305 is a Third Class cabin on the Spencer Rain.
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| - 305 is a Third Class cabin on the Spencer Rain.
- [[Plik:Patriotow_(autobus_305).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Autosan Solina na linii 305 na ul. Patriotów (2008)]] 305 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie ze Strusia do PKP Międzylesie. Linię obsługuje ajent Europa Express CityKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Europa Express City.
- [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 305, the Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard stopped the Nimon from invading a Roman fort in Britannia. (AUDIO: Seasons of Fear) At the same time, a single Dalek was deposited at this fort due to time travel experiments, engaging the soldiers in a brief skirmish before being overwhelmed and killed. (AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks)
- El trescientos cinco (305) es el número natural que sigue al 304 y precede al 306. Categoría:Números
- David Collins is playing in the woods when Sarah Collins appears. She is wearing her bonnet again, and when David asks, she tells him it is too hard to explain where her home is. David says he understands if Sarah has to keep it a secret. He wonders if she can tell him another secret. Sarah points out that she already has: that Maggie Evans was alive. David thinks that's the best kind of secret to have: one that no one will believe. Sarah claims to know lots like that. David tells her that many people have been asking about her, although he knows next-to-nothing about Sarah to relate to them. Despite this, David still likes her as a friend. She begs him to stay and play with her for a little while. She hates to be alone and promises to take David to a "special place" to play. Although the
- Tim hat gefeiert und ist in Geber-Laune: Er lässt Nina ein teures Designer-Kleid für Diana Hochzeit zukommen, woraufhin Nina sich angetan bei ihm bedankt. Tim ist glücklich über Ninas Nähe und fühlt sich darin bestärkt, Frauen mit Geld zu beeindrucken. Kurz entschlossen stellt er Nina ein teures Cabrio vor die Tür. Doch Nina reagiert anders, als erwartet. Friederikes Gedächtnisverlust kommt Maximilian entgegen, denn so bleibt Friederikes Wissen um seine Identität den Steinkamps verborgen. Um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, organisiert er Friederikes Verlegung in eine Spezialklinik im Ausland. Die Gefahr scheint gebannt. Doch Maximilian hat nicht mit Axel gerechnet. Traurig über Etiennes Abreise ist Annette umso überraschter, als dieser plötzlich zurückkehrt und verkündet, länger in Essen zu bl
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| - Tim hat gefeiert und ist in Geber-Laune: Er lässt Nina ein teures Designer-Kleid für Diana Hochzeit zukommen, woraufhin Nina sich angetan bei ihm bedankt. Tim ist glücklich über Ninas Nähe und fühlt sich darin bestärkt, Frauen mit Geld zu beeindrucken. Kurz entschlossen stellt er Nina ein teures Cabrio vor die Tür. Doch Nina reagiert anders, als erwartet. Friederikes Gedächtnisverlust kommt Maximilian entgegen, denn so bleibt Friederikes Wissen um seine Identität den Steinkamps verborgen. Um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, organisiert er Friederikes Verlegung in eine Spezialklinik im Ausland. Die Gefahr scheint gebannt. Doch Maximilian hat nicht mit Axel gerechnet. Traurig über Etiennes Abreise ist Annette umso überraschter, als dieser plötzlich zurückkehrt und verkündet, länger in Essen zu bleiben. Doch Mike erkennt, dass Etienne anscheinend ein Geheimnis vor Annette hat und so legt sich ein Schatten auf das junge Glück...
- 305 is a Third Class cabin on the Spencer Rain.
- [[Plik:Patriotow_(autobus_305).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Autosan Solina na linii 305 na ul. Patriotów (2008)]] 305 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie ze Strusia do PKP Międzylesie. Linię obsługuje ajent Europa Express CityKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Europa Express City.
- [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 305, the Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard stopped the Nimon from invading a Roman fort in Britannia. (AUDIO: Seasons of Fear) At the same time, a single Dalek was deposited at this fort due to time travel experiments, engaging the soldiers in a brief skirmish before being overwhelmed and killed. (AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks)
- El trescientos cinco (305) es el número natural que sigue al 304 y precede al 306. Categoría:Números
- David Collins is playing in the woods when Sarah Collins appears. She is wearing her bonnet again, and when David asks, she tells him it is too hard to explain where her home is. David says he understands if Sarah has to keep it a secret. He wonders if she can tell him another secret. Sarah points out that she already has: that Maggie Evans was alive. David thinks that's the best kind of secret to have: one that no one will believe. Sarah claims to know lots like that. David tells her that many people have been asking about her, although he knows next-to-nothing about Sarah to relate to them. Despite this, David still likes her as a friend. She begs him to stay and play with her for a little while. She hates to be alone and promises to take David to a "special place" to play. Although the hour is late, he agrees to go with her to Eagle Hill Cemetery. At the Old House, Barnabas Collins has woken from his coffin later than usual. Willie Loomis notes that his master is not feeling well. It is clear Julia Hoffman's treatments are affecting him. Barnabas fears he might have to call a halt to the experiment. He also confesses to being troubled by Sarah's presence. At that moment, Julia arrives. She is pleased by Barnabas' condition, which means her treatments are taking effect. Barnabas doubts her claims of progress, and he threatens her. She goes downstairs to the cellar to prepare her tests. Alone with Willie again, Barnabas shares his distrust of Julia. He orders Willie to destroy Julia if Willie suspects her injections are having a harmful effect on him. Willie reluctantly agrees. At Eagle Hill, David wanders around the mist-shrouded tombstones looking for Sarah. She appears again and takes him inside the Mausoleum. Back at the Old House, Julia has finished her analysis of Barnabas' test results. Barnabas confronts her with his suspicions: he believes she will do and say anything to continue the experiment. Julia assures him they are already beyond the point of failure. She has succeeded in altering the cellular structure of Barnabas' blood cells. Because he is feeling it throughout his entire circulatory system, it is a strong indication of success. Everything she believes in is at stake, and Barnabas points out that that includes her life. Julia wants to earn Barnabas' trust; he demands to know how long the experiment will continue. She can't give him an exact timetable but assures him they are getting close to completion. Barnabas cannot allow himself to be weak as he has a task that will require all of his strength. Julia learns he intends to deal with Burke Devlin and urges the vampire not to risk killing now and ruining their success. However, she does agree that Burke and his suspicions must be taken care of. She promises Barnabas she will handle the situation in her own way. Meanwhile, Sarah reveals the secret of the mausoleum to David. She urges him to pull the ring in the lion's mouth fixture of Naomi Collins' tomb. The secret door opens, and Sarah takes David inside the hidden room. He is surprised to find a coffin within, but even more so when Sarah urges him to open it. David reluctantly agrees. Together, they open the coffin.
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