| - After careful testing of the termites' DNA, Hodgkin determined that the genus was clearly native to Loracus. This set up the question: why there was such an amazing similarity to terrestrial termites? Over the next decade and a half, Hodgkin slowly puzzled out the theory that would rock the biological world as profoundly as Darwin's had centuries earlier. (ENT: "Strange New World") The next development in the theory was the realization that there was a tendency toward sociological as well as biological similarities where environmental conditions were similar. For instance, by the 2260s Starfleet and other exploratory organizations had discovered numerous planets with humanoid populations that shared certain social constructs. Family units, spoken languages, furniture, space travel, dispute resolution through an organized legal process, organized war waged by governments – all of these were aspects of society that appeared to transcend any one single planet's societal development. (TOS: "Miri" , "Bread and Circuses" , "Patterns of Force" , "The Omega Glory" ) For example, family units similar to Human ones were seen for Vulcans in TOS: "Journey to Babel" and in ENT: "Home", "Kir'Shara" and "Babel One" , and for Andorians in ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."; legal systems similar to some on Earth were seen on Romulus (TNG: "Unification I" ), Bajor (DS9: "Dax"), and on Qo'noS in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; spoken languages, space travel, and war were seen throughout all series as being shared aspects of society by various planets. The Hodgkin theory was adapted to explain the observed instances of similarities in societies that had never had previous contact with each other developing along similar lines. The theory did not require identical development of a society, it simply offered an explanation for similarities. Finding nearly identical development was "virtually impossible" (as Spock remarked about the planet Ekos), and when found to be close to identical was viewed as an "amazing" example of Hodgkin's Law (as Captain Kirk remarked about the society on the planet 892-IV). (TOS: "Bread and Circuses" )