joshua noted to the group. Using that talking as a distraction, Kevin threw a smokebomb to escape with his sister and brother. The party then chased them in pursuit. On the way, the party had to refight the sky bandits who they defeated headed by Lonnie and Dino, then another group lead by Aaron and Rosco, and the final group with the leaders, Ryan and Lyall. After finally chasing the Capuas to the top, the party learns that the Royal Army captured the Capuas by that time. This was due to the Intelligence Division relaying the info on the hidden base to Alan Richard who told General Morgan so they both made it into the base along with the Royal Guards by airship. Nial and Dorothy were there too to write their news articles from the events. The Royal Army then escorted the hostages home and the Capuas to the Leiston Fortress.