| - The Illogicopedia Official User-Base Extending Faction, or the Illogicopedia Official Mammary-Endorsing, Thrill-Seeking User-Base Extending Faction And Sock Puppet Prevention Society Ltd for short, is an unofficial (despite the name) group aimed at enticing more people to join Illogicopedia. There has been a lot of talk about gaining fresh new minds for the illogia but no one is quite sure or willing how. So the way me and Seppy see it, is that we all work together ('cept you MMF, :P ) to rectumify this problem. There was at some point some, like advertising code thingies to put on forums but I can't remember where they are. Eh Hindleyite? Hinttady hint hint hint. Another thought would be what kind of people we want to join Illogicopedia, what kind of people would want to join us, and what kind of people should we just laugh at from a safe distance? Uncyclopedia seems to be a good source of users whereas ED generally holds little water with our keep it clean policy. -- 08:16, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)